Back to Basics Topical retinoids in the treatment of photoaging Christina Stefanaki, Alexander Stratigos & Andreas Katsambas Department of Dermatology, University of Athens, Andreas Sygros Hospital, Athens, Greece
A large number of different substances comprise the family of retinoids, which are tradi-tionally described as vitamin A derivatives. By exerting their action through nuclearand cytoplasmic receptors they may improve photoaging. Tretinoin is the best studiedretinoid in the treatment of photoaging. Others such as isotretinoin, retinaldehyde, andtazarotene, although less well studied, have given promising results. Keywords: retinaldehyde, retinoids, tazarotene, tretinoin
melanocytes, reduction and alteration in collagen, twisted
and dilated microvasculature, and most of all by deposi-
Since human life span has expanded, and people more
tion of abnormal elastoid material in the upper dermis
and more desire a youthful and attractive appearance,
a tremendous public and scientific interest has been
The beneficial effects of retinoids on photodamaged
skin were first noted by Kligman et al.5 in postadolescent
Aging of the skin can be the result of a normal process
women treated with tretinoin for persistent acne, as long-
that involves a lower rate of metabolic activities and is
term use of tretinoin led to improvement of skin wrinkling
called chronologic aging.1 Chronologically aged skin
remains smooth and demonstrates only subtle changes,such as slight atrophy, loss of elasticity, fine wrinkling, and
deepening of expression wrinkles. Those changes arealso evident histopathologically. The epidermis appears
Retnoids are traditionally described as vitamin A (all-
atrophic and flattened. In the dermis fibroblasts, inflam-
trans retinol) derivatives. All-trans retinol is oxidized
matory cells and the microvasculature are significantly
through retinal to its most active metabolite all-trans
reduced and the collagen bundles become thick and
retinoic acid (tretinoin), which has two stereoisomers,
13-cis retinoic acid (isotretinoin) and 9-cis retinoic
On the contrary, photoaging is the consequence of
acid.6 Following application to the skin, 50% of topically
chronic sun exposure and manifests clinically with fine
applied tretinoin remains in its original form, while the
and coarse wrinkling, roughness, dryness, laxity, shallow-
remaining is either metabolized to hydroxyretinoic acid
ness, pigmentary mottling, telangiectasia, and in some
cases with preneoplastic and neoplastic changes.3 Photo-
Retinoids bind with specific cytoplasmic receptors and
aged skin is typified histopathologically by acanthosis,
exert their action through nuclear receptors, which
loss of epidermal polarity, a basket weave appearance of
belong to the family of steroid-thyroid receptors, thus
the epidermis, keratinocyte atypia, irregularly dispersed
activating transcription and leading to the production ofretinoid-specific proteins.8
Two families of nuclear receptors have been found,
Correspondence: A Katsambas, MD, Department of Dermatology, Andreas
RAR and RXR, each consisting of three isotypes,
Sygros Skin Hospital, University of Athens, 5 Ionos Dragoumi Street, Athens
γ.9 RAR receptors bind both tretinoin and 9-cis retin-oic acid, whereas RXR binds only 9-cis retinoic acid.9
Accepted for publication April 05, 2005
2005 Blackwell Publishing • Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 4, 130–134
Topical retinoid treatment • C Stefanaki et al.
RXR α is the receptor that is predominately expressed in
In the first study assessing the efficacy of tretinoin
the epidermis, but RAR γ is also strongly expressed.10
emollient cream on 251 subjects with mild or moderate
Tretinoin, when applied to the skin, may either bind to recep-
photodamage, it was found that tretinoin 0.05% emol-
tors as all-trans retinoic acid or its isomer 9- cis retinoic
lient cream applied for 6 months was more effective than
acid and alter gene transcription, ultimately affecting cell
tretinoin 0.01% in reducing wrinkles, skin roughness,
growth and differentiation. Cellular retinoic acid-binding
and mottled hyperpigmentation.25 Side effects such as
protein (CRABP-II), a binding protein for retinoic acid, is
xerosis, mild erythema, peeling, burning, and stinging
a very sensitive marker of retinoid activity.11
were also dose dependent. Irritant effects decreased with
The beneficial effects of retinoids include: improved
ongoing use and when persistent they were effectively
fine wrinkling, diminished tactile roughness, improved
actinic keratoses, and reduced hyperpigmentation.
In the other study conducted by Olsen et al.26 compar-
Histopathologically, after treatment with tretinoin the
ing different concentrations of tretinoin emollient cream
following effects are noted: epidermal hyperplasia, com-
(0.05%, 0.01%, and 0.001%) to vehicle, a greater
paction of the stratum corneum, thickening of the granu-
response was detected in the 0.05% treated group. Over-
lar layer, reduced melanocytic hypertrophy, restoration of
all improvement was noted in 78% of the subjects using
cell porarity, increased angiogenesis, increased new col-
the 0.05% cream, whereas only 44% of the subjects in the
lagen formation, and normalization of the appearance of
vehicle group improved. No significant difference was
found between vehicle and tretinoin 0.01% and 0.001%.
The question arises how retinoids improve photodamage.
However, in a study comparing two different concen-
Epidermal thickening noted early on after the initi-
trations of retinoic acid, 0.025% and 0.1%, no significant
ation of therapy and followed after several months by
difference was found in clinical efficacy between the two
normalization of the epidermal thickness cannot fully
concentrations.27 Irritancy was greater with tretinoin
0.1% cream. This study suggested that efficacy is inde-
The lightening of mottled hyperpigmentation is prob-
pendent to the degree of irritation, in contrast to previous
ably the result of increased epidermal turnover, reduced
studies that indicated that the effects of tretinoin may be
transfer of melanosomes, and inhibition of tyrosinase.16
the result of a nonspecific irritant reaction.28 This issue of
It has been found that in retinoic acid-treated skin
irritancy and efficacy is not fully resolved. Even a very low
there is a significant increase in collagen I synthesis that
irritation may be required to produce the desirable clinical
is reduced in photoaged skin.12 Anchoring fibrils, consist-
ing mainly of collagen VII, are reduced in number in
Several studies have been conducted to assess the
photoaged skin but increase in number after tretinoin
maintenance of the beneficial effects of tretinoin.
treatment.17,18 Furthermore, tretinoin may prevent
In one study, 298 photodamaged subjects who com-
photodamage by inhibiting UVR-induced matrix metallo-
pleted 6 months of once-daily use of tretinoin 0.05%
proteinases (e.g., collagenase), which induce collagen
or 0.1% emollient cream continued to use the same
strength for another 6 months.30 Improvement was
Despite those findings, the precise mechanisms of re-
maintained and furthered with continuous use. Subjects
tinoid actions remain to be elucidated.
receiving the 0.01% formulation improved more duringthe second than the first 6 months of treatment, but stilldid not achieve the level of response of the 0.05% group. Tretinoin
Interestingly, some individuals responded only in the
The best-studied retinoid on the treatment of photo-
extended 6-month period indicating a slow or delayed
damage is tretinoin. Since the first observations by
response in certain subjects. Side effects declined with
Kligman et al.,5 a great number of studies followed. In the
continuous use. It was only after 12 months of treatment
earliest controlled trials of topical tretinoin therapy
that well-organized collagen fibers and normal-appearing
for photodamaged skin, both clinical and histological
microfibrils were detected in the majority of subjects,
improvements were seen with 0.05% and 0.1%
which were detectable in the initial 6-month treatment
formulations.15,21–24 However, the formulations used
were primarily designed for acne, so an emollient base
Subjects on tretinoin 0.05% cream were then ran-
for tretinoin was developed and two large 24-week
domized into three groups: once weekly therapy, three
multicenter, double-blind studies followed.25,26 Both
times weekly therapy or no therapy.5 The clinical im-
studies concluded that the beneficial effects of retinoic
provement was sustained with the three times/weekly
acid on photodamaged skin are dose dependent.
application regimen and, to a lesser extent, with the once
2005 Blackwell Publishing • Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 4, 130–134
Topical retinoid treatment • C Stefanaki et al.
weekly application regimen.31 Discontinuation of ther-
whereas tazarotenic acid selectively binds to RARs β and
apy for 6 months resulted in some reversal of the benefi-
γ.6 In addition to its RARβ and RARγ binding properties,
cial effects seen after 1 year on treatment, while ongoing
tazarotenic acid reduces abnormal expression of epidermal
treatment further enhanced the reduction of photodam-
growth factor and keratinocyte transglutaminase I and
down-regulates gene expression dependent on activator
These results have been confirmed by other studies.
protein 1, a transcription factor associated with cell
Ellis et al.15 noted a sustained clinical and histological
improvement in the severity of photodamage with con-
Preliminary data from a small pilot study in 10
tinuous treatment with tretinoin 0.1% and 0.05% over a
patients showed that tazarotene 0.1% gel applied to
phodamaged skin for 12 weeks results in a statisticallysignificant increase in epidermal thickness and a signi-ficant decrease in skin roughness.36
Tazarotene was evaluated further against photo-
Although isotretinoin is less well studied than retinoic
damage in two subsequent studies. The first was a double-
acid, it has given promising results. Prompted by animal
blind, randomized, dose-ranging study involving 349
studies that have demonstrated isotretinoin efficacy in
patients.37 Tazarotene 0.1% performed better than lower
reversing photoaging, Sendagorta et al.32 conducted a
concentrations in reducing fine wrinkling, mottled
double-blind controlled trial to assess the efficacy of the
hyperpigmentation, lentigines, and elastosis. In the
formulation in 776 subjects with mild to moderate
second 24-week multicenter, double-blind, randomized,
photodamage. Isotretinoin 0.05% applied at night for
vehicle-controlled trial enrolling 563 patients, tazaro-
3 months followed by 0.1% cream for 6 months im-
tene 0.1% applied once daily achieved greater than 50%
proved photoaging without causing any significant
global improvement and at least 1 grade improvement
of fine wrinkles, mottled hyperpigmentation, lentigines,elastosis, pore size, irregular depigmentation, tactileroughness, and coarse wrinkling.38 Actinic keratoses
and telangiectasia were not significantly improved after
Human keratinocytes transform retinol into retinal-
24 weeks of treatment. After the first 24 weeks, an open-
dehyde and then into retinoic acid — a two-step
label extension of tazarotene 0.1% cream followed for
enzymatic process involving dehydrogenase. The use of
another 28 weeks. Additional clinical improvement was
retinaldehyde seemed appealing for two reasons. First,
noted, which did not plateau after 52 weeks on treat-
it would bypass the first step of retinol oxidation.
ment. Irritation was generally mild or moderate and
Furthermore, because only well-differentiated epidermal
declined with ongoing treatment, whereas plasma tazaro-
cells are capable of oxidizing retinaldehyde to retinoic acid,
tenic acid concentration did not exceed the plasma levels
a controlled delivery of retinoic acid and a better tolerance
would be achieved with retinaldehyde, compared to
To assess the efficacy of four different concentrations
retinoic acid and its synthetic analogues.33,34
of tazarotene in the treatment of facial photodamage,
A study enrolling 125 photodamaged individuals dem-
a multicenter, randomized, vehicle-controlled study was
onstrated a significant reduction of wrinkles and skin
conducted.37 Three hundred forty-nine subjects were
roughness after 44 weeks of treatment in both tretinoin
randomized to use either tazarotene in various formula-
0.05% and retinaldehyde-treated patients.35 Retinalde-
tions (0.1%, 0.05%, 0.025%, 0.01%) or tretinoin 0.05%,
hyde was shown to be well tolerated, in contrast to retinoic
or vehicle. Tazarotene 0.1% had the best overall efficacy,
acid, which caused more local irritation, affecting com-
with significant improvement of mottled hyperpigmenta-
tion occurring as early as week 8 and of fine wrinkling atweek 12.38 Increased epidermal thickness and reducedmelanin content were the only histopathological features
that changed significantly. Tazarotene 0.1% and tre-
Tazarotene is a synthetic retinoid that has been used
tinoin 0.05% cream achieved a similar degree of improve-
primarily for psoriasis. Tazarotenic acid, the active
ment of fine wrinkling and mottled hyperpigmentation,
metabolite of tazarotene, appears not to be convertible
although a trend toward a quicker response was noted
to other potentially active retinoid forms.6 Tazarotene
with tazarotene 0.1%. The irritation observed was gener-
and tretinoin display different receptor selectivities.
ally of mild and moderate severity and was greater with
Tretinoin activates directly the RARs α, β, and γ,
the higher tazarotene concentrations.
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