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Hebrew / Jewish Holy Days
Rosh haShanah, The Feast Of Trumpets, is the Jewish New Year
Rosh haShanah
Yom Teruah
Starts At Sundown.
Hebrew Calendar Date.
Wed, Sep. 28, 2011
Thu, 1 Tishri 5772
Sun, Sep. 16, 2012
Mon, 1 Tishri 5773
Wed, Sep. 4, 2013
Thu, 1 Tishri 5774
Wed, Sep. 24, 2014
Thu, 1 Tishri 5775
Sun, Sep. 13, 2015
Mon, 1 Tishri 5776
Sun, Oct. 2, 2016
Mon, 1 Tishri 5777
Rosh haShanah IS a Sabbath but is NOT a High Holy Day!
Eschatologists consider Rosh haShanah (Yom Teru'ah) the most likely day that Ye-shu'a (Jesus) will return to the earth a second time, but Eschatologists cannot discern exactly WHICH YEAR Ye-shu'a
(Jesus) will return.

Rosh haShanah is called "The Day That No-One Knows"
because it is the only Hebrew Feast / Festival day that falls on the first day of a month (Rosh Chodesh).
Since the first day of any Hebrew month depends on the sighting of the first tiny sliver of the next waxing moon following a new moon, no-one knows exactly when Rosh haShanah will begin until the ne
waxing moon is sighted and the 7th Hebrew month (Tishri) is officially declared to have begun. Discover The Significance Of Rosh Chodesh
Rosh haShanah, the New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, are two very important holidays in the Jewish calendar.
However, modern Hebrews attribute far more importance to both of them than is actually warranted, justifiable or even defensible.
Modern Hebrews consider Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur (and the days between them) to be "THE" High Holy Days.
Whereas this is not God's opinion, for God has NOT declared either Rosh haShanah or Yom Kippur a High Holy Day.
The three High Holy Days established by God are:
1 - The first day of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread (Chag Ha Matzoh) - 15 Nisan - The day after The Passover.
2 - Pentecost (Shavu'ot) - On a Sunday, very late in spring, fifty days from the first Sunday following (after) The Passover.
3 - The first day of the Feast Of Tabernacles (Sukk'ot) - 15 Tishri - Five days after Yom Kippur and fifteen days after Rosh haShanah.
These three God-ordained High Holy Days are Annual High Sabbaths, "Pilgrimage" Sabbaths.
On God's ecclesiastical calendar, there are no OTHER
High Holy Days!
About which, see: Ex. 23:14-17 --- Lev. Chapter 23 --- Deu. 16:16
But, remember that
there actually are NO Hebrew or Jewish Holy Days,
for there are only GOD'S Holy Days
which the Sons of Israel were commanded to faithfully observe
as their form of worship of The God Of Abraham.
Leviticus 23:1-2
1 - The LORD spoke again to Moses, saying,
2 - Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, The LORD'S appointed times which you shall proclaim as
holy convocations. My appointed times are these: --- NASB
The Old Testament Holy Days were ordained by God as
"Appointed Times" which He considers Holy unto Himself.
More Information About:
Yom Kippur ||| Sukk'ot ||| Shemini Atzeret ||| Simchat Torah ||| Hanukkah ||| Purim ||| Pesach
How could today's "cultural" Hebrews
be in so much confusion about the timing of their OWN Annual High Sabbaths
(High Holy Days), the God-ordained "Pilgrimage" Sabbaths?
Click Here - Read About Pharisees -vs- Sadducees
The following are modern Hebrew "BELIEFS" about Rosh haShanah.
These are man-made traditions and customs that were not derived from the Hebrew's Holy Scriptures (Torah, Tanakh) but emerged during, and have evolved since, the Babylonian Diaspora, and have
been greatly expanded upon in the Talmud (Rabbinical commentaries).
On Rosh haShanah, Jews all over the world gather in synagogues to celebrate the day HaShem (God) created Adam and Khavah, the first humans.
, in the Bible, Khavah (Woman) was created at some later date following the creation of Adam.
Rosh haShanah starts on the first day of Tishri and lasts two days. Rosh haShanah is the beginning of the Yamim Noraim, the ten days of atonement.
, in the Bible, Rosh haShanah lasts for only one day, and Yom Kippur is the only (solitary) day of atonement.
And, in the Bible, God has NOT attached any special significance to the eight days between Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur.
WHO are YOU going to believe? God, MAYBE?
These examples give cause to suspect that modern Hebrew religious authorities, the Orthodox Jews, have never even read their OWN Holy Scriptures because they give undue precedence to Rabbinical
commentaries (Talmud, et. al.) while ignoring the "LAW
" (Torah) and their Holy Scriptures (Tanakh).
Among scripturally astute individuals, much amusement is derived from noting the differences between the beliefs and practices (the customs and traditions) of modern-day "cultural" Hebrews as
opposed to what The God Of Abraham has revealed to them in the Holy Scriptures.

The Hebrews possess the "Oracles Of God", yet the Hebrews cannot make any sense out of them at all.
For even if Hebrews actually DO read their own Holy Scriptures,
it is obvious that they do not understand what they are reading.
About which, SEE: Second Corinthians 3:14-16
It is IMAGINED that on Rosh haShanah, all mankind is judged. That HaShem (The God Of Abraham) writes the judgment for each person in the Book of Life. It is IMAGINED that this judgment is based on
people's lives for the year before, and is the decision of what will happen to each person in the coming year.

It is further IMAGINED that the judgment is not final. That the days between Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur give people a time to change the judgment for good. It is IMAGINED that each person is
given the chance to improve their coming year through Teshuvah (asking forgiveness), Tefillah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity).

On Rosh haShanah Hebrews wish each other "L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevuh" may you be written in for a good year. But, it is only IMAGINED that Rosh haShanah is not the end of the judgment, and it is
further IMAGINED
that only on Yom Kippur that judgment is made final.
The above are man-made practices, traditions and customs. They are NOT Biblical teachings, they are NOT God-given beliefs.
HaShem = God (The God Of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
Rosh haShanah = 1 Tishri - Feast of Trumpets - The start of the Jewish New Year
Yom Teruah = The Day of Blowing the Silver Trumpets (Rosh haShanah)
Yom Hadin = The Day of Judgment (Rosh haShanah)
Yom Hazikaron = The Day of Remembering
Yamim Noraim = The ten days of atonement - 1-10 Tishri
Yom Kippur = 10 Tishri - Day of Atonement
Tashlich = Ceremony of casting away one's sins
Tishri = Seventh (7th) Month - Begins in September
Teruah = Silver Trumpets - Temple Trumpets - Featured on Rosh haShanah
Shofar = Ram's horn trumpet - The Watchman-On-The-Wall trumpet & Signaling trumpet
Torah = "The Law" of God (or Books of Moses) - The five books of Genesis -thru- Deuteronomy
Tanakh = The Hebrew's Holy Scriptures - The Christian Bible's "Old Testament"
Machzor = Prayer book used on Holy Days
Adam = Man - Created from the dirt of the ground
Khavah = Woman (Later, named Eve) - Created from Adam
Teshuvah = Asking Forgiveness
Tefillah = Prayer
Tzedakah = Charity
L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevuh = A wish for each other, that you may be scheduled (by God) for a good (Blessed) year.

Rosh haShanah Resources:
Click Here - Rosh haShanah Blessings
Click Here - Rosh haShanah Special Readings
Click Here - Rosh haShanah Tashlich - Special Penitential Prayers
Click Here - Rosh haShanah Evening Home Ritual - In Hebrew and English
More Information About:
Yom Kippur ||| Sukk'ot ||| Shemini Atzeret ||| Simchat Torah ||| Hanukkah ||| Purim ||| Pesach
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Hebrew-Related Resources:
Click Here - Jewish Virtual Library - Main Library Index Page
The Jewish Virtual Library's purpose is to provide information about all facets of Jewish life:
Judaism, Jewish holidays, Israel and Jerusalem, Jews in the Diaspora, History of Anti-Semitism,
The rise of Zionism and Zionist thought, Biographies of prominent Zionists, The Holocaust, Israel's Wars.
Plus: "Who is a Jew?"
Click Here - What Do Jews Believe? - The Thirteen Principles Of Faith
Rambam's principles of faith, which he thought were the minimum requirements of Jewish belief.
Click Here - The Sacred Texts of Judaism - The Internet Sacred Texts Archive
Tanakh (In Hebrew script and transliterated text) - Talmud and Mishna - Haggada - Midrash
Other texts from late Antiquity and Middle Ages - Kabbalah - Modern texts.
Click Here - Judaism 101 - Jewish Education And Hebraic Study Resources.
Click Here - Akhlah - The Jewish Children's Learning Network.
Click Here - Hebrew Interlinear Holy Scriptures - Tanakh
Hebrew / English Interlinear Old Testament - Tanakh - The "Law" - Prophets - Poetry - History.
Hebrew Script with English text - In PDF Format.
Click Here - The Guide for the Perplexed
By Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, better known as Moses Maimonides or "the Rambam".
Translated by M. Friedländer [1903] - In HTML Format.
Click Here - The Orthodox Union - Kashrut
Glatt Kosher Hebrew Authority - Kosher Certification.
Everything you need to know about Jewish Orthodoxy.
MORE! than you ever wanted to know about Jewish Orthodoxy.
Oy! Such an in-depth Online resource that the term "In-Depth" is an understatement.
Click Here - Moshiach: The Messiah - The Messianic Idea In Judaism
Belief in the eventual coming of the Moshiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism.
It is part of Rambam's "13 Principles of Faith," the minimum requirements of Jewish belief.
Jewish Liturgy
Sabbath prayers can be found in The Transliterated Siddur, a complete Shabbat liturgy
available online in English and transliterated Hebrew
An online audio resource for learning to chant the Hebrew liturgy of the Siddur - Jewish
prayer book - learn to chant the Shabbat services, prepare for your Bar Mitzvah or Bat
Mitzvah or brush-up on your davening skills.
The liturgical audio tracks are consistent with the text found in traditional Siddurim.
Friday Night - Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday - Shabbat Morning Service
Miscellaneous Home Prayers, including:
• Shabbat Z'mirot - Songs sung around the Sabbath table
• Torah Blessings - When honored with a Torah Aliyah
• Passover Seder - Selections from Pesach Haggadah
• Hanukkah Blessings - Chanukah Candle Lighting
• Weekday Minyan - Learn the daily davening
• Weekday Mincha - Afternoon Service
• Weekday Ma'ariv - Evening Service
• Hallel - Festivals and Rosh Chodesh
• An'im Z'mirot - Shir haKavod
Click Here - For Siddur Audio in Hebrew
Observant Jews pray three times a day, and Judaism has an extensive liturgy - See:
Prayers and Blessings - Introduction
Common Prayers and Blessings - Advanced
Jewish Liturgy - The Shema - Shemoneh Esrei (Tefilah) - The Kaddish
Yom Kippur Liturgy
The significance of Rosh Chodesh
Read The Talmud
More Information About:
Yom Kippur ||| Sukk'ot ||| Shemini Atzeret ||| Simchat Torah ||| Hanukkah ||| Purim ||| Pesach
Click Here - The Hebrew's High Holy Days --- The "Pilgrimage" Sabbaths
Click Here - View The Current Hebrew Calendar
Click Here - View A Chart Of Easter, Passover and Pentecost Dates
For Years 2000 -thru- 2050
Click Here - View The Hebrew Calendar For Jewish Year 3758
The Year Of Christ Jesus' Birth (BCE 4 - BCE 3)
Click Here - View The Hebrew Calendar For Jewish Year 3757
The Year Of Christ Jesus' Conception (BCE 5 - BCE 4)
Click Here - Why Hebrews Refuse To Believe-In Christ Jesus
Click Here - View A Chart Of The Names Of Hebrew Months
Click Here - View A Chart Explaining Hebrew Leap Years
Click Here - View a Chart of the Numerical Values in the Hebrew Alphabet
Click Here - Read The Bible.
Click Here - Pray The Prayer Of Salvation.
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Document source: http://antipas.net/6_rosh.htm

Source: http://endtime.ichthus.info/02/DOCS/Yom-Teruah.pdf

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