Buchstaben und Sonderzeichen à = Aktivität, kumuliert • antinukleärer Antikörper Å = Ångström[einheit][= 10–10 m][Phy]  = Symbol für Flächenintegralvektor A–= Anion A– = Blutgruppe A, Rhesusgruppe negativ a= ante [L](vor) A+ = Blutgruppe A, Rhesusgruppe positiv A A= ana partes aequales [L](zu gleichen Teilen) aa= ana partes aequales [L](zu gleichen Teilen) A + A = Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin [Messe/Ausstellung] AB– = Blutgruppe AB, Rhesusgruppe negativ AB+ = Blutgruppe AB, Rhesusgruppe positiv A/B = acid-base ratio [A] A + B = Arbeits- und Belastungserprobung [Arb] A > B = air greater than bone conduction [A](bessere Luft- als Knochenleitung) A/C = anterior chamber [of eye][A] • assist/control ventilation [A] ACAT/H = Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis [A] a.c. & h.s. = ante cibos et hora somni [L](vor den Mahlzeiten und vor dem Schlafengehen) A/C ratio = albumin/coagulin ratio [A] A/D = Analog-Digital-Konverter A & D = ascending and descending [A] ADIA & PM = Association of Dental Implant Auxiliaries & Practice Management [A] A/DV = arteria/deep venous [A] ÅE = Ångström-Einheit A + E = accident and emergency [Department][A](Notaufnahmestation) AF/TexCAPS = Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study [A] A/G = Albumin-Globulin-Quotient (albumin-globulin ratio [A]) Ag/Ak-Komplex = Antigen-Antikörper-Komplex Ag/Ak-Reaktion = Antigen-Antikörper-Reaktion A'gen = Angiotensinogen A/G-Quotient = Albumin-Globulin-Quotient A/G ratio = albumin-globulin ratio [A](Albumin-Globulin-Quotient) A/I = aptitude index [A](Eignungsindex) A/K = above knee [A](oberhalb des Knies) A/m= Ampere pro Meter [Einheit der magnetischen Feldstärke] AM + CT = antibiotic medicine and clinical therapy [A] AMI/HMI = acute myocardial infarction on healed myocardial infarction [A](akuter Myokardinfarkt
an der Stelle eines abgelaufenen Myokardinfarktes)
A/N = artery and nerve [A] • as needed [A](wie gebraucht) A & O = alert and orientated [A](wach und orientiert) • aware and orientated [A](wach und orien- AP & L = anterior, posterior und lateral A + P = Adnexe und Parametrien • Auskultation und Perkussion (auscultation and percus- A & P = Adnexe und Parametrien • anterior und posterior • assessment and plans [A](Beurtei-
lung und weiteres Vorgehen) • Cave! • Auskultation und Palpation • ‚ Auskultation undPerkussion (auscultation and percussion [A])
A/P = Aszites-/Plasma-Relation A/R = apical/radial [A] A & R = advised and released [A] a/s = aux soins [F] A/SV = arterio/superficial venous [A] A & T = Adenotomie und Tonsillektomie AT/GC = Adenin-Thymin/Guanin-Cytosin (Ratio) B–= Symbol für konjugierte Base B– = Blutgruppe B, Rhesusgruppe negativ B+ = Blutgruppe B, Rhesusgruppe positiv B/A = backache [A](Rückenschmerzen) B & O = Belladonna und Opium B + B = Behandlungs- und Befundbericht b/c = benefit/cost [ratio][A] BC/BS = Blue Cross/Blue Shield [A] °Be = Grad Baumé [Einheit der Wichte von Flüssigkeiten] BEM(A) = Bewertungsmaßstab Ärzte B/F = bound/free (ratio)[A](gebunden/frei [Verhältnis]) B/H = bill of health [A] BH/VH = body hematocrit-venous hematocrit [ratio][A] B & J = bone and joint [A](Knochen und Gelenk) b/m = beats per minute [A](Schläge pro Minute) B/O = because of [A](wegen) B & O = Belladonna und Opium B/P = blood pressure [A](Blutdruck) BP & P = blood pressure and pulse [A]([arterieller] Blutdruck und Puls) B & S glands = Bartholin's and Skene's glands [A](Bartholinische und Skensche Drüsen) c= cum [L](mit) °C = Celsius [Einheit der Temperatur] c/a = contra [L](gegen) CA/N = child abuse and neglect [A] Ca/P-Quotient = Calcium-Phosphor-Quotient C & C = culture and sensivity [A] CC & C = colony count and culture [A] C / C / E = clubbing, cyanosis, edema [A](Trommelschlegelfinger, Zyanose, Ödembildung) C/D = cigarettes per day [A] • cup to disc ratio [A] C & D = curettage and desiccation [A] • cystoscopy and dilatation [A] C & DB = cought and deep breath [A] C/F = colored female [A](weibliche Farbige) CG/OQ = cerebral glucose - oxygen quotient [A] C & H = Cocain und Heroin c/h = counts per hour [A] • cycles per hour [A] C/I = certificate of insurance [A] Ci/ml = Curies pro Milliliter C/kg = Coulomb pro Kilogramm [Einheit der Ionendosis] Cl– = Chlorid [-ion] CLT(NCA) = Certified Laboratory Technician by the National Certification Agency for Medical C & M = cocaine and morphine [mixed][A](Kokain-/Morphinmixtur) C/M = colored male [A](männlicher Farbiger) c/m = counts per minute [A](Impulse pro Minute) • cycles per minute [A](Impulse pro Minute) c/min = counts per minute [A](Impulse pro Minute) • cycles per minute [A](Impulse pro Minute) cm/s = Zentimeter pro Sekunde cm/sec = Zentimeter pro Sekunde CNR-OD1 = CNR Multicenter Prospective Study OD1 [A] c/o = care of [A] • complaints of [A](Beschwerden von) C/P = Cholesterin-Phospholipid-Quotient C + P = cystoscopy and pyelogram [A](Zystoskopie und Pyelografie) CP & T = Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics [A] C & R = convalescence and rehabilitation [A] Cr & Br = crown and bridge [A](Krone und Brücke [Za]) c/s = counts per second [A](Impulse pro Sekunde) • cycles per second [A](Impulse pro Sekunde) C & S = conjunctiva and sclera [A] • culture and sensitivity [A](Kultur und antibiotische Testung) c/sec = counts per second [A](Impulse pro Sekunde) • cycles per second [A](Impulse pro C/T = coëfficient thérapeutique [F] C/V = Coulomb pro Volt [Einheit der elektrischen Kapazität] c/w = consistent with [A](verträglich mit) D+ = Rhesus-positiv D– = dextro [L](rechts) d– = dextro [L](rechts) • dextrogyr [L](rechtsdrehend) • rhesus-negativ D = mean dose [A] /d = pro die [L](pro Tag) D/A = day of admission [A] • discharge and advise [A] D/A-Umsetzer = Digital-Analog-Umsetzer D/B = date of birth [A] dB(A) = Dezibel (A)[mit Bewertungsfilter A gemessen] DB & C = deep breath and coughing [A] dB(PN) = perceived noise decibels [A] D/C = diarrhea/constipation [A] • discharge [A](Entlassung) • discontinue [A](beenden) D & C = dilatation & curettage [A](Dilatation und Curettage) • Drugs and Cosmetics [A] DC & B = dilatation, curettage and biopsy [A] DCCT/EDIC = Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Intervention D/DW = dextrose in destilled water [A] D5%DW = dextrose 5 % in destilled water [A] D & E = dilatation and evacuation [A](Dilatation und Ausräumung [Gyn]) D/F = Diagnose je Fall D & L = Dilatation und Curettage D/M = disintegrations per minute [A](Zerfälle pro Minute) d/m = disintegrations per minute [A](Zerfälle pro Minute) DMF/T = decayed, missing or filled teeth [A](faule, fehlende oder gefüllte Zähne [Za]) D/N = dextrose-nitrogen ratio [A] D/NS = dextrose in normal saline [A] D5%NS = dextrose 5 % in normal saline [A] dp/dt = Differentialquotient der Druckänderung nach der Zeit [= Druckanstiegsgeschwindigkeit] dp/dv = Volumenelastizitätskoeffizient DPTI / TTI = diastolic pressure time index/tension time index [A](Quotient aus diastolischem und D/S = dextrose/saline [A] D/T = death to total ratio [A](Gesamtletalität) D & V = diarrhoea and vomiting [A](Durchfall und Erbrechen) D/W = Dextrose in Wasser D5%W = Dextrose 5 % in Wasser dyn/cm = dyn pro Zentimeter (Maß für Oberflächen- bzw. Seitenspannung) E' = Elastizitätsmodul der Gefäße e– = Elektron e+ = Positron E + B = Entlassungs- und Befundbericht E/C = estrogen-creatinine ratio [A](Östrogen-Kreatinin-Quotient) EC/IC = extracranial-intracranial • Extracranial/Intracranial Arterial Bypass Study [A] ED/LD = emotionally disturbed and learning disabled [A] E & H = environment and heredity [A](Umgebung und Vererbung) E/I = Exspirations-/Inspirationsquotient E + L = Equity and Low [Ver] E & M = endocrine and metabolism [A](innere Sekretion und Stoffwechsel) E/m = ratio of charge to mass of an electron [A](Verhältnis der Ladung zu Masse eines Elektrons) EMC & R = emergency medical care and rescue [A] EPCL/SNCL-ratio = ectopic pacemaker cycle length to sinus node cycle length-ratio [A] E + R = equal and regular [A] E + U = Ektopie und Umwandlungszone [Gyn] E^x = Exponent hoch „x“ [z.B. 10 E^3 = 103) E^−x = Exponent hoch „-x“ [z.B. 10 E^−3 = 10−3) f/ = female [A](weiblich) f– = falsch negativ F+ = hochentzündlich [Gef][Arb] f+ = falsch positiv °F = Grad Fahrenheit F B= Finger[spitzen]-Boden[abstand]-Test F/C = fever and chills [A](Fieber und Schüttelfrost) F & D = fixed and dilated [A] F & E = Forschung und Entwicklung F F= Finger-Finger-Test f : h = femme : homme [F](weiblich : männlich) F/I = fever due to infection [A] F & L = Forschung und Lehre F N= finger-to-nose-test [A](Finger-Nase-Test) F & R = force and rhythm [A](Kraft und Rhythmus [des Pulses]) F/N= Finger-Nase-Test (finger to nose test [A]) F T= finger to toes test [A] F/U = follow-up [A](Weiterbeobachtung) F Z= Finger-Zehen-Test g% = Grammprozent [= 1 g% = 10 g/l] G/A = general anesthesia [A](Vollnarkose) Gc/s = gigacycles per second [A] G & D = growth and development [A] G/E = granulocyte/erythroid [ratio] g/dl = Gramm pro Deziliter G/G = Prozentgehalt Gewicht in Gewicht GG + F = Gesellschaft Gesundheit und Forschung g/kg = Gramm pro Kilogramm G/l = Giga pro Liter [= 109 pro Liter] g/l = Gramm pro Liter g/m = gallons per minute [A] g/ml = Gramm pro Milliliter gm/l = grams per liter [A] g/100 ml = Gramm pro 100 Milliliter [= 1g/100 ml = 10 g/l] GM & S = General Medicine and Surgery [A] G/N = glucose/nitrogen ratio [A](Glukose/Stickstoff-Verhältnis) G & O = gas and oxygen [A] G/P = Gravida/Para GPt/l = Gigaplatelet per liter [A] gr–= gram-negativ gr+= gram-positiv g/s = gallons per second [A] G + S = group + screen [A](Blutgruppe und Kreuzblut) G & S = group and save [serum][A](Blutgruppe bestimmten und bereithalten) G/V = Prozentgehalt Gewicht zu Volumen G & W = Glyzerin & Wasser H+= Wasserstoffion /h = pro hora [L](pro Stunde) H & C = hot and cold H + E = hematoxylin and eosin [A] H & E = hemorrhage and exsudate [A] • heredity and environment [A](Erbgut und Umwelt) h : f = homme : femme [F](männlich : weiblich) H & H= hematocrit and hemoglobin [A] H/H-Klassifikation = Hunt/Hess-Klassifikation [Neu] H/K = Herz-Kreislauf H/L = hydrophil/lipophil [Ratio] H & L = Herz und Lunge (heart and lung [A]) H & N = head and neck [A] H/O = history of [A] H & P = history and physical [examination][A](Krankengeschichte und körperliche Untersuchung) H & R = hysterectomy and radiation [A] H/S = Helfer/Suppressor [-Zellration] • Hyposensibilisierung H & S = Hysterotomie und Sterilisation H S= hell-to-shin test [A](Hacken-Schienbein-Test) H + T = hospitalization and treatment [A] H & V = hemigastrectomy and vagotomy [A] IÅ = Internationale Ångström-Einheit IÅE = Internationale Ångström-Einheit I & D = Inzision & Dränage (incision and drainage [A]) I/E = Inspiration/Exspiration [Ratio] I & E = internal and external [A] IE/kg KG = internationale Einheiten pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht I/G = Insulin-Glukose-Quotient IMR(a)D = introduction, material, results and discussion [A](Einleitung, Krankengut, Ergebnisse I/O = in / out [A](ein / aus) I & O = intake and output [A](Ein- und Ausfuhr) IPPB/I = intermittent positive pressure breathing/inspiratory [A] I/s = Impulse pro Sekunde i/s = inches per second [A](Zoll pro Sekunde) I/T = intensity/[duration] time [A](Intensität/Zeit[-dauer]) i/t-Kurve = Impulsstärke- [i] und Impulsdauer- [t] Kurve [= Reizzeit-Spannungskurve] IU/l = international units per liter [A] IU/min = international units per minute [A] IVUS/QCA = Intravascular Ultrasound Quantitative Coronary Angiography Study [A] /J= pro Jahr J/C = Joule pro Coulomb [Einheit der elektrischen Spannung] JC– = Jones criteria negative [A](Jones-Kriterien negativ) JC+ = Jones criteria positive [A](Jones-Kriterien positiv) J/K = Joule pro Kelvin [Einheit der Wärmekapazität, Einheit der Entropie] J/kg = Joule pro Kilogramm [Einheit der Äquivalentdosis, Einheit der Energiedosis] J/s = Joule pro Sekunde [Einheit der Leistung, Einheit des Wärmestroms] J/T = Joules per Tesla °K= Grad Kelvin K+= Kaliumion K/A = ketogenic/antiketogenic ratio [A](ketogenes zu antiketogenes Verhältnis) K/A ratio = ketonic-antiketonic ratio [A](ketogenes zu antiketogenes Verhältnis) kat/l = katals per liter [A] K + B = Krankheits- und Befundbericht kc/s = kilocycles per second [A][= Kilohertz] K/F = Kosten je Fall kg/cm2= Kilogramm pro Quadratzentimeter kg/l = kilograms per liter [A] kg/m = kilograms per meter [A] kg/m3= Kilogramm pro Kubikmeter [Einheit der Dichte] K+i/K+e = Kaliumquotient [Verhältnis zwischen intra- und extrazellulärem Kalium] KMc/s = kilomegacycles per second [A] km/h = Kilometer pro Stunde KS/OI = Kaposi-Sarkom mit opportunistischer Infektion K/T = Kosten je Behandlungstag L+ = Limes Tod L– = linkskonfiguriert [Stereoisomer] l– = laevogyr (linksdrehend) L/3 = lower third [A](unteres Drittel) L + A = Licht und Akkommodation (light and accommodation [A]) L & B = left and below [A] L/D = light/darkness [ratio][A] L & D = labor and delivery [A](Geburtsstation) l/ext = lower extremity [A](untere Extremität) l/h = Liter pro Stunde L & H = lungs and heart [A] l/m = Liter pro Minute lm/ft2= lumens per square foot [A] l/min = Liter pro Minute lm/m2= lumens per square meter [A] L/P = Laktat-/Pyruvatquotient Lp(a) / Lp(b) / Lp(c) = Lipoprotein-A / -B / -C L/P ratio = Quotient von Lymphozyten zu Polymorphkernigen LR–= negative Likelihood ratio [A][Sta] LR+= positive Likelihood ratio [A][Sta] L/R = links/rechts (Quotient)(left-to-right [ratio][A]) L & R = links und rechts (left and right [A]) L/S = Lezithin-Sphingomyelin-Quotient l/s = Liter pro Sekunde L & S = liver and spleen [A] L/S-Quotient = Lecithin-Sphingomyelin-Quotient L & U = lower and upper [A] L & W = living and well [A](lebend und gesund) L/W = living and well [A](lebend und gesund) m/ = male [A](männlich) m– = meta-Stellung M' = wirksame Masse M = Mittelwert (im statistischen Vergleich) /M = pro Monat /m = pro Minute M/3 = mittleres Drittel M/10 = zehntelmolare Lösung M/100 = hunderstelmolare Lösung mÅ = Ångström[einheit][Phy] M + Am = myopischer Astigmatismus (myopic astigmatismus [A]) M/C = male, castrated [A][Vet] M + C = Morphin-Kokain-Mischung MCA/MR = multiple congenital anomalities/mental retardation [syndrome][A] MCA/MRS = multiple congenital anomalities/mental retardation syndrome[A] MCR/BHF = Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation Heart Protection Study [A] MC & S = microscopy, culture and sensitivity [A](Mikroskopie, Kultur und antibiotische Testung) MDK-T/O = Tarifvertrag der Medizinischen Dienste Ost M/E = myeloid/erythroid [ratio][A] meq/l = milliequivalent pro Liter M/F = male to female [A](Verhältnis männlich : weiblich [Sta]) M & F = mother and father (Mutter und Vater) mg% = Milligrammprozent (Milligramm pro 100 ml) mg/dl = Milligramm pro Deziliter mg/h = Milligramm pro Stunde mg/kg KG = Milligram pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht mg/l = Milligramm pro Liter µg/l = Mikrogramm pro Liter [= 10–6 Gramm pro Liter] m/h = Meter pro Stunde mIE/l = internationale Millieinheit pro Liter /min = pro Minute mkat/l = Millikatal pro Liter M/L = Mponozyten/Leukozyten [Verhältnis] ml/kg KG = Milliliter pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht ml/min = Milliliter pro Minute M & M = morbidity and mortality [A] µMol/l = Mikromol pro Liter [= 10–6 Mol pro Liter] mmol/l = Millimol pro Liter [= 10–3 Mol pro Liter] µmol/l = Mikromol pro Liter [= 10–6 Mol pro Liter] m/o = months old [A](Monate alt) MO & G = Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology [A] mol/kg = moles per kilogram [A] mol/l = molecules per liter [A] µmol/l = Mikromol pro Liter [= 10–6 Mol pro Liter] µMol/l = Mikromol pro Liter [= 10–6 Mol pro Liter] MRC/BHF = Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation Heart Protection Study [A] m/s = Meter pro Sekunde [Einheit der Geschwindigkeit] m2/s = Quadratmeter pro Sekunde [Einheit der kinematischen Viskosität] m/s2 = Meter pro Quadratsekunde [Einheit der Beschleunigung] m/sec = Meter pro Sekunde m : w = männlich : weiblich N/2 = halbnormal [Lösung] N/10 = zehntelnormal [Lösung] N/50 = fünfzigstelnormal [Lösung] N/100 = hunderstelnormal [Lösung] n/a = not apllicable [A](unzutreffend) NASPE/BPEG = North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology/British Pacing and N/C = nasal canula [A](nsale Sauerstoffmaske) • nucleus-cytoplasmic ratio [A] ng/dl = Nanogramm pro Deziliter Ni/Cd-Zellen = Nickel-Kadmium-[Herzschrittmacher-] Batterien N & M = Neven und Muskeln (nerves and muscles [A]) N/m= Newton pro Meter [Einheit der Oberflächenspannung] N/m2= Newton pro Quadratmeter [Einheit des Druckes] N/mm2 = Newton je Millimeter Nm/s = Newton-Meter pro Sekunde N/R = Nutzen/Risiko [-Abwägung] Ns/m2= Newtonsekunde pro Quadratmeter N & T = nose and throat [A](Nase und Hals) N + V = nausea and vomiting [A](Übelkeit und Erbrechen) N / V / D / C = nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation [A](Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Durchfall, Ver- o– = ortho [-Stellung] o= nothing [L](nichts) O & A = odontectomy and alveolectomy [A] O & B = Opium und Belladona O & C = onset and course [A](Beginn und Verlauf) O & E = observation and examination [A](Beobachtung und Untersuchung) o/e = on examination [A] O/F = Oxidation/Fermentation (oxidation/fermentation [A]) –OH = Hydroxylgruppe OH–= Hydroxylgruppenradikal OM & S = osteopathic medicine and surgery [A] O & P = ova and parasites [A](Wrumeier und Parasiten) O/R = Oxidation/Reduktion Osm/kg = Osmol pro Kilogramm Osm/l = Osmol pro Liter O/W = Öl-in-Wasser [-Emulsion](oil in water [A]) p– = para-(Stellung) p+ = Proton /P. = pro Patient P & A = Perkussion und Auskultation (percussion and auscultation [A]) PA & F = Perkussion, Auskultation und Fremitus pg/l = Picogramm pro Liter [= 10–12 g pro Liter] PM + R = physical medicine and rehabilitation [A](Bewegungstherapie und Krankengymnastik) P & N = Psychiatrie und Neurologie (psychiatry and neurology [A]) P/O-Quotient = Relation ATP zu Sauerstoff PP & A = Palpation, Perkussion und Auskultation PPPPP(P) = pain/pallness [pallor]/paresthesia/pulselessness/paresis [paralysis]/(prostration) [A]
(Schmerz, Blässe, Gefühllosigkeit, Pulslosigkeit, Bewegungsverlust [Schock][= Merkregel fürarteriellen Gefäßverschluß]
PP/SV = ration of pulse pressure to stroke volume [A](Quotient aus Pulsdruck und Schlagvolu- P/p-System = Blutgruppensystem mit dem Faktor P P & PT = Prothrombin-Proconvertin-Test P & P-Test = Prothrombin-Proconvertin-Test P & R = pulse and respiration [A] P/S = Plasma/Serum [ratio] • polyunsaturated/saturated [ratio][A] P & S = paracentesis and suction [A](Parazentese und Absaugung) • permanent and stationa-
ry [A] • Physicians and Surgeons [A]P/S-Quotient = Verhältnis von Polyen- zu gesättigten Fettsäuren P & T = pharmacy and therapeutics [A] P/V = pressure/volume [A](Druck-Volumen-Verhältnis) P & V = Pyloroplastik und Vagotomie PW–= negativer prädiktiver Wert [Sta] PW+= positiver prädiktiver Wert [Sta] PWTF% = posterior wall thickness fraction percent [A](prozentuale Hinterwanddickenzunahme) ° = cardiac output [A] Q′ = every hour [A](jede Stunde) Q° = every hour [A](jede Stunde) • perfusion [flow] rate [A] Q/Q = Blutfaktoren R’ = indirekte standardisierte Rate [Sta] r’= direkte standardisierte Rate [Sta] R+ = rechtskonfiguriert (Stereoisomer) +R = Rinne positiv [Oto] –R = Rest [in chemischen Formeln] • Rinne negativ [Oto] r– = rechtsdrehend R° = Reinheitsgrad °R = Grad Reaumur rac– = Razemat rad/s = Radiant pro Sekunde [Einheit der Winkelgeschwindigkeit] rad/s2 = Radiant pro Quadratsekunde [Einheit der Winkelbeschleunigung] R & B = right and below [A] R/C = resistance/compliance [A](Zeitkonstante) R & D = research and development [A](Forschung und Entwicklung) R & E = research and education [A] • round and equal [A](rund und seitengleich [Oph]) RER+= replication error positive [A][Gen] rev/min = revolutions per minute [A] RF– = renforcement négatif [F] RF+ = renforcement positif [F] r / g / m = rubs/gallops/murmurs [A](Reibe-/Gallopp-/andere Herzgeräusche) r/h = roentgens per hour [A] Rh(+) = Rhesus positiv rh(–) = Rhesus negativ R/L = links/rechts [Quotient](left-to-right [ratio][A]) • Röntgendosis in der freien Luft gemessen R & L = rechts und links (right and left [A]) r/m = rotations per minute [A](Umdrehungen pro Minute) R/O = Röntgendosis an der Oberfläche r/o = rule out [A](auszuschließen) R R = mittlerer arterieller Blutdruck R & R = rate and rhythm [A](Frequenz und Rhythmus) • rest and recuperation [A] • Rotablator R/S = responder/stimulator ratio [A] • Verhältnis Reaktion/Stimulus R/s = roentgens per second [A] r/s = rotations per second [A](Umdrehungen pro Sekunde) s= sine [L](ohne) s– = symmetrisches Isomer [Che] /S = pro Stunde /s = pro Sekunde S/A = sinoatrial [F] S & A = sickness and accident [A] • sugar and acetone [A](Zucker und Azeton) scf/min = standard cubic feet per minute [A] SC & M = sensation, circulation and motion [A] S/D = systolisch/diastolisch S & E = safety and efficiency [A] /sec = pro Sekunde S/E-Ratio = Spender-/Empfänger-Ratio S/V = surface/volume ration [A] S/H = sample and hold [A] S & H = speech and hearing [A](Sprechen und Hören) S & I = suction and irrigation [A] SK&F = Smith, Kline & French S/L = Sphingomyelin-Lezithin-Quotient • survival/lethality [A] S/L-Quotient = Sphyngomyelin-Lecithin-Quotient S/m = Siemens pro Meter [Einheit der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit] S/N = signal/noise [relation][A](Signal-/Rausch [-Verhältnis]) • serial number [A](Seriennummer) s/p = status post [L](Zustand nach) • suspected [A](verdächtig) S / S = signs and symptoms [A](klinische Zeichen und Symptome) S + S = signs and symptoms [A](klinische Zeichen und Symptome) • sitting and standing [A] /Std = pro Stunde S/V = surface/volume ration [A] SV/HV = Quotient aus Schlag- und Herzvolumen (ratio of stroke volume to heart volume [A]) s/w = schwarz-weiß S/W-Komplex = Spitze-Wellen-Komplex (spike/wave complex [A]) S/W-Variante = Spitze/Woge-Variante [im EEG] sx= Standardabweichung des Mittelwertes T– = Test negativ [Sta] T+ = Test positiv [Sta] • sehr toxisch [Gef][Arb] /T = pro Tag T + A = Tonsillektomie und Adenotomie (tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy [A]) T & C = turn and cough [A] • type and crossmatch [A](Blutgruppenbestimmung und Kreuzprobe) T + C = type and crossmatch [A] T & E = trial and error [A] T & EC = trauma and emergency center [A] T & H = type and hold [A][Häm](Blutgruppe bestimmen und bereit halten) TIA + CE = Transient Ischemic Attack + Carotid Endarterectomy [A][Stu] TMP/SMX = Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazol TMP/SMZ = Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazol T/NT = tumor/non tumor ratio [A] T + P = Temperatur + Puls T/P = tissue-plasma ratio [A] T/P ratio = through-to-peak ratio [A](Tief- zu Höhepunktverhältnis) T/P relation = through-to-peak relation [A](Tief- zu Höhepunktverhältnis) TPt/l = Tera platetet pro liter [= 1012] T & R = tenderness and rebound [A] T/S = Thyreoidea-/Serumjodverhältnis t/s = tours per second [A] T & T = time and temperature [A] • touch and tone [A] T & X = type and crossmatch [A](Blutgruppenbestimmung und Kreuzprobe) U– = Harnsäure U+ = Harnstoff U/3 = upper third [A](oberes Drittel) U/A = urine analysis [A](Urinuntersuchung) U & C = urethral and cervical [A] • usual and customary [A] U & E = urea and electrolytes [A](Harnstoff und Elektrolyte) u/extr = upper extremity [A](obere Extremität) U/I= unidentified [A] U/l = units per liter [A][Einheiten pro Liter] U & L = upper and lower [A] U/m = Umdrehungen pro Minute U/min = Umdrehungen pro Minute u/o = under observation [A](unter Beobachtung) u./o. = und/oder U/P = Urin-/Plasmakonzentrationsverhältnis U/s = Umdrehungen pro Sekunde U/sec = Umdrehungen pro Sekunde V/A = Voltampere [Einheit des elektrischen Widerstands] vfg./e = eingeschränkt verwendungsfähig [Mil] V/G = Prozentgehalt Volumen in Gewicht V/m = Volts pro Meter [Einheit der elektrischen Feldstärke] Vol% = Volumenprozent Vol.-% = Volumenprozent V/P = Ventilations-/Perfusionsverhältnis V & P = vagotomy and polyroplasty [A] V & PS = vibration and periperal sensation [A] V/s = vibrations per second [A] V/sec = vibrations per second [A] V & T = volume and tension [of pulse][A](Schlagvolumen und Pulsspannung) V & V = Vulva und Vagina V/V = vice versa [L](umgekehrt) • volume for volume [A] v/w = percentage volume in weight [A](Prozentgehalt Volumen in Gewicht) w/ = with [A](mit) w+ = weakly positive [A](schwach positiv) /W = pro Woche W/C = wheelchair [A](Rohrstuhl) w/d = warm and dry [A] • well-developed [A](gut entwickelt) • wet to dry [A](feuchte und trockene WD/WN = well developed - well nourished [A](guter Ernährungs- und Entwicklungszustand) W/E = week-end [A](Wochenende) • wound of entry [A] w/f = white female [A](weiß weiblich) w : m = weiblich : männlich w/m = white man [male][A](weiß männlich) w/n = well nourished [A](gut ernährt) W/O = Wasser-in-Öl [-Emulsion] w/o = without [A](ohne) W/O/W = Wasser - organische Phae - Wasser [-Emulsion] WR/HT = weight/height [A] wt/vol = weight per volume [A](Gewicht pro Volumen) wt/wt = weight ratio [weight per weight][A] w/v = weight in volume [A](Grammvolumenprozent) ~= Medianwert [Sta] – x= [arithmetischer] Mittelwert [Sta] • except [A](außer) X & D = examination and diagnosis [A] Xp0= Verlust des langen Armes des X-Chromosoms Y/A = years ago [A](Jahre vorher) • years of age [A](Alter) Y/B = yellow/blue y/o = years old [A] Z'/Z'' = zunehmender Winkel einer Zuckung
The following answers are based on pages 44–55: Section one: What is cancer (pages 44–46)? 1. What part of a cell must be damaged before it becomes a cancer cell? The genetic information, DNA. 2. In what ways does a cancer cell behave differently from a normal cell? Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that control normal cell behaviour.They multiply uncontrollably, making many
Journal of Nutritional & Environmental MedicineMay 2007; 16(2): 149–166MARGARET MOSS, MA (CANTAB), UCTD (MANCHESTER), DIPION, CBIOL,MIBIOL, Director of the Nutrition and Allergy Clinic11 Mauldeth Close, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 3NPAbstractPurpose: To collate evidence on nutrient deficiencies caused by drugs. Design: Search of Medline and other databases, and published litera