Microsoft word - 03 09 approved mng minutes.docx

Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009
Members Present:
Alton Cheatham
Gasparilla Island Conservation & Improvement Assoc.
Also Present:

Agenda Item #1 - Call to Order and Introductions – Meeting was called to order by Ken
Heatherington, Co-Chairman at 9:31 a.m. Introductions were made.
Agenda Item #2. Agenda Additions or Deletions – Ken Heatherington, Co-Chairman

Agenda Item #3 – Public Comments on Agenda Items – Ken Heatherington, Co-Chairman
No public comments were made at this time.
Agenda Item #4 – Management Committee October 31, 2008 Minutes


Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009

Agenda Item #5 – Evaluating Pharmaceuticals to Caloosahatchee River Bull Sharks (FY07
RRPP) Final Draft Report – Judy Ott

Dr. James Gelsleichter provided the CHNEP Program Office with the final report for the “Evaluating the Risks that Pharmaceutical-Related Pollutants Pose to Caloosahatchee River Wildlife: Observations on the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus leucas” project. The final report was reviewed by the CHNEP program scientist and found to be complete, consistent with the project Scope of Work and useful to support implementation of the CCMP and fill environmental indicator gaps. TAC and CAC recommend acceptance of the final report. The project tested a steroid, impotence agent, lipid-lowering drug, and six anti-depressant chemicals in the blood plasma of Caloosahatchee and Myakka (control) bull sharks, 2 sites in the Caloosahatchee, and in effluent and reclaimed water produced by the Fort Myers Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. Limits of detection are cited in Table 1. Table 2 shows presence of steroids (e.g. Ortho Evra), antidepressants Citalopram (Celexa and Lexapro) and Venlafaxine (Effexor) in effluent. The two antidepressants were most abundant in effluent dominated creeks tested in Minnesota and Texas. Presence of these drugs were observed in reclaimed that also had presence of antidepressant Sertraline (Zoloft) and impotence agent Sildenfil citrate (Viagra). This may be the first study to report the presence of Sildenfil citrate (Viagra) in environmental samples. Table 3 shows amounts of nine tested chemicals at two sites in the Caloosahatchee. Site 4 is just downstream from the Fort Myers Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant where antidepressants Citalopram (Celexa and Lexapro) and Venlafaxine (Effexor) were detected in one of two sampling events. Site 9, near Whiskey Creek, did not have the antidepressants that were detected farther upstream but did have detectable levels of the steroid in both sampling events. Table 4 shows chemical levels in bull shark plasma in 30 bull sharks (8 in the Myakka River and 10 in the Caloosahatchee in 2006 and 12 in the Caloosahatchee in 2007). None of the nine chemicals were found consistently. The most severe sample was 3.79 μg/mL for the steroid (synthetic estrogen used in human contraceptive) 17a-ethynylestradiol (e.g. Ortho Evra). The sample may be evidence of a level of bio-accumulation; however, the amount is below any known effect for the chemical. Human pharmaceuticals, except for the lipid lowering drug (trade name Lipitor), are present at detectable levels in the Caloosahatchee, wastewater effluent/reclaimed water, and the plasma of bull sharks. Appearance appears to be associated with the most widely prescribed drugs. Presence was often at undetectable or near detectable levels could not be detected consistently for each sampling event. Management Recommendations from the report: Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009
 It may be prudent to periodically monitor trends in environmental concentration of certain widely prescribed drugs, but focus efforts on more commonly prescribed drugs. (  Focus management efforts on more common environmental pollutants such as Mr. Heatherington asked if there are reductions in the shark populations. Ms. Ott replied that the study did not measure the shark populations. Mr. Heatherington asked how long did the juvenile sharks stay in the rivers. Ms. Ott replied 6-18 months. Ms. Donley asked that since the bio-accumulations were tested in the juvenile sharks and they were not yet reproducing, were these sharks tagged so they can be checked when the sharks do reproduce. Ms. Ott explained that the sharks were tagged that were in the river but when people find the sharks they are suppose to remove the tags and send them in. Mr. Cheatham asked what the cost of the study was. Dr. Beever replied approximately $36,000. MR. NICHOLS MOVED AND MR. DALE SECONDED TO RECOMMEND

Mr. Cheatham referred to page 19, under Discussion; “However, based on their low detection rate and concentrations in both river water and plasma of Caloosahatchee River bull sharks, these compounds do not appear to pose significant health threats to wildlife populations residing in this river system.” He said would like to emphasize that statement as part of the discussion. Mr. Kirby referred to page 22, last paragraph the statement “However, since even the most prescribed groups of drugs in the United States (i.e., antidepressants) is generally found in environmental levels below or just slightly above detection limits, it is unlikely that these compounds represent high priority risks to Charlotte Harbor wildlife.” He stated that he felt the statement was too broad. Dr. Beever stated that the broad statements will be revised. THE MOTION CARRIED WITH MS. SEACHRIST ABSTAINING.

Agenda Item #6. CHEVWQMN Citizen Summary (FY 08 Project) Final Draft Report –
Ms. Judy Ott

Mr. Ray Leary, FDEP Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves, provided the CHNEP Program Office with the final document for the “CHEVWQMN Status and Trends: 1998-2005 Citizen Summary” project. The project is an FY08 Workplan project and implements the following CCMP Priority Actions: Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009
 WQ-B: Identify gaps in water quality data needed to calibrate the appropriate models used to assess impairments… coordinate monitoring programs and implement programs to fill data gaps for impairment assessments…  WQ-E: Implement projects to restore or protect water quality to offset anthropogenic  WQ-M: Support public involvement programs addressing water quality issues.  SG-B: Provide people with opportunities to be involved in research, monitoring and  SG-D: Produce watershed and estuary communication tools.  SG-K: Present scientific information in a form readily understood by the majority of The purpose of the project is to provide a visually aesthetic written summary of the Charlotte Harbor Estuaries Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Network (CHEVWQMN) results in a format easily understood by the public, summarized by watershed. The final document was reviewed by the CHNEP program scientist and found to be complete, consistent with the project Scope of Work and useful to support implementation of the CCMP. TAC and CAC recommend acceptance of the final report. Mr. Kirby stated that it was a little bit confusing on the turbidity and he would recommend articulate the high values. Ms. Ott explained that she has had those discussions with Ms. Stafford of FDEP. Ms. Stafford explained that the CHNEP’s TAC had a discussion and recommended acceptance of the report but in the future having a statement incorporated that something is good or bad. MR. RYAN MOVED AND MR. DALE SECONDED TO RECOMMEND POLICY

Mr. Ryan stated that the document is a good short document and it is also a local document which he is attracted to. Ms. Ott explained that the program has been around for 10 years and there are approximately 100 volunteers that have been involved throughout the 10 years. Dr. Beever stated that media prompted a nice story on the water quality of Lemon Bay. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009

Agenda Item #7. Reservoir Workshop Update – Ms. Judy Ott

The CHNEP is hosting a 2-3 day technical workshop to discuss and gain a better understanding of the benefits and impacts of reservoirs within the greater Charlotte Harbor Watershed. The workshop will be held April 13-15 in Punta Gorda at the Charlotte County Event and Conference Center. There will be no registration fee for the workshop, but we are asking participants to register by March 13, 2009. The purpose of the Reservoir Workshop is to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information between scientists and citizens about the location, design, benefits and impacts of existing and proposed reservoirs on freshwater, estuarine and groundwater water quality, hydrology and habitats in the CHNEP watershed. The workshop implements the CHNEP Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) 2008 Update Priority Action:  HA-K: Identify the hydrologic and environmental benefits and impacts of surface waters on estuaries within the CHNEP watershed.  Clarify understanding of what reservoirs are and how they are designed and  Compile locations of existing and proposed reservoirs throughout the  Exchange technical information on the potential benefits and impacts of  Exchange technical information on alternative reservoir management and  Summarize existing policy, planning and regulatory considerations of  Discuss options to enhance consistency of reservoirs with CHNEP CCMP. Workshop Format includes: background materials to review before attending the workshop, a pre-workshop survey, technical presentations and posters, and a variety of facilitated, interactive activities to allow for exchange of information, ideas, questions and answers between the workshop participants. Expected Workshop Outcomes and Proceedings include:  Background materials in PDF format will be available via the CHNEP website  Presentations and Posters in PDF format will be available via the CHNEP  Workshop Document, including summaries of discussions and recommendations for research, monitoring and/or management projects and programs, will be available via the CHNEP website and CD. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009
The next meeting of the Reservoir Workshop Subcommittee will be held Friday February 20 in Punta Gorda at the Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves Office. The subcommittee meeting agenda is attached. The subcommittee will finalize the agenda, review presentation abstracts, recommend speakers and identify where additional speakers are needed. Supplemental material will be submitted to the Management Committee subsequent to the February 20 meeting. Ms. Hilgendorf explained that the registration process for the workshops will be done through the CHNEP’s website. MS. NICHOLS MOVED AND MR. NEDZA SECONDED TO RECOMMEND
FEBRUARY 20, 2009.

Mr. Kirby asked if there are considerations for the negative aspects. Ms. Ott replied yes, there has been ongoing discussion. Mr. Ryan asked if the phosphate industry participating. Ms. Ott replied yes. Mr. Cheatham stated that he is concerned that some of the people won’t get their concerns addressed of why these reservoirs are being created within their communities. Dr. Beever explained that the subcommittee has taken a broad definition of reservoirs, including a large stormwater management for water storage purposes. Mr. Nedza explained how the reservoir issue came about through the CAC. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Agenda Item #8. Advocacy Tracking and Update – Dr. Lisa Beever
On February 21, 2003, the Policy Committee adopted its Advocacy and Review Procedures. However, CHNEP’s advocacy began four years earlier (1999) with a letter to request designation of Horse Creek as an Outstanding Florida Water (OFW). Prior to CCMP adoption, the conference was reluctant to issue advocacy positions (without the guidance of an approved CCMP). Agenda Item #9. FY10 Workplan Discussion – Dr. Lisa Beever
In preparation for the May 2009 adoption of the Workplan, staff drafted the FY10 Workplan and FY09 Amendments for discussion. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009
Dr. Beever announced that CHNEP received a $5,000 grant for the children’s book for the next printing cycle. Ms. Hilgendorf gave an overview of the following projects:  Micro grants  Public outreach grants  Children’s book Ms. Donley referred to page 149 of 156; Table 21 FY09/2010 Cooperative Agreement was statutorily allocated for federally fiscal year 2009 dollars that were used in FY2010. The federal government has been working under a continuing resolution for the FY09 funds and it expires on March 6th, however it does appear the Omnibus Bill that was passed last week by the House which does hold the NEP’s funds at $600,000 will be signed by the President. Ms. Seachrist referred to pages 150 and 151, Tables 24 and 25. Dr. Beever explained that the tables list the Public Outreach and Technical projects. Mr. Cheatham referred to page 145, Table 13 and noted that under SFWMD it was requested $309,000 for FY09 and received only $30,000 and wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a mistake. Dr. Beever explained that there were several projects that the CHNEP tried to get funded through their initiatives program but were unsuccessful. Mr. Cheatham then asked about the local government’s contributions and if they are going to be able to continue their current level of contributions. Ms. Donley explained that the only call that she has received was from Hardee County asking why they were being invoiced. The other local government of concern is the City of Sanibel. Mr. Cheatham stated that he expects that Charlotte County will be having issues since last year they had to cut $30 million from their budget and this year they are looking to cut $40-48 million and he doesn’t know there it is going to come from. Mr. Kirby asked why Manatee County is separated from the rest of the local governments. Ms. Donley explained that the CHNEP entered into a five year contract with Manatee County per their request, so they have their own separate line item within the workplan. Mr. Kirby suggested having staff go around and speak to the local governments to explain the importance of the CHNEP. Dr. Beever stated that she would be happy to. Ms. Grigsby stated that it is not so much that the local governments don’t see the CHNEP as an benefit it is just that they are facing extreme economic downfalls. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009

Ms. Seachrist asked when the Research and Monitoring projects determined are. Dr. Beever
replied at the end of March beginning of April.
Mr. Cheatham asked what is the target amount for the Research and Restoration program. Dr.
Beever replied none at this time due to funding constraints.
Agenda Item #10. TAC Report

Mr. Ryan gave the TAC Report and announced that the next TAC meeting is scheduled for April
8th in Port Charlotte and topics of discussions will be the Reservoir Workshop Update, FY2010
Workplan and Research and Restoration Request for Proposals.
Agenda Item #11. CAC Report
Mr. Nedza gave the CAC Report. He announced that the CAC had decided to elect three co-
chairs. He also noted that there was a discussion on the CAC membership. Dr. Beever
explained that the Policy Committee had brought up the issue and wanted the CAC membership
to be very broad and represent various industries.
Mr. Heatherington asked what the current number of members on the CAC is. Ms. Hilgendorf
explained that currently there are approximately 20 voting members. However, there are more
than 200 of different classes of members (non-voting).
Mr. Nedza explained that within the CAC there are many people who represent many different
backgrounds, etc. The CAC’s concern was that somewhere along the line that somebody was
wanting the CAC to designate of how we were going to select members and we were suppose to
target certain groups. The CAC is under represented in the minority category, but are open to
anyone who wants to attend.
Agenda Item #12. ABM Report

Dr. Beever gave the ABM Report.
Ms. Stafford stated that she thought that there was a motion to exclude the ABM Report from
future agendas. Dr. Beever explained that there was a motion by the Management Committee to
remove the ABM Report but the Policy Committee decided that it was important to keep it on
the agenda.
Mr. Ryan stated that he noted that the Science Forum was not on the agenda. Dr. Beever stated
that she will amend the agenda to read “TAC and Science Forum Report.”
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009

Agenda Item #13. NEP Program Report – NEP Staff
Dr. Beever reviewed the following:
 Restoration Tracking Report  Land Acquisition Map  Climate Change/Vulnerability Assessment  Adaptation Plan with City of Punta Gorda  Southwest Florida Feasibility Study  List of Deliverables  CCMP  Public Outreach Projects  CHNEP Name Badges  Harbor Happenings Newsletter  Strategies for the CHNEP Website  Children’s Book  July 14th Deadline for the 2010 Calendar  Strategic Communication Plan  Peace River Environmental Network  10th Annual Charlotte Harbor Nature Festival on November 21st  Professional Development Workshop Survey on CHNEP Website  Southwest Florida Latino Environmental Education Network  Eco Tourism Ms. Grigsby suggested placing inserts in the utility bills. Ms. Ott reviewed the following:  Mote Marine  Charlotte County Department of Health  Janiki  Lemon Bay Fishery Monitoring  North Spreader Way Ecosystem Management  Lemon Bay Watershed Management Conference March 21st Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Management Committee
Approved Minutes
March 2, 2009
Dr. Beever noted that under the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study the TIR has been approved by the Corps Administration Engineer and two projects have been identified within the plan. Ms. Donley reviewed the following:  Federal Stimulus Package – State-wide Revolving Fund  EPA Stormwater Wet Weather Workshop
Agenda Item #14. Member Comments – Members announce upcoming events or current

Mr. Dale announced that the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council approved the
generic amendment that will allow offshore aquaculture within the Gulf of Mexico. If it occurs
within your area it will have some inshore components to it. Also, in relation to the Economic
Stimulus Bill NOAA has $230 million in habitat restoration to use and expects the Federal
Register notice to be released this week.
Mr. Dale also announced that the Corps of Engineers expects an influx of planning projects and
are planning on streamlining the process.
Agenda Item #15. Public Comments

Agenda Item #16. Next Meeting’s Topics, Location and Date
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2009 in Pt. Charlotte and topics of discussion
 Reservoir Workshop Update  FY10 Workplan  FDEP CHEVWQMN Optical Model Final Report  Water Quality Targets Refinement Segmentation Scheme
Agenda Item #18. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 12:13 p.m.


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