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Curriculum Vitae of Dr S.D. KHARCHE

Dr. Suresh Dinkar Kharche
B.V.Sc. & A.H.; M.V.Sc. and Ph. D. (IVRI) Principal Scientist (Animal Reproduction) Physioogy Reproduction and shelter management, Division 1. Academic background
Ph D (1998) – Thesis title - Studies on pretreatment effect of hCG & Estradiol-17 β on ovarian response and embryo quality in superovulated cattle. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, INDIA. M V Sc (1989) – Thesis title: “Studies on superovulatory response and hormonal profile in crossbred cattle. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, INDIA. B V Sc & A. H.(1986) – J.N.K.V.V. Jabulpur, INDIA 2. Area of interest
• Reproductive herd health care and management of cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. • Treatment of reproductive disorders including infertility. • Synchronization, superovulation, non surgical embryo collection and transfer, surgical embryo collection • Cryopreservation of gamete and embryos. • In vitro maturation, fertilization, culture, in vitro embryo production and Assisted Reproductive 3. Awards :
• Prof. Nil’s lagerlof Memorial Award – 2001 • Awarded third prize for presentation of Hindi shodh patra on . Bakari Andakon ki Akatrite Karane ki Vidhiyon ka Tulanatmak Adddhyan during Hindi Pakhwada 2003. • Awarded third prize for presentation of Hindi shodh patra entitled “Vibhinna aakaar ke putakon se prapt andakon ka tulanatmak aadhyayan” during Hindi Pakhwada on dated 18-09-04. • Awarded third prize for poster presentation in a National seminar organized by ISSGPU. 4. Foreign deputation:
1. Deputed to attend 36th Annual Conference of International Embryo Transfer Society from 9th to 12th January, 2010 at Cordoba, Argentina (South America) 2. Deputed as an expert for imparting training on A. I., goat management and finalization of action plan to promote and accelerate the progress of research and development in Zambia, South Africa. 5. MEMBER OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY: SEVEN
1. Agricultural Research Service Scientist Forum. 2. Indian Society for study of Animal Reproduction. 3. Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research. 4. Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production. 5. Uttar Pradesh state veterinary council. 6. Veterinary council of India, New Delhi. 7. Indian Society for Buffalo Development 6. National training attended : 10
7. National and International Training Imparted / organized : 10
8. Research projects (PI/Co-PI) : 20
9. Student guided :

a). M. Sc.
d). Post Doctoral Fellow -One (From Dr. JUSTIN KOUAMO, PhD. Senior Lecturer, School of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, The University of Ngaoundere, PO BOX: 454. Ngaoundere-Cameroon South Africa) 10. Achievements:
Successful Induction of lactation and fertility in barren heifers. 2. Development of insulin protocol for higher conception rate in cattle. 3. Improved fertility in cattle and buffalo by incorporating drugs/hormones following A.I. 4. Development of a new superovulation protocol for cattle and goat. 5. Development of vaginal sponges for short term progesterone treatment for estrous synchronization in 6. Successful birth of calves and kids through embryo transfer 7. Birth of kid through In-vitro fertilization and Embryo Transfer. 8. Refinement of goat semen freezing protocol. 9. Production of cattle, buffaloe and goat through Artificial Insemination 10. Reproductive heard health management and treatment of reproductive disorders in Cattle, Buffaloe, 11. Development of Parthenote up to 34 days in surrogate mother. 11. List of Publications
(a) Research Paper :

b). Lead paper in National Seminar / Symposia / Invited Lectures :10
Popular Articles : 18
d). Technical bulletin / Chapters in book / manual : 32
12. Referees for the following journal:

c). Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction 13. Editorial board member:

14. Contact Address :

CIRG residential Quarter No Type IV/11, CIRG, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura-281122 (UP)


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