Veronica Guerin
was reporting on would make,” he continues. “That bravery and courage ultimately made an
enormous difference to her country—without her,it would be a different place.”
In the mid-1990s, Dublin was nothing short
One of Ireland’s top journalists during the
of a war zone, with a few powerful drug lords
1990s, Guerin’s stories focused her nation’s
battling for control. Their most fearsome opponent
attention on the rising problem of heroin use in
was not the police but the courageous journalist
Dublin. Painting a vivid picture of a dangerous
Veronica Guerin (CATE BLANCHETT), who covered
world that perhaps many in the country had not
the crime beat with unmatched intensity. As she
yet focused upon, Guerin became the sworn
investigated and exposed the “pushers,”
enemy of the city’s underworld, ultimately
balancing her home and family against her
galvanizing the anti-drug forces and leading to
responsibility to her readers and her country, she
stronger drug laws in Ireland. “I like to tell stories
became a national folk heroine to the people of
about individuals who make a difference in the
Ireland. Based on a true story, this powerful,
world and are role models for future generations,”
emotional film from producer Jerry Bruckheimer,
Bruckheimer continues. “To me, that’s Veronica
producer of “Pearl Harbor” and “Black Hawk
Guerin. She is one of those people who changed
Down,” and director Joel Schumacher (“Phone
Ireland and the way people thought about drugs
Booth,” “Bad Company,” “A Time to Kill,”
and criminals. She is a person that other
“Falling Down,” “Tigerland”), gives unique insight
into a fascinating and complex aspect of the Irish
“I don’t think Veronica saw herself as being
conflict and a poignant portrayal of a journalist
anything unique underneath,” says Cate Blanchett,
who risked everything in search of the truth.
who plays the journalist. “I think she was
The Touchstone Pictures/Jerry Bruckheimer
incredibly humble about what she was doing. I
Films production “Veronica Guerin” was filmed on
location in and around Dublin. The film is directed
humanity. But humans are flawed, and that’s what
by Joel Schumacher. Screenplay by Carol Doyle
and Mary Agnes Donoghue. Story by Carol Doyle.
“This is a global story,” says Schumacher.
“The drug war is global and any story with a hero
producers are Chad Oman, Mike Stenson and Ned
or heroine is universal, regardless of whether it is
Dowd. The film stars Academy Award® nominee
period or contemporary or takes place in another
Cate Blanchett, Gerard McSorley, Ciaran Hinds,
country. Veronica Guerin’s story tells of someone
and Academy Award® winner Brenda Fricker.
who doesn’t back down, who does something that
“This is a story about personal courage,”
echoes screenwriter Mary Agnes Donoghue. “Veronica Guerin said, ‘No, I’m not going to turn
“The story of Veronica Guerin isn’t a small
away.’ Afterwards, some people said she was a
story. It isn’t meaningful just to people in Ireland.
saint and brave; others say she was naïve and
Her story shows the reason why people want to
foolish. I don’t think she was any of those things.
become journalists,” says Jerry Bruckheimer,
I think she was someone who just took them on.”
producer of “Veronica Guerin.” One of Hollywood’s
Leading the cast of “Veronica Guerin” is
top producers, Bruckheimer’s vast credits include
Academy Award® nominee Cate Blanchett. “Cate
the recent films “Pirates of the Caribbean: The
Blanchett was our only choice for Veronica,” says
Curse of the Black Pearl,” “Remember the
Joel Schumacher. “She’s so brilliant in the role
Titans,” “Pearl Harbor,” and “Black Hawk Down.”
that I don’t know whether I would have made the
film if she had said no—I didn’t have anybody else
frightened, no matter what threats the people she
everyone’s varying opinions of her lies the truth of
Bruckheimer. “She did an enormous amount of
research. It’s a great actress who has the ability to
Together with the help of Joel Schumacher,
Blanchett pieced together a portrait of Veronica
When she was approached for the part, the
Guerin as the story of a tough, uncompromising
Australian-born actress knew very little about the
journalist: someone who was not a saint, just
Irish journalist. But during the course of her
research, Blanchett unearthed a “complex,
happening in their hometown where criminals
passionate and extraordinary human being,” she
were flooding the streets with heroin and getting
away with murder. “Veronica had a very strong
sense of moral outrage at the impotence of the
characters I play,” Blanchett continues. “I don’t
justice system to actually convict the people who
fall in love with them just as I don’t despise them.
were patently guilty,” Blanchett says.
There is no value in doing that. I think it is very
easy, with the wisdom of hindsight, for people who
turned to Guerin’s home country to round out the
don’t participate, those on the sidelines, to
ensemble. “Veronica Guerin” was made on
moralize about the people who are at the center of
location in Dublin with a largely Irish cast. “It’s
life. Something Veronica once said in an interview,
really been an eye-opener,” says Bruckheimer.
I find inspiring: ‘You can’t solve a problem until
“There are so many brilliant Irish stage and film
you understand it.’ That was one of the keys to her
actors who don’t really get exposure in America.
I’ve seen many actors that I want to work with
Blanchett spent a month in Dublin prior to
the shooting of the movie, meeting friends and
“The city has some great architecture, but
colleagues of Veronica Guerin and talking to family
more importantly, it has one of the finest stables
of actors and actresses in the world,” Joel
journalist, read Guerin’s articles from the archives,
listened to radio interviews, and perfected her
Throughout her career as a crime reporter,
Dublin accent. Piece by piece, she came closer
Guerin steered a dangerous passage between her
and closer to understanding Veronica Guerin’s
work and her family life. “There is a very loving,
motivation, determination, and commitment to a
strong home life established in the movie so that
cause. “She was a people person and she had a
there is so much at stake, so much that could be
strong belief in her ability to reason with people.
lost,” says Barry Barnes, who plays Veronica’s
In one of the interviews she said everybody has a
husband, Graham. “Veronica weighs this, but
human side, that they have a family, which
humanizes them. So she had this very strong
belief, which ultimately led her into very
responsibilities to her husband, Graham, her
dangerous places, that she could reason her way
mother, Bernadette, and her son, Cathal. But she
also has a job to do. “Graham sees what’s going
on, obviously knows how dangerous it is, but
Blanchett had to look at a series of complex
realizes that he can’t stop Veronica,” Barnes says.
relationships. “Veronica was a phenomenal life
“He sees that she is obsessed with her work and is
force. I met so many people who were touched by
not going to stop for anything. He possibly could
her, who felt intimate with her or that she had
give her an ultimatum, but I think he might be
changed them in some way. She was controversial
afraid that he might lose her. The other choice is
and there were many opinions, speculations, and
to accept that she is going to do it and try, to some
rumors about her and her work and that is
extent, to keep away from the edge of the cliff.”
incredible for me as an actor. Somewhere between
For Barnes, the gender role-reversal was an
important lure to the role. “We have seen
hundreds of films where there’s a man who takes
built up a gang of efficient, brutal criminals and
on the bad guys and there’s a woman who fears for
had quietly amassed a small fortune through his
his safety. We, the audience, experience a lot of
drug operations. He was also a man with a very
our concerns for him through her. It’s not often
that you see a reversal of that, which is exactly
journalists or the media. Despite repeated
Another major influence in Veronica Guerin’s
requests by Guerin, he refused to be interviewed
life was her mother, Bernadette, who is played by
and he repeatedly warned Traynor to stay away
Academy Award®-winning actress Brenda Fricker.
from the journalist. The last thing Gilligan wanted
Always proud of her bold, fearless daughter,
Bernie still urged Veronica to realize that
Gerard McSorley plays the crime boss. The
“sometimes it’s braver to walk away.” After
actor briefly contemplated visiting John Gilligan in
Veronica’s death, Guerin was a strong backer of
Portlaoise prison, but eventually decided against
the National Union of Journalists’ campaign for
the meeting, reasoning that his portrayal should
reform of the libel laws, pointing out that
be more an impression than an impersonation. “I
journalists act in the public interest and should
thought that even if I did wear a wig and try to
not be prevented from serving that interest by
make myself look exactly like John Gilligan, that
wasn’t the point,” he says. “It was moremeaningful to try and understand the
Guerin’s main underworld contact was John
psychological life of the man and a bit of his
Traynor, a man infatuated with the seedy glamour
background, which would help me to understand
of his chosen profession and seduced by its
the extreme volatility of his nature. Ultimately, at
dubious celebrity status. Irish actor Ciaran Hinds
the end of the day, you’re doing a movie, not a
plays Traynor, the cog in boss John Gilligan’s
machine. “It’s the fame game,’’ says Hinds. “It
Also appearing in a brief cameo is Irish actor
was part of Traynor’s ego to be in the limelight. It’s
a sign of Traynor’s complete incompetence at thegame; if he was at all astute, he’d be invisible, like
Gilligan. Gilligan accuses Traynor of wanting to be
became the other key character in telling Veronica
a film star and brings him down a peg.”
Guerin’s story. “I can’t imagine telling this story
Traynor was a key operative in Gilligan’s
anywhere else except Dublin,” he says. “You have
gang. “Traynor was involved with a number of
to go to the real places and try to give the
gangs because he operated the money laundering
audience a sense of what really happened.”
and was involved in fencing the money,’’ Hinds
“You have to be honest; you have to be true
says. No stranger to law enforcement, Traynor had
to your story,” says Bruckheimer. “The only way to
been convicted of breaking and entering, fraud,
do that is to be true to the location. This story
firearms possession, and handling stolen goods.
takes place in Dublin; Dublin is the only place we
“He obviously had a very astute mind for that kind
could shoot it. Not only that, but we did it with an
of thing, and the different gangs needed him.
Irish cast and crew. The only foreigners on this
Occasionally he would clash with Gilligan – and he
production were Cate, Joel and myself. The rest
knew how mad Gilligan was.” In spite of this,
either live here or have worked here.”
Traynor continued to put Gilligan and the rest of
the gang into his confessions to Guerin that would
shooting of “Veronica Guerin,” from seedy
appear in black and white every Sunday. “He was
brothels and run-down neighborhoods where the
a braggart and very vain,” says Hinds.
deals were done and gang members assassinated
In contrast to Traynor in every way was John
to the higher-class world where Veronica Guerin
Gilligan, a career criminal whose first conviction
works and lives with her family. For production
was at the age of fifteen. Over the years, he had
designer Nathan Crowley, this presented an
unusual challenge. “We had about three times the
Most of the action away from the newspaper
number of locations than most films I have worked
took place on the street, and filming involved
on,” he says. “That was a real challenge. So we
glimpses into the gang’s apartments, casino’s
got over that by trying to make groupings of
innards and brothels. “Everywhere we went with
locations in areas. Otherwise, it would have meant
the camera we show glimpses of this underworld—
moving the unit twice a day for over ninety
casinos, brothels, cellars,” says Crowley.
Away from the front line, from the gang’s
“Most of this movie takes place outside, so
hangouts, was Gilligan’s country residence. This
we wanted to convey the sense that you’re in a
was Jessbrook equestrian centre, a $6.6 million
major city,” says Crowley. “That was very
complex on 300 acres that was the gangster’s
important. We also wanted to show a really dark
tacky paradise. “I tried to find somewhere that
was really gaudy,” Crowley says of Gilligan’s home.
architecture and the Liffey and that tourist image
“These people had lots of money, no values and
of the city. It was important to go over to the North
side of the city—that’s where most of these
These people were people like “Fatso”
locations are and where Veronica Guerin worked.”
Mitchell, Paul “Hippo” Ward, “The Monk,”
Crowley worked with director of photography
“Dutchie” Holland—gang members whose dress
Brendan Galvin to achieve a gritty look. “The style
sense was as gaudy as their cartoon pseudonyms.
of the film came about out of necessity for telling
For costume designer Joan Bergin, who vividly
the story in a real way,” Galvin says. “To some
remembers the period, the challenge was to
people gritty means that you have a hand-held
recreate the recent past without stepping over the
camera and it is shot like a documentary. I don’t
line that separates character from caricature.
think that would have been right for this movie.
In dressing the gangsters, she delved into
We had two cameras all the time in this film and
true-life accounts of Gilligan’s gang. “With
it helped the actors, the continuity and the story.
gangster movies the trick is to avoid making them
It was a very efficient way to tell this story.”
all look like a Mafiosi family. There are some very
“We wanted overcast skies,” adds Crowley.
good current books on Gilligan’s gang and their
“We went for very reflective surfaces and we were
background. There is a big funeral scene in the
always looking for streets and locations that made
movie which in a way is the ultimate expression of
Dublin feel like a big city. We wanted to show the
how the gang dressed. Gilligan, in real life, used
to get very angry if they wore flashy clothes and
didn’t dress in what he considered to be
conservative good taste. He felt you drew attention
resemble most newsrooms as seen in modern
motion pictures. Working closely with key staff at
In researching the gang—how they thought,
the Sunday Independent newspaper, Crowley
what clothes they wore, what hangouts they
rebuilt the labyrinthine maze that was the
favored—Bergin unearthed some interesting
newspaper’s offices. “You think of newspaper
details. “We found out that the gang used to go
offices as a big open space like those scenes from
along and leave wads of money in certain clothing
movies, but the Sunday Independent newsroom
shops around Henry Street and Talbot Street. Then
was this warren of hacked around partitions and
these guys would put ‘looks’ together for the
offices and pipes and wires,” he says. “It’s more
various gang members. It’s almost like somebody’s
like something out of the movie ‘Brazil.’ We
vision of what a hip person dresses like, rather
wanted to get that sense of confusion everywhere,
than how that person might actually dress.
that sense of clutter. It’s amazing when you go into
the Sunday Independent—there’s just stacks of
Guerin, who worked with criminals, politicians and
the police force. “Veronica used to work in PR andwas very careful about how she dressed,” Bergin
says. “I spoke to lots of different people who knew
world of journalism. “I think she eventually found
her and she would never go into the Sunday
something that she was happy with,” Jimmy
Independent unless in a suit and trousers. That
was part of her charm and made people notice her.
Before she started writing for the Sunday
If she was on a stakeout and living on chicken and
Independent, Veronica Guerin had already carved
chips, she would be in jeans. People said of her
that when all the other journalists did their work
groundbreaking investigative journalist. As a writer
by telephone she was like the old Chandler novel
with the Sunday Business Post and the Sunday
hero, face-to-face. I tried to show that charisma
Tribune newspapers, she had scored a number of
major scoops including an interview with acontroversial Irish bishop who had disappeared to
South America and an exclusive inside report onthe multi-million-dollar Beit art robbery.
Inevitably, Guerin’s tenacity and increasingly high
class community of Artane on Dublin’s Northside
profile attracted the attention of the country’s top-
on July 5, 1959. She was the second-youngest in
selling newspaper, The Sunday Independent.
a family of three girls and two boys. Her father
Christopher ran his own accountancy firm in the
published in the Sunday Independent. Willie
city, while her mother, Bernadette, ran the family.
Kealy, Guerin’s news editor at the newspaper,
Jimmy, the youngest in the Guerin family,
recalls that Guerin initially worked many beats—
was very close to his big sister, a gregarious,
both features and hard news—but increasingly she
tomboyish girl who helped her little brother with
began to work on crime stories. “The fact that she
his homework and fixed him up with his first
specialized in crime was more by accident than
girlfriend. “There wasn’t really that thing of an
design,” Kealy says. “But it was what she turned
older sibling because Veronica was only a year
out to be best at and what she enjoyed most. It
older,” Jimmy Guerin recalls. “Veronica was more
was also an area that had not been covered very
of a friend, and she was great in many ways. She
well in Irish journalism; it was covered in a very
formulaic way. Veronica was different. She bucked
the system, shook it, and exposed the untouchable
even then, was sure of herself and her ability.
criminal underworld that the government couldn’t
“When she set out to do something, she became
the best at it. She started playing basketball and
Guerin was a maverick investigator with an
she was European basketballer of the year. She
instinctive nose for a good story. Every Sunday, her
played soccer for the Republic of Ireland and was
articles on the Dublin crime scene and the city’s
a top scorer with the team. She had that ability to
spiraling heroin problem attracted more and more
readers. Guerin had, in a relatively short time,
After graduating, Veronica worked for a brief
become one of Ireland’s most recognized and
time at her father Christopher’s accountancy firm.
famous journalists, a celebrity of sorts who
In 1982, she was appointed to the governing body
of the National Institute of Higher Education, and
the following year was appointed by the Taoiseach
Veronica Guerin’s investigative technique
(Irish Prime Minister) to work as an assistant to
was certainly unusual in a time when most Irish
the Fianna Fail delegation to the New Ireland
journalists got their stories by telephone or
Forum negotiations. Later, she set up her own
through press conferences. She was a foot soldier,
public relations company. In 1985, she married
someone who worked on the ground and got the
Graham Turley and the couple had a son, Cathal,
details firsthand as she met her informants face-
in 1990. Family life was happy and stable but
to-face. She fostered key contacts in both the Irish
increasingly Veronica was being drawn towards the
police force, the Gardai, and in Dublin’s criminal
underworld. It was there she met John Traynor and
Press Freedom Award, the first journalist from
through him, his boss, John Gilligan.
Western Europe to be so honored. When she
“Veronica was one of our most high profile
returned to Dublin, Guerin continued to work on
journalists with this fantastic investigative ability,”
says Anne Harris, deputy editor at the newspaper
and friend of Veronica. “In time, she became
stopped at a set of traffic lights on the outskirts of
Ireland’s most respected journalist, and yet there
Dublin. A motorcyclist pulled up alongside her car
was no fact too small or too humble for her to
and the pillion passenger pumped six bullets into
check out for somebody else. She was incredibly
the journalist’s body. Veronica Guerin, who was on
generous with her work time and in her attitude.”
her car phone at the time, vainly grabbed for the
passenger door but died shortly afterwards. As the
further into a lethal vortex. Her main contact was
news of her murder spread through the country
John Traynor, a self-confessed criminal who was
like a bushfire, people struggled to cope.
infatuated with his own criminal sheen and the
“My first thoughts were to find my mother,”
dubious celebrity status he got from being printed
Jimmy Guerin recalls of the moment he heard that
in black and white every Sunday. Traynor’s boss,
his sister had been murdered. “I have very clear
John Gilligan, had no love of the limelight, and he
memories of that day. I can recall literally every
warned his confederate to curtail his contact with
second for you. Trying to keep a calm face about
the journalist. In turn, Traynor warned Guerin to
you was probably one of the hardest things of all.”
Sunday Independent editor Aengus Fanning
had just arrived in London when his son phoned
balaclava called to Veronica Guerin’s front door
him with the news. He immediately returned to
and shot her in the leg. It was her first serious
Dublin and a media barrage. A special tribute
warning and it sent shockwaves through the media
edition of the Sunday Independent was set in
world and the Sunday Independent.
motion and that weekend’s newspaper carried a
photograph of Veronica Guerin on the cover with a
certainly got worried about her,” Willie Kealy
two-word headline: “Citizen Journalist.”
recalls. “That was unprecedented, but I don’t
think it occurred to anybody that she would get
journalism in the world isn’t worth a single life,”
killed. It didn’t occur to us; it didn’t occur to her;
Willie Kealy says. “But of course, the changes to
it didn’t occur to her family; it didn’t occur to the
the law that were effected only came about after
most senior police from whom we constantly took
her death and possibly only because of it. You
advice before then and since. The reality of that
could look at it as some good coming out of it. She
never dawned on anybody because nobody thought
left a legacy and she will never be forgotten in this
that it would happen. Nobody thought that to
country for her achievements. She did her job as
protect an income, criminals would actually kill a
she should have done it and for that she was
journalist because they were getting a lot of
The legacy of Veronica Guerin’s brutal death
was immediate and considerable. “It forced
Veronica’s style of operating,” he continues. “She
politicians to take notice,” Kealy says. “There was
was doing perhaps what other reporters should
a media campaign as well. But mainly it was the
have been doing at the time. That was the only
spontaneous public outcry that forced politicians
way in which it was different. It was certainly a
to look at the law that allowed serious organized
contrast with those who got a press release or
criminal gangs to act with impunity. So they gave
made a phone call and wrote a story. It is a style I
new powers to the police and set up a special
would still encourage a journalist to use today.”
agency called the Criminal Assets Bureau, which
In December 1995, Veronica Guerin traveled
put the onus on the criminal to show where the
to New York to be presented with the International
money came from. If they could not demonstrate
their means, it was taken from them. Apart fromlocking up criminals for a very long time when theydeserve it, there is no better place to hit a criminalthan in his pocket, because money is everything tothem.”
“Veronica Guerin is now an icon,” her former
boss and Sunday Independent editor, AengusFanning, says. “Her memorial is on display inDublin Castle and she has become a symbol ofcourage. She is a symbol for all as a woman whotriumphed and succeeded in a man’s world. Sheleft behind her some major changes in ourcriminal legislation which have made the task ofthe police, not easier, but it has enabled them tobe somewhat more effective.”
sister will never fade. “We were very close,” hesays. “But the reality is that everybody has lostsomeone. A mother has lost a daughter, siblingshave lost a sister, a husband has lost a wife, a sonhas lost a mother. You miss the fun and the totallunacy that she would bring to a party or agathering. Veronica was someone who wouldalways be there for you.”
C a s e R e p o r t Singapore Med J 2007; 48(10) : e281 Dengue haemorrhagic fever complicated by eclampsia in pregnancy Tagore S, Yim C F, Kwek K ABSTRACT CASE REPoRT A 28-year-old primigravida presented A 28-year-old primigravida presented at 36 weeks at 36 weeks of gestation with a one-week with irregular contractions, fever with myalgia, history of fever with myalg
VANADIUM Atomic number Crystal form Oxidation states Atomic weight Electrical resistivity (20°C) Electronegativity, Pauling CAS number Enthalpy of melting Specific heat (25°C) Boiling point Enthalpy of vaporization Thermal conductivity (25°C) V 3380°C Melting point Ionization potential Specific gravity (20°C) bp/mm (mp) COMPOUNDS C20H18