National Institute of pharmaceuticalEducation and research (NIPER),Mohali
Mohan Lal Sukhadia UniversityRajasthan (MLSU)
1. Rajput, S.K., Singh, J.,N.; Ingole, S.; Jain, R.; Kaur, N.; Monga, V.; Me . .; Jain, R.;
Sharma. S.S., Neuropharmacological profile of L-pGlu-(1-benzyl)- L -His- L -ProNH2, a newer Thyrotropin-releasing hormone analog: Effects on seizure models, sodium current, cerebral blood flow and behavioral parameters,. Ep E i p l i e l p e s p y s Re R s e e s a e r a c r h c , 87, 20 0 , 223-233
2. Rajput, S. K.; Siddiqui, M. A.; Kumar, V.; Me C L.; Pant, A. B.; Jain, R.; Sharma, S. S.
Protective effects of L-pGlu-(2-propyl)-L-His-L-ProNH2 a newer thyrotropin releasing hormone analog in in vitro and in vivo models of cerebral ischemia. Pe P p e t p i t d i e d s e 1 , 32,
3. Rajput, S.K.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Pawar, C.; Kaur, N.; Monga, V.; Me n , C.L.; Jain, R.;
Sharma, S.S.; Antiepileptic potential and behavioral profile of L -pGlu-(2-propyl)– L-His– L - ProNH2, a newer Thyrotropin-releasing hormone analogue, Ep E i p l i e l p e s p y s & Be B h e a h v a i v o i u o r u 14,
4. Khomane, K.; Kumar, L.; Me . .; Jain, R.; Bansal, A.; NP-647, a novel TRH analogue:
Investigating physicochemical parameters critical for its oral and parenteral delivery. In I t n . t J. J Ph P a h r a m r a m . 406, 1–2, 15, 20
5. Kailas S. Khomane, K. Nandekar, P.; Wahlang, B.; Shaikh, N.; Pawar, Y.B.; Me
Sangamwar, T.; Jain, R.; K. Tikoo and Bansal. A.K., Mechanistic Insights into PEPT1- Mediated Transport of a Novel-Antiepileptic, NP-647. Mo M l o . l Ph P a h r a m r a m c a e c u e t u i t c i s c . s 20 1 , 9, 2458-
6. Monga, V., Me L , Kaur, N., Kumar, S., Pawar, C., Sharma, S.S. and Jain R., Facile
Synthesis of N-α-Boc-1,2-Dialkyl- L–His Utility in the Synthesis of Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) Analogs and Evaluation of the CNS Activity, J.
7. Monga V.; Me C L.; Kaur, N.; Jain, R.; Chemistry and biology of Thyrotropin-releasing
hormone (TRH) and its analogs. Cu C r u r r . r Me M d e . d Ch C e h m e . m 20 0 , 15, 2718-2733.
8. Monga, V.; Me C L.; Rajput, S.; Pawar, C.; Sharma, S. S.; Lu, X.; Gershengorn, M. C.;
Jain, R. Synthesis, receptor binding and CNS pharmacological studies of new thyrotropin- releasing hormone (TRH) analogues. Ch C e h m e M m e M d e C d h C e h m e . 20 1 , 6, 531-543.
9. Sharma, S. S; Rajput, S.K.; Ingole, S.; Jain, R.; Kaur, N.; Monga, V.; Me
safety pharmacology of newer TRH analogue L- pGlu-(1-benzyl)-L-His-L-ProNH2
10.Khomane K. S.; Me C L.; Jain, R.; Bansal, A. K. Novel thyrotropin-releasing hormone
analogs: a patent review. Ex E p x e p r e t r Op O i p n i . n Th T e h r e . r Pa P t a . t 20 1 , 21, 1673-1691.
11.Sah, N.; Rajput, S. K.; Singh, J. N.; Me C L.; Jain, R.; Sikdar, S. K.; Sharma, S. S. L-
pGlu-(2-propyl)-L-His-L-ProNH2 attenuates 4-aminopyridine-induced epileptiform activity and sodium current: a possible action of new thyrotropin-releasing hormone analog for its anticonvulsant potential. Ne N u e r u o r s o c s i c e i n e c n e c 20 1 , 199, 74-85.
12.Rajput, S.K.; Jitendra Singh, J.; Me
Jain, R.; Adity Pant, A.; and Sharma, S.S.;
L- pGlu-(1-Benzyl)-L-His-L-Pro-NH2 a Newer Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) Analog with anti-convulsive and neuroprotective properties FA
13Kumar, L., Me . .; Pawar, Y.B.; Wahlang, B.; Tikoo, K.; Jain, R.; Bansal A.K.; Effect
of Counterions on Physicochemical Properties of Prazosin Salts. AAPS PharmSciTech. 12/2012; DOI:10.1208/12249-012-9889
V.M., Kumar L.; Me . . Kohli, G.; Jain. R., Bansal A.K. Brittain, H.G.
Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology, 35, 20
2. Fexofenadine Hydrochloride [Elsevier Inc.]
Lokesh Kumar, L.; Shahnwaj Alam, S.; Me . .; Jain, R.; Bansal A.K.;
Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology, 34, 20 0 , 153-192.
Central University of RajasthanDepartment of PharmacySchool of chemical Science andPharmacy
National Institute Of Health(NIH/NIDDK).Bethesda, MD,
Engineering technologyFellowship award, 2006UGC- JRF/SRF Awards
Engineering technologyFellowship award, 2006UGC- JRF/SRF Awards
1. Oral Presentation of research work title Synthesis of New Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone
(TRH) analogs in Indian peptide society (IPS) one day satellite symposium. Resent trendsin peptide research 08 Jan 2010 Bose institute, Kolkata.
2. Poster presentation in international conference GO C , 28 Feb. 5 march 2010 holiday inn-express CA, USA title of conference:-Chemistry
and Biology of Peptides. Title of poster:-Sy
3. Poster presentation in National conference; New Challenge in organic Chemistry GNDU
Amritsar Punjab Meena, C. L.; Jain. R.; 1-alkyl-5-halogenated and 1-alkyl-2, 5- dihalogenated-L-histidines, 2006
4. Rajput, S.K.; Singh J.; Me
Jain,; R Adity Pant, and Shyam S. Sharma L-pGlu-(1-
Benzyl)-L-His-L-Pro-NH2 a Newer Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) Analog with anti- convulsive and neuroprotective properties FA
1. Indian peptide society 20102. Fulbright association 2012
1. International Travel Grant award Council of Scientific Industrial Resource Govt of INDIA.
2. International Travel Grant award Department of Science and Technology Govt of INDIA. 3. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship award 2006, University Grant Commission, (GOI)4. Engineering and Technology fellowship award 2007, University Grant Commission,(GOI)5. United States-India Educational Foundation Fulbright-Nehru Award 2011-20126. Pre post-doc award in united state at National Institute of Health (NIH) Bethesda, MD,
7. Best poster and oral presentation award IPS symposium 2010
My PhD thesis research work was focused on development of new Thyrotropin releasing
hormone analogues, wherein I worked in the area of drug discovery especially development
of Neuropeptide against the treatment of psychological disorder
research Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) is a key hormone responsible for proper
brain-body coordination. It has been investigated for the possible applications in the
treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and other Central Nervous System (CNS)
disorders. TRH is known to elicit its biological response through two G-protein coupled
receptors for TRH (namely, TRH-R1 and TRH-R2). The activation of TRH-R1 receptor leads
to analogues with endocrine effects of TRH; while activation of TRH-R2 receptor leads to
analogues displaying selective CNS effects such as epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. The
distinct distribution of TRH receptors in tissues has provided opportunity to discover receptor
subtype-specific analogs, which would demonstrate high CNS activities, and are completely
The objective of my research is to develop TRH analogues with selective TRH-R2 receptors.
I hope my research will ultimately would lead to the discovery of small neuroprotective
peptides useful in the treatment of diseases like epilepsy, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and
several other motor neuronal disorders.
Currently I am involving in various research activity related to the structure-function
relationships of G protein-coupled receptors in particular, receptors for Thyrotropin-releasing
hormone (TRH). An important aspect of this research is to discover small molecule ligand for
these receptors that can be used as probes in animal models and that can lead to the
development of drugs for the treatment of endocrine and neurologic diseases in humans.
In addition I am involve in GPCRs pharmacological screening assay HTS assay, receptor
binding, Cell singling assay, Calcium mobilization assay, (FLIPR) florescence Image Plate
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