
importantly, the scars have not returned, even after months up follow-up visits. CryoShape has truly changed the lives of many patients.” The treatment is simple and you can leave your doctor’s office immediately following treatment. Most people have reported an immediate alleviation of itching, pain and tenderness. With CryoShape, the scar is frozen and thawed, which blocks blood circulation to the unwanted tissue. Ninety percent of patients require only one treatment and clinical results show that over 97% of patients have significant and measurable improvements without recurrence of the scar.
BEFORE and AFTER 3 Sublative Treatments over 6 weeks Visit
Keloids and hypertrophic scars have emotional as well as If you are a bit queasy about needles, here is a topical physical ramifications. These can turn up as red, widened, treatment that targets the same lines, wrinkles and signs of raised and thickened scars that may appear on the ears, neck aging as filler injections. Exuviance Targeted Filler T5 ($75) and other parts of the body and can be unsightly as well as from NeoStrata works to stimulate your own natural collagen uncomfortable. A new breakthrough technology called directly beneath deep lines. Targeted Filler T5 features three CryoShape™ offers an innovative alternative to current key ingredients – CitraFill, NeoGlucosamine and Matrixyl methods of reducing the appearance of these disfiguring Peptides. Laboratory research shows that CitraFill scars. Up until now, treatment for the most severe scarring has significantly increases col agen synthesis, been limited to excisional surgery, laser resurfacing, steroid injections and radiation therapy. CryoShape is a revolutionary in-office procedure that is done with local anesthesia. It works by freezing the scar from the inside out, using a probe that your doctor’s office, but it’s a simple, contains liquid nitrogen to penetrate deep tissues that are typically out of reach of the other scar treatments. “I have treatment. As it helps build natural volume experienced unprecedented success with CryoShape,” said of the skin, Targeted Fil er T5 strengthens Dr. Z. Paul Lorenc, New York and Southampton Plastic the support structure under wrinkles such Surgeon. “I have been able to achieve dramatic reductions in the size and thickness of keloid and hypertrophic scars. Most to
B EYON D CLEAR™ SKI N CLEARI NG SYSTE M Acne isn’t just for teens anymore. It can strike all ages, including women in their 40s who are also fighting off lines and wrinkles. The new Beyond Clear™ ($29.95 per month) acne clearing system not only targets blemishes, pimples and blackheads, it also addresses one of the biggest complaints women have about acne treatment; irritation. It combines proven acne-fighting ingredients benzoyl peroxide, retinol and salicylic acid in a regimen that does not cause the flakiness and redness usually associated with these GLOW FALL/WINTER ‘12 Th e M a g a z i n e A b o u t B e a u t y , H e a l t h A n d We l l n e s s



ISU MEMORANDUM/ MEDICAL FIGURE SKATING The ISU Medical Commission is appointed to assist local Organizing Committees and to report to the ISU Council on medical and Anti-Doping matters. Rule 140 of the ISU General Regulations requires that the Organizing Committees of ISU Events provide emergency medical services for all participants at the competition and practice sites. Details of the

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