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Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Willman,
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Nancy Elaine Joste Associate Member, Women’s Cancers Research Program
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) njoste
UNM Professor of Pathology
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
University of New Mexico – Albuquerque
University of New Mexico – Albuquerque
A. Professional Experience / Honors / Memberships
1981 – 1983 TA - Anatomy, Physiology & Genetics, Dept of Biology - Univ New Mexico; Albuquerque NM
1989 – 1994 Clinical Fellow - Pathology; Lab Instructor - Infectious Disease Pathology, Harvard Medical
1989 – 1994 Residency - Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Boston MA 1992 – 1993 Cytopathology Fellow - Brigham and Women's Hospital; Boston MA 1993 – 1994 Gynecologic Pathology Fellow - Brigham and Women's Hospital; Boston MA 1995 – 2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 2001 – 2006 Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 2003-present Director, Division of Anatomic Pathology & Cytopathology, University of New Mexico,
2006-present Professor, Department of Pathology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM
B. Selected Peer-Review Publications (in chronological order):
1. Joste NE, Kundsin RB and Genest DR. Histology and Ureaplasma urealyticum culture in 63 cases of first
trimester abortion. Am J Clin Path 1994; 102:729-732.
2. Joste NE, Crum CP and Cibas ES. Cytologic/Histologic correlation for quality control in cervicovaginal
cytology: Experience with 1,582 paired cases. Am J Clin Path 1995; 103:32-34. Joste NE and Mulhern H. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the infantile testis: Evidence of
a dual epithelial-smooth muscle differentiation. Am J Surg Path 1996; 20:72-79.
4. Joste NE, Rich JD, and Schwartz DA. 1996. Autopsy verification of systemic Encephalitozoon intestinalis
(Microsporidiosis) eradication following albendazole therapy. Arch Pathol Lab Med 120: 199-203.
5. Joste NE, Rushing L, Granados R, Genest DR, Crum CP and Cibas ES. Bethesda classification of
cervicovaginal smears: Reproducibility and viral correlates. Human Path 1996; 27: 581-585.
6. Redlich, GC, Montgomery KD, Allgood GA and Joste NE. Plexiform histiocytic tumor with a clonal
cytogenetic anomaly. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 1999; 108:141-143.
7. Redlich G, Bocklage T and Joste NE. Fine needle aspiration cytology of plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor. Acta Cytol 1999; 43:867-72.
8. Griffith JK, Bryant JE, Fordyce C, Gilliland FD, Joste NE and Moyzis RK. Reduced telomere DNA content
is correlated with genomic instability and metastasis in invasive human breast carcinoma. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1999; 54:59-64.
9. Donaldson L, Fordyce C, Gilliland F, Smith A, Feddersen R, Joste NE, Moyzis R and Griffith J. Association
between outcome and telomere DNA content in prostate cancer. J Urology 1999; 162:1788-1792.
10. Joste NE, Sax PE, and Pieciak WS. 1999. Cytologic detection of microsporidia spores in bile: A
comparison of stains. Acta Cytol 43: 98-103.
11. Gilliland FD, Joste NE, Stauber PM, Hunt WC, Rosenberg R, Redlich G and Key CR. Biologic
characteristics of interval and screen-detected breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Institute 2000; 92:743-749. Biographical Sketch Format Page
Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Willman,
12. Chao A, Gilliland F, Willman C, Joste NE, Chen I-M, Stone N, Ruschulte J, Visnawatha D, Duncan P, Ming
R, Hoffman R, Foucar E and Key C. Patient and tumor characteristics of colon cancers with microsatellite instability - A population-based study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev 2000; 9:539-544.
13. Temes RT, Joste NE, Allen NL, Crowell RE, Dox HA, Wernly JA. 2000. The lingula is an appropriate site
for lung biopsy. Ann Thorac Surg 69: 1016-1019.
14. Temes RT, Joste NE, Qualls, CR, Allen NL, Crowell RE, Dox HA, Wernly JA. 2000. Lung biopsy: Is it
necessary? Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 118: 1097-1100.
15. Gaffney R, Feddersen R, Bocklage T and Joste NE. Fine needle aspiration cytology of follicular dendritic 16. cell sarcoma: Report of a case with cytologic dectection in an extranodal site. Acta Cytol 2000; 44:809-
17. Lee KR, Darragh T, Joste NE, Krane JF, Sherman ME, Hurley LB, Allred EM and Manos MM. Atypical
glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS): Interobserver reproducibility in cervical smears and corresponding thin-layer preparations. Am J Clin Pathol 2002; 117:96-102.
18. Joste, N. 2002. Pap smear terminology to change. Alumnarios 2: 6-7. 19.
Merlin J, Temes R, Joste N, Gill I. 2003. Invasive pulmonary mucormycosis with ruptured pseudoaneurysm. Ann Thorac Surg 7:1332.
20. Gaffney R, Chakerian A, O’connell JX, Mather J, Joste NE and Viswanatha DS. Novel fluorescent ligase 21. detection assay identifies SYT-SSX Fusion Type in Synovial Sarcoma. J Mol Diagn 2003; 5:127-135. 22. Palmisano WA, Crume KP, Winters SA, Toyota M, Esteller M, Joste NE, Baylin SB and Belinsky SA.
Aberrant promoter methylation of the transcription factor genes PAX5 Alpha and Beta in human cancers. Cancer Res 2003; 63:4620-4625.
23. Joste NE, Racz MI, Montgomery KD, Haines S and Pitcher JD. Clonal chromosome abnormalities in a
plexiform cellular schwannoma. Cancer Genet Cytogent 2004; 150:73-77.
24. Arias-Pulido H, Joste NE and Wheeler CM. Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 6 in HPV-16 positive
cervical carcinoma carrying the DRBI*1501-DQB1*0602 haplotype. Gene Chromosomes Cancer 2004; 40:277-284.
25. Croft PR, Lathrop SL, Feddersen RM and Joste NE. Estrogen receptor expression in papillary urothelial
carcinoma of the bladder and ovarian transitional cell carcinoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2005; 129:194- 199.
26. Fordyce CA, Heaphy CM, Joste NE, Smit AY, Hunt WC and Griffith JK. Association between cancer-free
survival and telomere DNA content in prostrate tumors. J Urol 2005; 173:610-614
27. Joste NE, Wolz M, Pai RK and Lathrop SL. Non-correlating Pap tests and cervical biopsies: histologic
predictors of subsequent correlation. Diagnostic Cytopathol 2005; 32:310-314.
28. Merchant SH, Amin MB, Viswanatha DS, Moehlenkamp C and Joste NE. p57KIP2 immunohistochemistry
in early molar pregnancies: emphasis on its complementary role in the differential diagnosis of hydropic abortuses. Human Pathol 2005; 36:180-186.
29. Hines WC, Fajardo AM, Joste NE, Bisoffi M and Griffith JK. Quantitative and spatial measurements of
telomerase reverse transcriptase expression within normal and malignant human breast tissues. Mol Cancer Res 2005; 3:503-509.
30. Arias-Pulido H, Peyton CL, Joste NE, Vargas H and Wheeler CM. Human papillomarvirus type-16
integration in cervical carcinoma in situ and invasive cervical cancer. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:1755- 1762.
31. Heaphy CM, Bisoffi M, Fordyce CA, Haaland CM, Hines WC, Joste NE and Griffith JK. Telomere DNA
content and allelic imbalance demonstrate field cancerization in histologically normal tissue adjacent to breast tumors. Int J Cancer 2006; 119:108-116.
32. Fordyce CA, Heaphy CM, Bisoffi M, Wyaco JL, Joste NE, Mangalik A, Baumgartner KB, Baumgartner RN,
Hunt WC and Griffith JK. Telomere content correlates with stage and prognosis in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006; 99:193-202.
33. Starkey CR, Joste NE and Lee F-C. Near-total resolution of multicentric Castleman disease by prolonged
treatment with thalidomide. Am J Hematol 2006; 81:303-304.
34. Smith HO, Leslie KK, Singh M, Qualls CR, Revankar CM, Joste NE and Prossnitz ER. GPR30: A novel
indicator of poor survival for endometrial carcinoma. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007;196:386-388. Continuation Format Page
Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Willman,
35. Marriott DA, Russell J, Grebosky J, Wallace AM, Joste NE and Royce ME. Idiopathic granulomatous
lobular mastitis masquerading as a breast abscess and breast carcinoma. Am J Clin Oncol 2007; 30:564- 5.
36. Fordyce CA, Heaphy CM, Bisoffi M, Wyaco JL, Hernandez JP, Joste NE, Mangalik A, Smith AY, Griffith
JK. 2007. Telomere DNA content predicts clinical recurrence of breast carcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma following surgical excision. Clin Cancer Res.
37. Arias-Pulido H, Joste NE, Chavez A, Muller CY, Dai D, Smith HO and Verschraegen CF. Absence of
epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2008; 18:749-757.
38. Heaphy CM, Bosoffi M, Joste NE, Baumgartner KB, Baumgartner RN and Griffith JK. Genomic instability
demonstrates similarity between DCIS and invasive carcinomas. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008 Sept 11 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18785004.
39. Gober-Wilcox J, Gardner DL, Joste NE, Clericuzio CL, Zlotoff B. 2009. Limb hyperplasia: Case report of
an unusual variant of Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome and review of the literature. Cutis 83: 255-262.
40. Arias-Pulido H, Smith HO, Joste NE, Bocklage T, Qualls, C, Chavez A, Prossnitz ER, Verschraegen CF.
2009. Estrogen and progesterone receptor status and outcome in epithelial ovarian cancers and low malignant potential tumors. Gyn Oncol 114: 480-485. C.Research Support:
Active 1R01CA132911-01
HPV Outcomes: Prevention Epidemiology and Surveillance (HOPES).
Pathologic review of histopathology slides generated from project.
University of New Mexico Interdisciplinary HPV Prevention Center. Project #1 "Genital Papillomavirus Infection in Epithelial Tissues". Pathologic review of histopathology slides generated from projects.
Continuation Format Page
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