Christ Church Cathedral, Moline April, 2012 Fro m th e Re c to r’s d e s k. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE
As I am rushing to get this printed and available to you be-
APRIL 1-8, 2012
fore Holy week this is a brief letter in a shorter Messenger.
We have been blessed with wonderful weather and great
attendances at all our services and functions over the past
months. I hope this trend will continue as we go into themost Holy of all days in our church Calendar. Please walk
the journey to the cross with us so that Easter really be-comes the culmination of all that goes before it.
My congratulations to Mike & Jessica married recently and
best wishes to Byron & Lisa to be married on the 14th andGerald and Than Ngwe on the 21st of April. All our birth-
days and wedding anniversaries are prayed for at the Sun-day Masses and greeting cards have been sent out to all who
celebrate special occasions and I thank God for this ministry
If your name ids not on the list please let us know
To all who have given to our Lent appeal my thanks, we are
over the $3500 mark and hope to reach our goal of $4500 in
the next week. As to the pledged giving in the Parish mythanks to all who have given so faithfully and an appeal to
those who have fallen behind please bring pledges up to dateas every dollar is important to meet budget every month.
Statements are enclosed reflecting the first quater of this
We are blessed with wonderful parishioners in this parish
and I trust that we will endeavour to improve fellowship andspiritual growth as we worship and serve together.
In Christ Jesus Ed+ Ordination to the Priesthood ALTAR GUILD WORK DAY ALTAR FLOWERS
Our annual Easter work day will be this Saturday, March
Thanks to all who have signed up to donate altar
31, beginning at 9:00 am. The more workers we have, the
brass fittings on the Baptismal font.
open this year. Please let me know ifyou have any special occasions youlike to have remembered through a gift of flowers. Thank
the priests join the bishop in concelebrating the Mass.
service and everyone iswelcome. All are invited to
My thanks to Deacon Peter for the study on 1 Peter
which he presented during Lent. We have had a wonder-
ful attendance, partly due to the very mild temperatures
we have had over the past weeks but also because of theteachings, wonderful meals and the fellowship. If youhave missed these evenings please feel free to walk the
stations at any time and if you need a booklet of readings
and prayers to guide you please let me know.
originated from a very early date, when Christian visitors
At this very special event the Passover meal with the
the walls of churches, so that all Chris-tians could remember the events of
Church in Silvis. Reservations are helpful, so please add your name to the list on the bulletin board or call the church office at 762-6022. There is no fee for the meal, but a free
represented by a bronze wall carving, depicting a scene
will offering will be taken to offset the food expenses.
This is a wonderful opportunity to see the Passover
come to life. I will be leading the traditional Seder meal,
stopping between courses to hear the story of Passover.
Come join the ladies of the Daytime ACW for their
Lamb will be served (beef for the faint of heart). The food
Eighth Annual Tea and Style Show. Members of the ACW
is wonderful and the message is inspiring. Come join us!
will host the tea and the men of the church will assist themby serving as they have done in the past. Food will include
some old favorites and some new additions, both savory
and swe et. Beverages w illincluded tea, hot and cold, water,
We will begin with Holy Eucharist at 6:00 p.m. and the
Tickets will be available from any ACW member and the
church office. Come join the fun. Here are the details:
on Good Friday. This is a good time to spend an hour in
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012
church reading, praying and meditating. Time: 1:00 pm (doors open at 12:30)
For many, the vigil has been a powerful experience. It
Place: Christ Church Cathedral Parish Hall
is wonderful to have complete quiet - no outside noises, no
Price: $15.00
phones, no TV, no people interruptions. Also, there is asense of what the disciples felt as they struggled to stayawake, and of Jesus’ disappointment because they fell asleep. Parish Nurse
A sign up sheet for the vigil is on the bulletin board.
Reading material will be supplied for participants.
Happy April to you all! A few weeks ago, I went to aseminar for the new Illinois Advance Directive. I wanted tolet you know what I learned. First of all, some clairfication
of advance directive terms. The Principal is the person FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 6:00pm
who states their health care decisions in an advance directive. The Agent/Healthcare Agen tis the person named to make
healthcare decisions on behalf of a person who is no longer
able to make m edical decisions. The Agenc
healthcare provider. A statuator y is a written law passed
by legislature. If you have a previously completed and validadvance directive it will be honored if contains the principal’s
signature, agent’s name, agent’s powers, and as long as theagent is not listed as the principal’s healthcare provider. The
new form added contact phone numbers for the healthcare
APRIL 8, 9:00am
agents, can address only the topics that they want to address(these must be signed and witnessed) and also requests,
Traditionally this service started before dawn with a vigil
additions, or limitations may be added. There can be no
co-agents, only successors to the agent on the new advance
directive. You can however choose a first, second, and
third agent. There have been problems when co-agents
celebrate we will light the new fire, sing
are listed. In the new advance directive, unless an end date
is entered, the agent’s powers continue until death and also
permits the agent to: make an anatomical gift, authorize an
autopsy, and direct the disposition of the remains. The
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
previous advance directive did not contain that authority.
• Keep precautions in mind .Diphenhydramine and
One witness or a notary is required on the new advance
doxylamine aren’t recommended for people who
directive. No family members can be a witness. And no
have closed-angle glaucom a, asthma, chronic
agent can be be a witness. Once the advance directive is
obstructive pulmonary disease, severe liver disease
filled out, you should keep the original, and a copy should
or urinary retention — which can be preceded by a
be given to your agent, your agency, and your hospital. If
weak urine stream or trouble starting urination. In
you go to Trinity, you should give a copy to medical records
addition, most sleep aids aren’t recommended for
and a person will review it and make sure it is filled out
women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.
correctly. If it is, then it will be scanned into medical records.
• Take it one day at a time .Over-the-counter sleep
If it is not filled out correctly, it will be mailed back to you
aids are a temporary solution for insomnia. Generally,
with what changes need to be made to make it valid. I have
they’re not intended to be used for longer than two
the new advance directive in my office. Please stop by to
pick one up if you do not have one. It is a community
• Avoid alcohol .Never mix alcohol and sleep aids.
collaboration to have everyone in Illinois and Iowa to have
Alcohol can increase the sedative effects of the
a valid advance directive. It makes it much easier on family
members if one is filled out. You can also fill out a new one
• Beware of side effects .Don’t drive or attempt
at any time. The most recent date will be the one that is
other activities that require alertness while taking
honored. I will help answer any questions you may have
about it. Please let me know if you need any assistance.
In some cases, short-term use of prescription sleep
Iowa’s Advance Directive has the stayed the same. I also
medications from your physician might be recommended.
Have a safe and healthy April. Please call if I can be of
Since our fitness tips for March were about sleep, our
medication education for the month of April is about over-
the-counter sleep aids. They are available in nearly any
pharmacy. Here’s a listing of common choices and thepotential side effects according to the Mayo Clinic:
Exodus 33:14
• Diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Unisom sleep). “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Diphenhydramine is a sedating antihistamine. Sideeffects might include daytime drowsiness, dry mouth,
• Doxylamine (Unisom SleepTabs). Doxylamine It is courteous to your fellow worshippers that we are
is also a sedating antihistamine. Side effects are
as quiet as possible when we come into the church, even
similar to diphenhydramine, including daytime
before services. Please do not stand in the hall chattingwhile folks are in the church praying.
drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and memoryproblems.
If you are late to church, please wait until there is a hymn
• Melatonin .The hormone melatonin helps control or natural break in the service to enter. Please do not
your natural sleep-wake cycle. Some research
suggests that melatonin supplements might be helpfulin treating jet lag or reducing the time it takes to fall
If you notice a visitor having trouble following the service,
asleep — although the effect is typically mild. The
PLEASE be ready to help him/her find the right page. Be
most common melatonin side effects include daytime
sure to greet the visitor and invite him/her to sign the guest
sleepiness, dizziness and headaches. Other, less
common melatonin side effects might includeabdominal discomfort, mild anxiety, irritability,
If you have a cold, please use intinction to receive the cup(let the chalice bearer dip the bread and place it on your
confusion and short-lasting feelings of depression.
tongue), or simply cross your hands on your chest to let the
If you think you’d benefit from over-the-counter sleep aids,
chalice bearer know you aren’t receiving the wine.
• Start with your doctor . Your doctor can make Cell phones should be turned off, or if you are on call
sure the sleep aid won’t interact with other
somewhere, set the phone to vibrate. In any case, please
medications or underlying conditions, as well as
take the phone outside in order to talk. 2012 VESTRY Senior Warden Jim Robe rts Clerk of Ve stry Nate Truninger Bish op’s Wa rden Be rnie Rom ig Treasurer Ron Harroun Vestry Warden Stan Symons Ou r Me s s e ng e r Christ Church 1717 8th Avenue Moline, IL 61265 Easter Quotes
Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer; Death isstrong, but Life is stronger; Stronger than the dark,the light; Stronger than the wrong, the right; Faithand Hope triumphant say Christ will rise on EasterDay. ~ Phillips Brooks.
Easter is the demonstration of God that life isessentially spiritual and timeless. ~ Charles M. Crowe.
Every parting is a foretaste of death, and everyreunion a foretaste of resurrection. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer.
Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but itwon’t stay there. ~ Clarence W. Hall.
Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of newlife. ~ S.D. Gordon. April Birthdays
“Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I
Christ Church Cathedral 1717 8th Avenue, Moline, IL 61265 (309) 762-6022 / 309-781-5336 Email: Website: April Wedding Anniversaries
Keep all medication out of reach of children. PATIENT INFORMATION ON Anti-anginal Agents (I) NITRATES About your Medicine Your doctor has just prescribed for you a nitrate, e.g. Isosorbide dinitrate (Isobin®, Isordil®, Sorbitrate®), Isosorbide mononitrate (Imdex CR®, Imdur®, Ismo 20®), Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) ( Angised®, Deponit®). What are Nitrates used
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