Stockdata 7.xls

Incubator,LEEC Model GA35N,C02,1250x500x500mm.
Incubator,GALLENKAMP,Model INF 631Q,cooled,temp.cycling.
D478 Gallenkamp,Size 2,static,470x470x460mm,97litresD410 Incubator,Scotlab VSL,600w x 800h x 500d. 2 available.
Gallenkamp,Size 2,fan,470x470x460mm97litres LEEC,GA150,SS lined,Fan,CO2,600x500x480mm, Flowlab IR1500,SS lined,fan assisted CO2 ;digital,3 available.
Astell JBH000,cooled,fan,digital,500x500x800mm.
Jouan IG150,fan,CO2,Digital.450x450x450mm.SS lined.
JenconsN Nuaire IR Autoflow water jacketed incubator,SS lined B&T Unitemp,SS lined,fan,520x470x430mm.100 litres.
LTE Unitemp,SS lined,fan,400x400x400xmm,65 litres.
Barlow Whitney industrial oven,3kw,700x600x700mm,340 litres,300C.
Hybaid hybridisation oven,SS lined,digital,400x400x400mm,65 litres.
Vindon SS lined,100 litre oven,convection.(2 off) Heraeus SS lined fan oven,50 litre capacity.
Ringway Apel,Model 250/H/C40/F,SS lined,630 x 630 x 630mm.
Fisons ModelTR70 MU/MW/ILAA/FS,SS lined ,900 x 900 x 900mmRange -70 to+100C.
Grant SE10U,210 x 240 150mm deep,10 litres.
Grant SE20,20 litres,325 x 305 x 150mm deep.
Grant BB1,3.5 litres,290 x 120 x 80mm deep.
Grant W6KA,6 litres,120 x 145 x 140mm deep.
Techne TE8J,220 x 290 x 130mm deep,12 litres.
Haake D8L,bath & thermocirculator,3litres,unused.
Gallenkamp,300 x 140 x 140mm deep,4 litres.
---------Grant BB1,3.5 litres,290 x 120 x 80mm deep.
------------------------------------------ Haake NF22,230 x 230 x 200mm,HD pump.
Tecnne RB12 refrig. Bath with TU16D Tempunit.(digital) Haake K refrig. Bath with F2 thermocirculator. -------pH .,CONDUCTIVITY,DISSOLVED O2----- Camlab,Hach One,Mains or Battery pH meter Jenway 3020 pH meter,RS232 and printer output.mV range.
Jenway 3010 pH meter, battery operated.
Denley BR401 refrigerated benchtop centrifuge,6000rpm.
HeraeusMinifuge T,refrigerated benchtop.4 x 100ml upto 4000rpm.
Beckman Allegra 6R.Refrigerated Benchtop,Max.8000rpm.
Phillips 8252 Dual Pen Recorder(2 off).
Varian Star A3400CX with A8200 Autosampler,NPD Detector Varian Star A3400 with A8200 CX Autosampler with Saturn 3 Mass Spectrophotometer.
Chrompac L90001 with Autosampler,twin FID,capillary.
Philips PU4500,twin FID detectors,programmable,digital temp.
PhilipsPU4550,twin ECD detectors,prog.,digital temp.readout.
Perkin Elmer 8420,Single FID/Capillary with split/splitless injection.
Chrompac CP9003 ,Fisons A200S autosampler/twin FID.
Perkin Elmer 200 Series HPLC System comprising PE200 Autosampler,2 x 200 series micro LC pumps,785A Variable wavelength UV/VISDetector,2 x 900 series interface boxes,computer plus software.
Shimadzu SPD10 AV Variable Wavelength UV/VIS Detector plusLC10AD Pump.
Shimadzu SPD6AV Variable Wavelength UV/VIS Detector plus2 x LC6A pumps plus SCL-6B system controller plus CR3AIntegrator.
Waters Delta Prep. 4000 System including Waters 486 UV/VIS Variable wavelength detector,computer and Millenium software.
and fraction collector.
Polymer Labs. PL.EMD950 Evaporative Mass Detector Waters R401 Differential Refractometer Detector.
Bioanalytical SystemsInc. ,Amperometric Detector.
HPLC Column Packer,Magnus Scientific Model P6060.
Beckman DU650,Scanning UV/VIS,suitable ptotein analysis,kinetics Beckman DU20 UV/Vis,self validating.
Shimadzu UV160,twin beam,scanning,monitor Safelab Kensington Recirc.with elec.operated sash.150mm wide.
Gelaire Class 11,Model BRB,1200mm wide.
Microflow Pathfinder,Class 2. (2 available).
Watson Service 1,Mechanical Stage,X10,X30,X50 objectives10 eyepiece,no illumination,Monocular.
Cooke Troughton & Simms,Monocular,X40,X90(oil immersion)objectives,X8 eyepiece,no illumination.
Cooke Troughton & Simms,Binocular,X5,X40,X95 objectives8 eyepieces,illuminated,mechanical stage.
objectives,X8 eyepiece,no illumination.
fixed stage illuminated.
Watson Marlow 101UR,max flow rate 52ml/ 32 rpm.
Watson Marlow 202U/1,50 rpm,flow rate 10.2ml/min.,4 casettes,digital.
Watson Marlow 202U/1,8 channel microcasette head,flow rate 24 microlitres,digital.
Millipore V/S (6-600 rpm) pump with Cole Palmer Head.
Gallenkamp 4-place wrist action shaker.
GFL 3012 gratory shaker 300mm x 450mm.
B & T Hotspin 2,Magnetic stirrer hotplate.
Rodwell Revostir reversible mag. stirrer.
Gallenkamp stirrer hotplate,model SWT500 010L Gallenkamp,magnetic stirrer,Model SWT300 010.
Waring lab. blender,Model 810G,SS container.
IKA Analytical mill,Model IKA10,jacketed.
New Brunswick ROLLACELL,Model RC-41,5 rolls,v/speed.
Bellco 9 deck cell roller,variable speed.
Edwards Speedivac 2Vac.Pump(,s/stage) Varian Vac Pump,Ult. Vac.15x10-2,
Fisher RZ5,5.6m3 per hr,4x10-4 mbarr.
Perkin Elmer UNIX DMA7 Dynamic Mechanical Analyser Bucchi Model R114 plus B480 bath(several available) Mettler Toledo AT460 analytical,delta range,405g/0.1/0.01mg.
Mettler Toledo SAG-285 Weighing System,41g/0.01mg.
Sartorious BP310 polyrange,310g/0.01g/0.001g.(3 available) Sartorious L220S-X,Ex rated balance,220g/0.001g.
Mettler AE200 analytical,digital balance.200g/0.1mg.
Mettler AE163 analytical,digital balance.160g to 4/5 places Sartorius 3706 top pan,digital,320g/1mg.
Mettler AT21 Comparator,20g/0.000001g.
Ohaus Harvard Trip balance,2-pan,,210g/0.1g upto 2kilo with weights.
Ohaus Dialogram,2-pan,100g/0.01g,upto 2kilo with weights.
Mettler Digital Top Pan ,30kg/1g,very good condition.
Avery Digital Top Pan,30kg/1g,very good condition.



PetPharm Product List All Prices are in US Dollars Last updated on January 21st, 2009 The dispensing fee is only charged per prescription item, not for each unit of the item. For example, if you buy 2 or 3 bottles of Florinef 0.1mg, there is just one dispensing fee of $7.50. So you save more when buying a 3 month supply. Name Strength Advair MDI 25mcg/125mcg Advair MDI

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