Energy Ambassadors Campaign UK Concept Contents 1Introduction ___________________________________ 1 Background to the UK Situation____________________________________________ 1 Main SWEA activities and project plan ______________________________________ 2 Timeline for main activities________________________________________________ 3 Tools and Training Details ________________________________________________ 3 Actions to be carried out by Energy Ambassadors ____________________________ 4 Description of Local Energy Ambassadors committee _________________________ 4 DISCLAIMER
While reasonable steps have been made to ensure that the information in this report is accurate
and complete, SWEA cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage
that results from work undertaken on the basis of the recommendations. Nothing in this report is
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EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit 1 Introduction
The ‘ original’ Energy Ambassadors was developed in France by the Energy Agency Prioriterre in partnership with local government (le Conseil General de Haute-Savoie) almost 10 years ago. Although the principle aims are similar to the original project, to help and advise families to manage and reduce their domestic energy consumption, there is now added emphasis on the idea that fuel poverty and energy issues should be included in the every day work of public and voluntary sector health and social care professionals. The approach will differ in each country depending on local needs and delivery, however the UK local concept will contain:
• Background to the UK situation • Main activities and project plan including a flow chart detailing times scale • Details of the training and tools developed to support the Energy Ambassadors • Description of the actions carried out by the Energy Ambassadors • Description of the Energy Ambassadors steering committee identifying key stake
1.1 Background to the UK Situation
It has long been accepted in the UK that cold damp homes contribute to massive public health problems and high excess winter deaths. Although there are a number of national and local schemes and projects that tackle this issue the number of people in the UK living in fuel poverty continues to rise. Severn Wye Energy Agency have been involved in affordable warmth and fuel poverty projects for over 10 years and are aware of the need to reach greater numbers of households with advice and information on the actions that can be taken to reduce the instance of fuel poverty. Working with trusted professionals from both the voluntary and public sector is seen as an important way to target households who may be classed as hard to reach. The Energy Ambassadors project will give SWEA the opportunity to work in conjunction with other relevant projects and schemes to deliver in depth training advice and support to voluntary and public sector professionals who are in direct contact with vulnerable home owners. The project will be delivered throughout Gloucestershire with particular emphasis in areas of deprivation in Gloucester and Cheltenham. Experience gained from the project will also be used in setting up similar schemes in Swindon and Herefordshire EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit 1.2 Main SWEA activities and project plan
The aim of the project is to recruit and train at least 30 Energy Ambassadors who will raise awareness and give advice on saving energy within the home to over 3,000 vulnerable clients. The following lists the main activities SWEA will carry out to deliver the above aims.
• Identify key partners and stake holders including key champions within the
organisations -- consult and engage their support in recruiting Energy Ambassadors
• Develop the EA agreement for employers and employee
• Develop training module -- link to the specific agenda of Energy Ambassadors e.g.
by using information on health effects locally
• Develop training tools to support Energy Ambassadors
• Attend team meetings and events to present project
• Develop promotional material to support recruitment campaign
• Develop system for Energy Ambassadors to make referrals to relevant schemes
• Develop promotional material to support Energy Ambassadors advice campaign
these may include: Thermometer cards, cloth bags, post cards
• Deliver training program (4 sessions up to 12 people attending each)
• Support Energy Ambassadors to give specific advise to home owners
• Collect information from Energy Ambassadors on advice given in the home
• Support Energy Ambassadors with joint home visits including expert energy
• Review and monitor system to ensure energy advice given to homeowners is of
• Develop systems to ensure longevity of the project EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit 1.3 Timeline for main activities
• May 2009 to November 2009 -- consult, develop tools and materials
• October 2009 -- February 2009 -- recruit Energy Ambassadors
• January 2010 -- March 2010 -- deliver training
• March 2010 -- March 2011 -- support Energy Ambassadors, monitor and report
1.4 Tools and Training Details
SWEA is aware of a number of existing tools that are already available in the UK. SWEA will review and revise these tools to adapt them for the use of the local Energy Ambassadors. Relevant tools include a pack consisting of a symptoms check list, thermometer card, simple home energy check and leaflets on the following:
• Are you at risk from the cold? • Is your home cold? • Are your fuel bills too high? • Do you have problems with damp? • Insulation • Central heating • Electric storage heating
The pack will be distributed to all Energy Ambassadors when attending their first training/ briefing session. Other tools will be developed during the project with the help of the Local Energy Ambassadors steering committee. All tools will include information to signpost the professionals and the householder on where to go to get more information and advice. One of the main tools for the project is the training module this will be developed as an interactive PowerPoint session and include the following topics:
• Fuel poverty, affordable warmth in the UK • Cold damp homes and health issues
o Include specific links to health and social care professionals agenda/work
• Heat loss from the home • Energy use in the home
o Heating systems and use of heating controls
• Condensation and ventilation • Delivering energy advice • Help available for home owners, grants etc. • Details of the Energy Ambassador project
o Introduce tools for Energy Ambassadors EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit
The training programme will be developed in consultation with health and social care professionals to ensure it is appropriate to their needs giving enough information without being too time demanding. With this in mind the above details may vary in practice. In the UK it is likely the training will be done in one session with follow up information and support provided individually to the trained Energy Ambassadors via team meetings/briefings and the steering group committee.
1.5 Actions to be carried out by Energy Ambassadors
Energy Ambassadors will give specific advice on saving energy in the home to home owners; this will be provided in a number of ways:
• Specific advice during regular home visits clients in need of advice will be
• Distribute information and tips on saving energy in the home to all clients • Encourage home owners to complete existing home energy checks which will
result in them receiving an EST report on how to be more energy efficient in their home.
• Give information and advice over the phone when homeowner calls Energy
• Joint home visits with energy expert for more difficult cases • Signpost to Energy Saving Trust Advice line for referrals to grant schemes
1.6 Description of Local Energy Ambassadors committee
The Energy Ambassadors committee will consist of key people and stakeholders from the following:
• Affordable Warmth Partnership. This partnership oversees the delivery of fuel
o Third sector organisations such as Age Concern, Citizens Advice.
• National Health Service Partnership Coordinator • Energy Ambassadors and their supervisors • Members of the SHARE social housing form • Warm and Well Project manager • Energy Ambassadors Project manager
There will be a total of 6 meetings through out the project, meetings will include:
• Updates on how the project is developing • Case studies and share details on important success • Information and briefings from experts to increase the knowledge of the Energy
Ambassadors and other partners attending EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit
Notes of the meetings will be kept on the affordable warmth partnership website and circulated via email. Energy Ambassadors UK concept overview EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit
Kaye Welfare Assistant Director Severn Wye Energy Agency Unit 15 Highnam Business Centre Highnam Gloucester GL2 8DN 01452 835081 EA Report.doc Sustainable Energy Audit
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