E1 alcohol & drug policy june 12.pdf

Schedule 3 - Alcohol And Drug Testing
3.1 Alcohol Testing

A. Screening test
The Screening test is usually conducted by a Breath Alcohol Tester using an approved Breath Testing
Device. If the Screening test results are less than 250 µg/L (which is lower than the legal driving limit for
people over twenty years of age in New Zealand7 ), or 100 µg/L for under 20 years of age breath alcohol
concentration, the results are negative. The Breath Alcohol Tester will report this back to the testee and
manager concerned.
If the Screening test results are 250 µg/L or greater for over 20 year olds or 100 µg/L or greater for under
20 year olds, a second or confirmatory test must be conducted.
B. Confirmatory Test
The confirmatory test must be conducted by a Breath Alcohol Tester using the same Breath Testing Device
as the Screening test. Before the confirmatory test may be given, a minimum of 15 minutes and maximum
of 20 minutes must have passed since the Screening test was performed. During this period, the employee
should remain under observation, and avoid any actions that could increase mouth alcohol. The 15-20
minute wait period is to ensure that the presence of mouth alcohol does not artificially raise the test result.
Only the results of the confirmatory test shall be reported, irrespective of the results on the Screening test.
If the results of the initial and confirmatory tests are not identical, the confirmation test result is deemed to
be the final test result.
3.2 Drug Testing

Screening Test
The screening test may be carried out on-site by urinary analysis using an AS/NZS 4308: 2008 compliant
on-site screening device or by laboratory screening methods conducted at an accredited laboratory. The
current Australian Standard / New Zealand 4308: 2008 cut-off concentrations shall be used when screening
specimens to determine whether they are negative or not-negative for the tested drug classes.
Class of drug Cut-off Level
(µg /L)

Opiates 300
Sympathomimetic amines 300
Cannabis metabolites 50
Cocaine metabolites 300
Benzodiazepines 200
NB: The cut-off concentrations published in AS/NZS 4308:2008 are subject to change by Standards
Australian / Standard New Zealand, as advances in technology or other considerations warrant.
7 Land Transport Act 1998 Alcohol & Drug Policy Version 2.1d Schedules

Confirmatory Test

Any specimens identified as not-negative in the screening test shall be confirmed at an accredited
laboratory by Gas or Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Mass Spectrometry) techniques using
the most current cut-off concentrations. .
The current confirmatory test cut-off concentrations (as total drug) are:
Cut-off level
11-nor -'9-tetrahydroccannabinol-9- carboxylic acid * These drugs may be optionally tested within each class and the specified cut-off levels shall apply Note: These cut-off levels are subject to change by Standards Australia / Standards NZ as advances in technology or other considerations warrant. Alcohol & Drug Policy Version 2.1d

Source: http://www.ernslaw.co.nz/assets/resources-contractors/Policies/E1-Alcohol-Drug-policy-Schedule-3-Thresholds.pdf

Vorstellung jacqueline kramer

Philosophie Naturgeflüster ist eine Therapiepraxis für Mensch und Tier und bietet erfolgreich individuelle Einzelsitzungen, aber auch fundierte Aus- und Weiterbildungen an. In den Workshop’s und Ausbildungen wird grossen Wert auf persönliche Entwicklung gelegt. Eine professionelle und engagierte Betreuung der Schüler ist selbstverständlich. Die Schüler profitieren vom praxisnahen Unterrich

Part 1/section

BIOMARKERS IN EEL TO EVALUATE EFFECTS OF DIQUAT IN A CHRISTCHURCH RIVERL A TremblayLandcare Research, CENTOX, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, New Zealand. E-mail: TremblayL@landcareresearch.co.nzManuscript received, 30/5/03; resubmitted, 4/12/03; accepted, 8/12/03. ABSTRACTChristchurch City Council uses herbicides for the control of exotic plant species in and around the waterways throughout Christchu

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