08-25-08 ieg sr issue.qxd

The latest on sports, arts, cause
and entertainment marketing
Practical Sales Tips
Far From Kid Stuff: Lessons From
For Nonprofit
P&G On Successfully Partnering
In a tutorial delivered at IEG’s Making With Youth
Sensory conference, Jane Hopgood, vice president, sponsorship projects for Although cutting-edge may not be the first attribute that comes to mind when you hear Arts & Communications, a Toronto-based the name The Procter & Gamble Co., the company’s youth-focused brands such as Old agency, offered a series of helpful tips for Spice, Secret, CoverGirl, Tampax, Always and others have taken the lead in learning how best to connect with 13-to-18-year-olds.
A key player in P&G’s success marketing to teens has been Dave Knox, who pioneered Below are excerpts from her discussion.
much of the company’s strategy of forging partnerships in the digital and real worlds with youth-generated communities and social networks around passion points such nonprofit organization is sourcing the right Knox began exploring those areas when he worked on the Secret brand, continuing as pot of money. It is important to determine teen external relations manager for P&G Beauty brands and co-founder of the company’s if your opportunity is ripe for a marketing- internal Teen Marketing Expert Network. Although his most recent position has been as driven partnership, as opposed to a purely a brand manager on the Wal-Mart Customer Team, as of October 1, Knox will relocate back to P&G headquarters and assume the role of global marketing digital brand the opportunity to leverage both of those strategist, a new position at the company.
Knox addressed the topic of evolving marketing models to meet the needs of the youth Procter & Gamble continued on page 4
typically larger than philanthropic budgets,nonprofits should explore all avenues foroffering a marketing-driven opportunity.
Tactics that we have used to do that successfully include: Securing media partners. This adds
Dell Uses New Event Ties To Show
Sales Tips continued on page 2
PCs Are Cool
Looking to establish a lifestyle connection with young adults and promote a bevy of CAR-SHARING SERVICES
step up sponsorship activity as interest in new computer products rolled out earlier this year, Dell Inc. is turning up the volume SKINNY WATER
“We are definitely investing more on sponsorship,” said Susan Kittleson, director of readies national rollout, plans sponsorships global category marketing, Dell Consumer.
in key markets for enhanced water product The company has new partnerships with music festivals, film fests and gaming ASSERTIONS
events to show solidarity with and tout its products to teens and twenty-somethings. “We are reaching out to ‘passionate activists’–people that are engaged in certain activities such as music, art or gaming,” Kittleson said. “They are passionate aboutbeing part of a community, and that is the customer that we want to reach.” Computer maker sees sponsorship as best way to build Ties include this weekend’s Bumbershoot rapport with and showcase its latest wares to college Dell continued on page 6
Sales Tips continued from page 1
Three-year-old Clear, a for-profit membership program that validates
individuals’ personal identification and provides them with access to Nonprofit organizations have differentchallenges and opportunities in getting designated fast-track security lanes at 18 U.S. airports, is partnering
Creating hospitality
with pro sports teams to promote enrollment. Clear, a brand of Palm
experiences. Particularly
Coast, Fla.-based Verified Identity Pass, Inc., just announced first-time
deals with the NFL Atlanta Falcons, Denver Broncos and San Francisco
49ers. In addition to being able to start the enrollment process at the
Georgia Dome, Invesco Field at Mile High and Candlestick Park, Clear members will enjoy expedited entry into the teams’ facilities. Clear high-profile connections to open doors.
members, currently numbering about 200,000, pay $128 a year and must
have their fingerprints and iris images captured and identification verified to watch the performance from the wings, followed by a private before receiving their Clear cards. Founded by Court TV founder Steven
dinner on stage with the artistic director and the principle Brill, who serves as CEO, the company’s marketing and partnership
contact is Molly Greenberg; email: mgreenberg@verifiedidpass.com.
It is important for nonprofits to identify similar opportunities that A couple of long-held sponsorship assumptions may be falling
only your organization can offer because of who you are and by the wayside. For many years it was a given that a major sponsor
entering serious negotiations with a property would insist on using
Allowing a corporation to borrow from the organization’s
contract language its attorneys had drafted as the template for any
pedigree. This can be for case studies, business-to-business
marketing, client acquisition, etc.
agreement. However, with so many deals in their portfolios, big-time
sponsors may no longer have that luxury. David Viscovich, an attorney
Arts & Communications was able to secure a six-figure cash- in Sprint Nextel’s legal department who is the primary counsel for the
and-in-kind commitment from Cisco Systems for SherbourneHealth Centre, an innovative healthcare facility in downtown company’s Sponsorships & Strategic Marketing Group, told attendees Toronto that focuses on three distinct groups: the new Canadian at IEG’s Advanced Sponsorship Sales seminar in Washington, D.C. last population; the gay, lesbian and transgendered communities, week that a property-supplied contract template is not a deal breaker.
“We have so much to review in managing the day-to-day legal affairs
Cisco saw the opportunity to use the relationship as a showcase of sports and entertainment sponsorships, strategic alliances, affinity of their technology because Sherbourne is doing really innovative relationships and agency relationships that it’s kind of nice not to
things with electronic medical records. So in addition to a donation, Cisco added funding from their marketing budget tothe mix, and Sherbourne benefits from the exposure it receives We also are seeing a decline in the number of deals that involve a
through Cisco’s marketing machine.
simple exchange of in-kind products or services for sponsorship
Cold Calls: Who To Pitch?
benefits. Instead, outside of media partnerships, it is more likely
If there isn’t an existing relationship or contact person at a these days to see a sponsor purchase benefits for cash and to have
prospective partner, I always start with the vice president the property purchase the company’s goods or services in return, often
at a discount. One of the reasons for this may be that it relieves both
I find VPs of marketing have a bird’s-eye view of the organization’s parties from having to value an in-kind donation and in general can
marketing initiatives, its brand and where it is heading. make for easier accounting on both sides.
What if the vice president of marketing is unresponsive to thecold call? In that case, I call the president’s office. Most likely, I Coca-Cola has gotten a great deal of attention for its extensive
won’t get the president on the phone, but I will get an assistant.
activation program around the just-concluded Olympic Games, but
I will tell the assistant that I have tried to contact the vice president while everyone’s attention was focused on Beijing, we spied a noteworthy
of marketing but have not heard back, so I wanted to find out development on the domestic front. Although the soft drink giant and
if I was reaching out to the right person and thought that the its bottlers have run plenty of retail case-sale promotions around its president’s office could point me in the right direction. In my sponsorships over the years, cause marketing programs have not
experience, the president’s assistant most often will direct me played a major role. However, for its presenting sponsorship of The
to an appropriate person–often it is the VP of marketing–andthen I can say to that person, “the president’s office told me to Tour Championship, the company has added a first-ever cause overlay.
call you,” and 100 percent of the time that phone call is returned.
The season-ending PGA Tour event in Atlanta next month is supported by
a regional in-store promotion at 155 Kroger stores that features Coke
I find that it’s more likely to get somebody live on the phone if I call early or late in the day as opposed to between 10 a.m.
point-of-sale materials promoting ticket sales and event dates, as well and 4 p.m. when meetings are happening. However, if you are as a donation to the Atlanta-based East Lake Foundation based on
calling during those periods most people use as their quiet time case volume sold. A similar promotion is taking place at 88 Atlanta-area
to get their work done–and particularly if you are calling after Wal-Mart stores with the donation going to The First Tee program.
hours–it’s important to acknowledge that you know they may be wrapping up their day, but that you were hoping they might have just a few minutes to talk.
Jim Andrews
I also alternate between calls and emails if a contact appearslikely to be more responsive to one form of communication Email Teaser Introducing Sponsorship Opportunity To Home Depot Ad agencies also can be great advocates on your behalf if theybelieve in what you are doing. Through research, find out who I work with Arts & Communications, a national sponsorship they are and copy them on your communications with the client.
consulting firm that represents the best cultural and lifestyle institutions coast to coast. We are representing a client that Most of the time the company will talk to their agency about the has an unprecedented opportunity (I don’t get to say that very potential partnership anyway, so including them in the loop from It is a beautification project that offers only four corporate partners great exposure along the 401 @ the airport. It is time Two caveats to that: I always make a phone call first to try to sensitive–we are offering industry exclusivity and Home Depot determine if the agency is likely to get behind the deal and if is among the first on our list of possible partners. I would love I get the feeling they won’t, then I won’t include them in the to present this idea to you; I think you will see it provides process. Also, don’t rely solely on an ad agency to take your proposal to a client and move it forward.
Please call me to discuss, my coordinates are listed below.
Getting Noticed And Getting A Meeting
Your first contact with a new prospect will typically allow only
for your elevator pitch–a very succinct, quick verbal blurb or
email teaser–that sums up the high points of the opportunity.
considering sponsoring the fair to promote high-end flat screenTVs to the upscale audience that attends.
This is an email teaser that I sent to Home Depot concerning aproject called Art Stage, a large-scale public art initiative along Pioneer was very familiar with sports sponsorships, having the 401 highway in Ontario, a stretch where there are no a number of sports ties across Canada, but they weren’t as comfortable with an arts sponsorship. We had suggested thatthey showcase video art on flat screens placed in strategic spots This was a completely cold introduction to Home Depot and it on the fair floor, but they were concerned about their presence worked in securing a meeting, and the contact ended up buying being accepted and deemed credible by the target audience.
Because they were uncomfortable, they started to chill out The key to those initial communications and the subsequent on the idea and stopped calling us back. Our response was meetings is to find a hook based on what you know about the to engage David Liss, chief curator of the Museum of company and how that can relate to the property. You want to Contemporary Canadian Art, who is somewhat of an art be prepared for that meeting with an understanding of what’s celebrity in Canada and a specialist in video art.
happening in their industry, what their objectives are, who theircompetitors are and what they are doing, how the company is We got David, the Pioneer folks and our key staff on a structured, what its corporate culture is, etc.
conference call and we talked about activation ideas, the medium of video art, possible artists that would work really As for the meeting, even though you are going to go into it well with the screens and their size, and other issues. The prepared with all of that research, and having an outline of a conversation made Pioneer’s people much more comfortable proposal in mind and activation ideas to suggest, you still want with the project and the idea of moving ahead with it, and to spend 75 percent of the time listening and just 25 percent they subsequently bought the sponsorship and have renewed You still want to start that meeting by asking questions about The use of influential people also can be used to secure initial what they are looking for, what has worked in the past year meetings with prospects if your other cold-calling efforts aren’t paying off. We represent a charity called Silken’s Active Kids, Sometimes what you will hear means that what is in your back which was founded by a Canadian icon, Olympic rowing pocket is not what they need. In that case, rather than waste medalist Silken Laumann to fight childhood obesity by their time, I will tell them that what I have is not going to hit ensuring kids have the opportunity for unrestricted play.
their sweet spot, but knowing what that spot is, I hope that I In certain situations, we have asked Silken to make calls to will have something for them at another time.
prospects and in some cases, she will suggest that she be part By demonstrating that you respect what their needs are, you are of a meeting to discuss a potential sponsorship. The opportunity able to keep them in your prospect pool and start to build a to meet her, see her medals and be photographed with her has gotten us into the offices of very senior people at companies Stalled Dialogue: What To Do Next
and has resulted in some big dollars for the organization.
Even when you are able to get a little traction with a company, Another tactic is to use a deadline to move the process along.
everyone has experienced cases when discussions slow down or This can be really successful, but I caution you that it is only stall and your calls stop being returned. We have a few tactics effective when you know that they are close to a decision and that have helped us get things back on track.
that it may be something organizational on their end that One is to use a high profile board member or a celebrity or other is holding things up rather than a fundamental concern prominent personality associated with your organization to help We employed this idea on behalf of the Toronto Int’l Art Fair. We were in discussions with Pioneer Electronics, which was Arts & Communications, Tel: 416/966-3421 IEG SPONSORSHIP REPORT
Far From Kid Stuff: Lessons From P&G On Successfully Partnering With Youth continued from page 1
Create a way to have conversations. You can create outlets for interaction inexpensively. It doesn’t cost any money to create a blog and say, “Hey, we’re open for business, come talk to us.
We want to talk with you, not at you.” It doesn’t cost any money to put up a Facebook page where they can talk to you.
If you develop those channels, the ideas will start spinning.
They will give you ideas of what they want to see and how they Five Rules Of Youth Marketing
Based on those generational trends and motivating factors, First, even if this group is not consuming your brand now, they are if you don’t live by these five ideas when creating marketing forming opinions of it and will be your consumers in a few years.
programs aimed at youth they are going to reject you.
Second, the way the youth market acts gives you insight into how Entertain Them
others will behave; it is the youth market that is changing the One of the top traits that makes someone “cool” to youth
way brands connect with all of us. They are the tip of the spear.
is a sense of humor. Same thing applies to brands There are a number of important trends that make the 13- Don’t take yourself or your brand too seriously
to-24-year-olds of the Millennial generation different from their You will be fighting for their attention in a world full of
predecessors. One is their state of optimism combined with stress. The majority of this generation believes they will achieve When you think about marketing to this generation, you need to happiness in their lives, but at least half also says their stress give them something fun to do. For example, around our Old Spice commercial that featured Will Ferrell as his character Jackie Moon The youth market also is driving a shift from a “me” culture to a from the movie Semi-Pro, we shot two different spots, but we also “we” culture in which the opinions of the group matter the most.
had all of these great extra takes of Ferrell improv-ing ad copy.
Youth are also very socially conscious.
We decided to put all of these ad-libbed spots online and allow Their lives are completely digital. Youth name the computer the kids to look at them, pass them along, blog about them, post product they could not live without. They are multitaskers who them to MySpace, etc. It got thousands of kids to interact with always want to be connected to the world around them.
our brand and created a sense of fun and entertainment aroundOld Spice. The high entertainment value made it worth their Yahoo!’s Truly Madly Deeply Engaged Study identified community, personalization and self-expression as the three motivating factorsthat come out of those generational trends. Don’t Try To Be Something You Are Not
Youth crave authenticity. In fact they demand it
Community is self-explanatory. The rise of MySpace and Be a cultural anthropologist to learn their world
Facebook show that youth strive to feel connected with each With niche being the new mass, you have to invest in their
communities. You cannot just shove your way in line Those who once would have been isolated physically or socially Most of them think they can do better “marketing” than
from off-line communities can be a part of many others in the digital world. These communities are created by shared experi- This is the biggest mistake we make as marketers. We hear ences and constant communication such as instant messaging, about some new trend and we say, “We have to be there. We Personalization speaks to today’s youth demanding control. They This is a generation that can sniff out b.s. in a heartbeat. They are used to customizing and personalizing everything in their lives. think they are marketers themselves and frankly they probably They demand products and services that suit their moods and are better marketers than any of us because they have been they want to live in an on-demand world. This means brands must give them the tools to personalize their products, putting So you need to figure out how to talk to them in a very authen- tic way, because authenticity is the single most important thing The third motivating factor, self-expression, is a type of with this generation. How can your brand play that way? How personalization. Youth want to be seen and to be heard. When it comes to brands, they are seen as a badge identifying what It begins with recognizing that niche is the new mass. This is a generation with so many different ways to connect with So the cola they drink is a form of self-expression and the each other across the globe, you need to invest in some of clothes they wear are a form of self-expression. This generation those communities they are involved in and do so in a very attaches meaning to every single thing someone does. real way. To do that, you must follow rule No. 3.
Brands must figure out how to play into self-expression and how Put Them In Control
to empower youth to leverage your brands in the best way.
Give them the tools to embrace your brand
Something that works in a brand’s favor is the members of this They are going to take your brand and shape it in ways you
generation love to be asked what they think and to give their opinions. So one of the ways to get your finger on the pulse is Engage them. Enroll them. Befriend them
Never make the mistake of forgetting them or talking down to them
They are going to hijack your brand or your property whether Doing Youth Marketing The Right Way
you like it or not, so you might as well play to them in the right The following examples are deals that have delivered great way and give them the tools to use your brand to make it P&G Beauty/Varsity Spirit. P&G has a ton of beauty brands,
Jones Soda is a great example. Consumers can create their including CoverGirl, Herbal Essence, Secret, Pantene and Olay, own labels that appear on Jones bottles. The idea of putting but on the consumer side no one really knows that we have all consumers in control has given a little soda company the those brands, they know them as individual brands.
momentum to compete against Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
What we wanted to do is put together a deal where we could Recalibrate Your Risk Tolerance
tap into teens across our beauty brands and find a unique way Innovation requires placing bets
to connect with this audience. The way we found to do that Recognize that by the time you see a wave, it is probably
was through Varsity Spirit, the largest cheerleading and dance organization in the country with three million teenage girls To have any hope of catching the next wave you have to
participating in camps and competitions.
We have been a partner with Varsity Spirit for about four years now.
One of my favorite things to say to management at P&G is “we Among the things we do is to have a beauty tent at competitions.
need to stop thinking the old way and start thinking like a ven- We are there to support them at a time of high stress, to give ture capitalist.” The old saying at P&G was you never got fired them a chance to do their hair and makeup right before they go for buying a TV spot. In the future you probably will get fired for on stage and we also provide a place to relax afterwards in our buying a TV spot, because you need to think differently.
Beauty Lounge, which has comfortable chairs and a DJ.
The venture capitalist says, “Try 10 things, three of which are We do similar things at Varsity’s more than 400 summer camps, going to fail miserably, five which will be moderate successes which provide a perfect opportunity for sampling. We also collect and two that will be home runs.” That’s the only way to win.
information from the participants and can use them as quasifocus groups to test new ideas. If we have a new fragrance, we About four years ago when MySpace was just starting out we can blast that out to these girls and get their feedback.
did just that with Secret deodorant. We had a new brand comingout called Secret Sparkle Collection for teen and tween girls. Being Varsity Brands also has a uniform division, which we partnered a niche product, it was a smaller launch; we did not want to do with CoverGirl to create custom kits that coordinated with school team colors, so that when you ordered a uniform from Varsityyou could also order a matching set of all the CoverGirl products We wanted to do a little bit of traditional marketing with print, that worked perfectly with your school colors.
but we also wanted to try some different things. So we placed acouple of bets not knowing what would happen.
Six months after we started this sponsorship, Secret’s marketshare among cheerleaders went up 30 percent. That is a crazy We created an AOL IM bot called Secret Sparkle and let con- result, and we certainly are not getting it with traditional media.
sumers just interact with it. We thought maybe a couple of kidswould do it; who really wants to talk to an IM bot of a deodor- P&G FemCare/HERO. We are in the first year of a partnership
ant? It’s not very exciting. We ended up having 100,000 teens with the United Nations Assn. of the United States of America’s within one week interact with this thing. No one would have HERO program, which is one of the first big cause marketing guessed that. It was a small bet that paid off.
programs the company has done and the first one for our feminine care brands, Tampax and Always. We did the same thing with MySpace. We created a MySpacegroup around emerging music artists called Discover Your Secret, HERO provides school-based support to vulnerable children in an easy play on words. We ended up having 500,000 consumers Africa. P&G partnered with UNA-USA on the Protecting Futures join us as a friend within about a four-month campaign.
Program to build and equip schools with proper bathroomsbecause there is a large population of girls who stop going Leverage The Power Of Your Network
to school once they get their periods because of the lack of Get out there and shake hands
facilities and access to feminine protection products.
Never underestimate the power of someone saying, “You
Our donation was about $1.5 million and we have on packages Pay it forward and help people out. You never know when
that the purchase of Tampax and Always supports the program.
But we also wanted to take it a little bit further, because anybody The world is all about connection. Never forget it
With youth trends changing so quickly, we can’t rely on anyone We wanted to involve the youth market and get them thinking knowing everything. None of us have enough money, not even about this issue, so we created the HERO Youth Ambassador P&G, to do focus groups to learn about everything going on with Program, where we give 20 girls or guys the chance to go over to Africa and help build schools. We document their experiencesand post them as webisodes on BeingGirl.com, our destination The way to do it is leverage the network, leverage the people you meet at conferences, leverage friends of yours to find outwhat’s going on and what you need to be on top of. Take The feedback has been great from visitors to the site who thank us meetings even if you don’t know if anything will come of it; for making them aware of the problem and who want to get involved. it might put you on a trend that you didn’t know about. Youneed to leverage your network to really think about this. SOURCE
The Procter & Gamble Co., Tel: 513/983-1100
Dell continued from page 1
presented by Esurance in Morrison, Colo.
delivered by AT&T. Earlier, Dell sponsored Chicago’s Lollapalooza delivered by AT&T.
Baltimore’s Virgin Music Festival and San Francisco’s just-concluded Outside Lands Off-line, Dell is activating its sponsorships Dell this year also increased its involvement and interactive conferences and sponsored Online And Offline Engagement Takes
Center Stage
hair makeovers and temporary tattoos.
will present this weekend’s Telluride Film Festival on behalf of DellLounge.com.
who Dell worked with to create “special interactive, experiential Web site offering “We thought it would be great to partner Visitors to the site can enter a number of Jury competition, an online battle of the ship Gaming Series–a professional video in the colors of the Studio line. The free- “We are reaching out
Dell and Intel also are sponsoring events in Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York to ‘passionate activists’–
people that are engaged
to gaming conventions, the tour this year in certain activities such
as music, art or gaming.”
Lisa Hassel, senior manager of experiential event. They also can make a digital mix “tape” and check out other combinations. In April, Dell also launched Nationwide Series entry. It also supports the promos, consumers can opt-in toreceive information on upcoming has established a reputation as cool, hip computers that excel in the areas of high titles the Dell Diamond–home to Triple A gaming spaces. For example, visitors canregister for the College Gaming League face-to-face interaction with its target.
Consumers can register to become aDigital Lounge VIP member and receive “The days of reaching people through TV ads are over,” Kittleson said. “We need to IEG SPONSORSHIP REPORT
Car Sharing Services Use Sponsorship To Spark Memberships
gasoline prices, car sharing services are promote their offerings and, in some cases, Inc. this year signed first-time deals with spotlight their eco-friendly positioning. Both for-profit and nonprofit services seek properties that grant access to mostly urban, Capitol Hill People’s Fair and the Boulder Creek Festival. Toronto’s AutoShare-Car 40 percent cited the cost of fuel as their primary reason for using the service.
hour in driving credit for every hour they I-Go Gives Green Light To Sponsorship
volunteer, while Zipcar customers receive car-sharing services–most of which have nonprofit status–offering 5,838 vehicles allocates roughly 20 percent of its marketing Provide local focus. Car-sharing services
Kosmacher, the nonprofit’s business devel- opment manager. I-Go will sponsor roughly which are primarily urban environments.
“Sponsorship is effective for us because They are not interested in properties that “It’s a complete waste for us to spend a for typically less than $10 an hour, often local communities in which we operate.” including gas and insurance in that rate.
are from out of town,” Kosmacher said. prefers to funds deals in trade. Slightly Offer access to college students. The
vehicles at designated areas, such as retail more than half of the company’s current and transit station parking lots or garages.
partnerships are strictly in-kind, while the I-Go typically swaps vehicles in exchange Zipcar–the for-profit category giant with by schools as well as others that attract cars following its November ’07 acquisition of Mobility, Inc.’s Flexcar–has sponsored sponsoring this week’s Caltopia college in Seattle, last month’s Pitchfork Music codes that offer membership discounts.
Do not highlight exclusivity. Most
Festival in Chicago and other recent events.
car-sharing services do not seek exclusivity.
For example, both Zipcar and City CarShare will have a presence at Caltopia, as well program in ’04. In addition to direct access as at this weekend’s Comcast Art & Soul creates a lot of goodwill–it’s an intangible benefit, but we get a positive rub-off from sharing; it’s fine if Zipcar is there,” said Selling Sponsorship To Car-sharing
Chicago’s I-Go Car Sharing Service this Involve members as volunteers. Many
The Skinny On Upstart Water Brand’s Sponsorship Strategy
TAKEAWAY Enhanced water brand looks for properties that reach active 18-to-34-year-olds, generate media attention, also has signed deals to build visibility support weight-loss positioning and offer sampling Those sponsorships include last month’s of what it will spend overall on marketing The Art of Surfing Festival in Ocean City, Triple Crown of Cycling, May’s Blue Cross Stadium, home to minor league baseball’s Corp.,” McDonald said in a statement.
Boston, and Washington, D.C., as well as Los Angeles, New York City and other calories, zero sugar, zero guilt’ ” theme,the company leveraged the August 3-9 plate, as well as in the outfield, during the Saints’ six home games. It also touted Editorial Team
Lesa Ukman, Executive Editor, lesa.ukman@iegsr.com Jim Andrews, Editorial Director, jim.andrews@iegsr.com William Chipps, Senior Editor, william.chipps@iegsr.com opportunities. “Product sampling is a key Dan Dorfman, Editor, dan.dorfman@iegsr.com part of our marketing. We think that once Contact IEG
Wilkins, Skinny Water’s brand manager. IEG Sponsorship Report® is published biweekly by IEG, LLC and delivered by mail and online at www.iegsr.com. Subscriptions include both print and Target Corp. outlets, this year has gained online access and are $449 per year ($370, nonprofit).
International subscribers, add postage for air delivery: Canada, $27; all other countries, $85. Back issues are Acme Markets, Inc. and Lukoil America’s Photocopying or reproduction strictly prohibited.
Naming Rights Promotion Hits
Also Available
All Hot Buttons
in goody bags distributed to celebrities accounts; showcase its active ingredients’ IEG Sponsorship Sourcebook™ IEG’s Guide to Sponsorship™ appetite-suppressant, fat-burning andmetabolism-boosting properties; gain Skinny Nutritional Corp., Tel: 610/784-2000 1-800/834-4850

Source: http://www.communitycar.com/news/documents/08-25-08IEGSRIssue.pdf

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