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BUGATTI HANOVER 1st over 3/8s, led into far turn, opened up, nailed wire, ouch. Luke's choice over #5. JOEY HACKETTLet's watch one. COCOMARA 2nd over half, good lead up, 3wide to the lane, 3 vying for show honors. A gimmick must. SPUDCAM 1st over from half, began to labor far turn, stalled. Remains a longshot. YANK MY MISSILE Parked half turn to clear, 2nd behind winner past quarter, followed, urged, got worst in 3horse show photo. Welcome Roy Dinges.
PHANTOM DAN Shot to top, no pressure, won in hand, strong. Strictly the one to beat. TERROR TIME Pushed half turn, settled to midstretch, cleared, urged, easy 2nd best. Lookslike main danger to Dan.
IM AN EYREMinnesota invader in tactically challenged position for local bow.
TOUR GUIDE Pushed a quarter, back out 1st over from half, faded in comebacker. May need one. LIGHTNING OF LODI 2nd over last turn, good trip, urged, best of the rest. Small shot to share. RARE BEAUTY Took pocket trip behind strong winner, urged through the lane. Adds fresh Lasix. Deserves top billing. HOORAY KATIE Tracked to far turn, followed cover into lane, won in hand. Readiness the obvious question. EXQUISITE GEM 1st over well before half, long uncovered grind, urged to save runnerup. More undercard material. EARLY BOY Parked turn, took back to tuck, followed, faded in needed race, hopples off. CINNAMON Stuck at back through modest pace, cleared in lane, just fair once free. AddsJames Kennedy. Readiness.
LITTLE ANNA MAE Parked half turn, soon 2nd when fave retook, shadowed to lane, urged, no match for 3hole winner. Trips again, user.
FREE GIRL Sped to top, burst back near quarter, no pressure to lane, unable to stave off pair of stalkers. Luke's choice over #1,5. Big shot.
BARONA DESTINY Rode the rail, failed to get involved. In a tough spot. PIPS JENNY G Got away to 2hole tuck behind winner, followed balance, useful comeback tuner. Steve Wiseman returns. TWENTYONE GUNS Rode cones, 4th inside far turn, split rivals in late, easy 2nd best. Adds DaveSiegel. Shot to share. PERSUADE ME Left to mid turn tuck, stalked balance, away very easily. Mooney’s choice over #6. Deserves a slim call. MISSYS DIAMOND Quarter moved, moderated pace to 3/4s, faded once passed, fresh Lasix noted. Should be tighter now. BROOKLETS HICKTOWN Tracked to 5/8s, tipped out briefly, bad flow, back to rail, cleared in lane, some urging, away with Fresh Lasix. Right back? RANCHERA LINDA Sped from gate, yielded past quarter, stalked, surged into lead, caught late, easy 2nd best. Undercard price stab. SCARBORO HANOVER Rode rail to the lane, cleared traffic, urged, up near wire, fresh Lasix noted. The main danger. LEBO JONES 1st over well before half, paced past leader last bend, held tough to the end.
James’ choice over #2.
RAG DOLL Away to mid turn tuck, shuffled a bit, loose in lane, not loaded. Adds Jim Lackey. FOX VALLEY WYATT Sent to top, attacked last bend, faded out once passed. Not worst stab. A LITTLE LOONEY 2nd over near half, kept grinding on the rim, led late, caught. Needs live cover again. RIO SECCO Sent from gate, benefited inside last turn traffic, some urging, easily best of the others. LODI DORIAN BLUES 1st over far turn, jostled with rival 3/4s, broke, hard to gauge. Looks like undercard player. DONNA LETSGO Sent to easy lead, no pressure any point, won under snug hold, fresh Lasix noted. Sharp, steps back up. SILVERLODE Sent to top, no pressure, won over a pretty soft crew. Looks like obvious choice. CUSSETA AS Off gate 4, tripped to far turn, came with cover, just fair late stages. Usable in gimmicks. AJS LITTLE ONE Tripped out to 3/4s, drifted a bit entering lane, urged, fair. Undercard price stab. OUTTA THE RED Sat in to 3/4s, angled to drive, closed okay on her own, hopples off. Let's watch one. PARTY COVE 3rd over from half, stacked up behind poor cover to 3/4s, came wide, easy best of others. Rail, must use. KABLOOIE Sat in the trip, backed up behind gapper 3/4s, cleared, driven, fair off no use. Medium price stab. COME ON JOJO Pocket tripped behind fave, tracked to lane, urged, no rally, fresh Lasix noted. Steve chose over #7.
BOOT SCOOTIN BOW 2nd over half, followed winner, gapped flow final bend. Adds James Kennedy. JUST THE WAY ITIS 1st over near half, long uncovered grind to the lane, urged on late. Luke's choice over #4,7. User.
GONNA ROCK N ROLL Sent under urging to top, little resistance when winner attacked far turn, stalled readily once passed. Adds fresh Lasix. ETERNAL OVERDRIVE Parked past quarter to drop, back 2nd over behind winner from half, stalled into the lane. Adds Roy Dinges. VILLAGE BENJAMIN 2nd over behind odds on winner from half, good lead up, driven to narrow gap. Gimmick must. DANCING BARRY Sent to tuck, quarter moved to top, attacked by winner last bend, held fair considering. Another must use. HELLO SEVENS Led early, soon settled in, tripped rest of the way, no late moves. BLISSFULL WINDS Sat in the mile, cleared stretch traffic, had some late interest. Tim’s choice over #5, big shot.
GUSTY WINDS AHEAD Sat in to the lane, cleared some traffic, fair tuner. Adds Mike Jarvis. MUZHIK HANOVER Far back to last turn, out around gapper but failed to rally. Welcome back Tim.
LS ORCHARDWINNER covered by 3/8s, soon 4th over, followed rival 3wide, failed to sustain the bid. Off Lasix.
HELL N DAMNATION Far back, a bit rough in the lane. James’ choice over #5,6,7.
LIVE A LITTLE Left to tuck, stalked to stretch, had some late pace. Mooney’s choice over #10.
QUICK ON MY FEET Bided time for 3/4s, followed winner's cover into lane, came home well. Ready? SERIOUS ART (2nd Tier) 1st over 3/8s, covered by half, 3wide around stalled cover 3/4s, driven, bestof the rest. Luke's choice over #6,7.
SHARPSHOOTENNORRISInvader from Indiana segues from claimers. Not totally impossible. AXLE 2nd over near half, gapped flow final bend, faded in the needed trip. Could be tighter now.
INSIDE BROADWAY 1st out before half, long uncovered grind to the lane, stalled in the return. Looks like another player. GILES LS HANOVER Quarter moved to top, went for air last bend, flattened a bit deep in the drive. One more contender here.
ALPINE HAWK Got away to tuck, no room til deep stretch, solid rally once free. The main danger to Frank.
FRANKS BEST Bided time to far turn, angled wide into the lane, exploded, away easily. Looks like obvious choice in this one.
MAJESTIC LASS Sat in to 3/4s, tipped out on rim, came home impressively on own. In good spot with Jim Lackey.
AMAZON DOT Saved all ground to the lane, no rally into fastest quarter of the mile. WINDY CITY PAIGE Sped to top, moderated middle half, home on own, solid tuner. The main danger to #1.
POORLITTLERICHGIRL Soft pocket trip to the lane, mild traffic, fair comeback tuner. Not worst stab. MYSTICALLY MINE 3rd over backside, followed rival 3wide 3/4s, no close into 28 panel. MooneySvendsen returns. GIRLS LIE TOO Away well, tracked top pair to the lane, just even in fast last panel. Adds Steve Wiseman. JANE THE BRAIN Came up with cover but couldn't do much damage when asked in lane. GENTLE DRAGON Rode rail to lane, some urging, some traffic, not loaded. RED STAR GILDA Far back, unable to make a menacing move. Luke's choice over #1,5.
TWICE THE RUCKUS Out behind fav 3/8s, lost cover 5/8s, kept marching, urged to survive. One to beat again.
KD ROWDY ONE 3rd over past half, suffered poor flow last bend, angled wide, faded. LODI NICKOLUS Parked quarter to clear, attacked from half, stalled a bit in debut for Luster barn. MITLEH HADEEDShips in from Hoosier, been tossing hints, but probably gonna need one. TRY THIS Swung out last turn, came wide around traffic, only fair late. ONLY IN LODI Led into turn, yielded, followed to the lane, closed well nearing wire. Adds Mooney Svendsen. Use.
WINSOM KELLY Away to tuck, tripped to lane, fair off no use ride. May need one. HI TECH TONY Out near 3/8s, led into far turn, attacked by winner entering stretch, stalled.
Obvious tactical issues, but usable. BOBBY BACCALA Saved all ground to the lane, driven, just fair off no use. Outside post the problem. BLESSINGFROMABOVEAdds James Kennedy for local bow. Readiness the obvious question. HI FIDELITY Rode the cones in speedy prep, just fair. Probably gonna need one as well.
LIL MISS NYALATIONShips in from Hoosier. Likely to need the trip here.
MOUSSELINE HANOVERReturns from Running Aces, adds to the readiness speculation. Tim Maier in the bike.
WILD ABOUT EAGLE Brushed out near quarter, backed off the pace while untested, sped home, wrapped up late. Sharp, steps up. THATS MARA Parked past quarter to clear, went for air final bend, some urging to ensure popular score. Right back? TWIN B HEARTLANDComes back from Indiana, stuck outside, but still gets into a pretty good spot tonight.
SLEIGH BELLE Rode rail in fast prep, gapped far turn, fair comebacker. James’ choice over #6,10.
RED STAR PENNY 4th over near half, long trip, not a late factor. Adds Tim Maier. VANTAGE 2nd over from half, swung wide 3/4s, failed to rally. Dave chose over #2.
HOOSIER GB DIAMOND Led into turn, yielded to winner's retake, stalked, faded a bit last eighth. Shot to share. LUST 1st over on rim near half, long grind, held fair considering. Adds Steve Wiseman. Shot.
DRAWING DEAD No hurry early, 1st over past half, failed to sustain the bid. Medium price stab. BLUE NOTE Sat in along cones to the lane, cleared a bit late, finished fair off no use. May need one. EMMASPHERE Sent to pocket behind strong winner, followed rest of way, useful tuner. Luke's choice over #7,10, edge here.
NOTABLE INTENSION Rode the rail to lane, driven, just fair. Obvious tactical issues. JENS DELIGHT 1st over half, covered into far turn, not a late danger. Adds Mooney Svendsen. I CAN FEEL ITHoosier invader is likely to need this one.
RC NORTH STAR Settled to 5/8s, 2nd over, angled to drive, urged, short. LONELLE HANOVER Took 4th over cover late last turn, showed some pace final sixteenth. Big shot for all. LEXIES DELIGHTNew York invader is in a good spot if she’s ready to roll.
CORONA WITH LIME Left with a few, broke into turn one, parked balance, stalled. Gene’s choice over #7,9. Fresh Lasix.
LOOKS DONT COUNT Well back early, tracked to lane, not asked, fair 2nd prep.
WIRELESS Gapped past quarter, lost contact. Adds Tim Maier. ME TARZAN Rode rail in required tuner, avoided a break. Maybe a slice. PROFESSOR RAY J 3rd over past half, good lead up trip, some drive, fair tuner. Steve chose over #6.
MIGHTY FINE HI HO Came up on cover train from half, swung 3wide, steadied deep stretch, breaking briefly, useful tuner.
COG HILL Led early, settled in for soft trip, driven, just fair. Adds Roy Dinges. I O ONE Sent to lead, pushed a bit before yielding past quarter, stalked, cleared midstretch, urged. Deserves slim call. BO KNOWS POWER 2nd over 3/8s, lost cover 5/8s, battled on rim, faded. Gets post relief. FORK IN THE ROAD Took out last turn, angled 3-4wide, closed under urging, up wire. James’ choice over #2,6.
DEVILISH DONNIE Sent to top, yielded past quarter, tracked, tired. Jim Lackey returns. ASGOODASIONCEWAS Parked half turn to top, yielded to fav 5/8s, followed, driven, lugged out a bit, faded. Price shot.
JESSALILPEACE Rode rail to the lane, cleared heavy traffic, only fair one free. YANKEE MY WAY Sped to top, no pressure to the lane, stalled a bit deep stretch. SCHEMES (2nd Tier) 3rd over behind top pair past half, good journey, urged, fair. Steve choice over #2,6.



"The Family and the Integration of the Handicapped Person in Childhood and Adolescence"During recent years, the world’s attention has focused with increasing frequency on the frightening drama of child on child violence in North American schools. Just over a year ago, in my home state of Oregon, a 15 year old boy murdered his mother and father and then calmly went to school and proceed

Bacillus clausii therapy to reduce side-effects of anti-helicobacter pylori treatment: randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004; 20: 1181–1188. Bacillus clausii therapy to reduce side-effects of anti-Helicobacterpylori treatment: randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trialE . C . N I S T A * , M . C A N D E L L I * , F . C R E M O N I N I * , I . A . C A Z Z A T O * , M . A . Z O C C O * , F . F R A N C E S C H I * ,G . C A M M A R O T A * , G . G A S B A R R I N I * & A G A S B A

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