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Work areas
The reclamation of recycled and secondary materials
Description of the work area
Using raw materials and energy economically helps to achieve sustainable road construction. As an alternative to consuming primary raw materials – which are mostly not renewable and, therefore, limited in supply and availability – secondary raw materials can be employed. These are materials used previously in an infrastructure or in some industrialprocess or product, which are considered as wastes when reaching the end of their service lives.
Especially stony wastes – e.g., demolition products from buildings and roads or various types of slag from the iron andsteel industry – can be reclaimed and put to interesting use for example as aggregates in road construction. As such, theyare substitutes to newly dug natural raw materials such as limestone, gravel, or sand. In addition, some materials / wastessuch as pulverized fuel ash, plastics or waste rubber can be recycled in or as a binder, an additive or a finished product.
The reclamation of wastes as secondary raw materials must not be merely an alternative form of waste treatment: the roadis not a dustbin or a dumping ground. That is why these alternative materials must meet strict requirements, both for environmental safety and technical quality in construction.
Stainless steel slag as a secondary raw materialDemolition waste from concrete roads
BRRC has been investigating such alternative materials for many years as part of its research programme.
Since these secondary or recycled materials often have special characteristics and consequently differ in behaviour fromthe well-known traditional materials, they are an interesting topic for research. This may result in specific recommenda-tions for the handling of these materials, or in the development of specific test methods or equipment.
The reclamation of recycled and secondary materials
Geotechnics and the environment Equipment - Tests
BRRC has published several reports relating the experience and recommendations of its researchers with respect to specific alternative materials.
About phosphogypsum:
CR 20/83: Possibilités de traitement de divers gypses résiduaires CR 28/85: Le phosphogypse comme matériau de remblai routier
About pulverized fuel ash:
CR 16/81: Les cendres volantes belges: leurs qualités de filler routier R52/84: Code de bonne pratique pour la fabrication et la mise en oeuvre de mélanges cendres volantes-chaux en construction routière R53/84: Code de bonne pratique pour la réalisation d’une fondation routière en béton pouzzolanique à base de cendres volantes de fraîche production CR 25/84: Compte rendu de l’exécution de sections expérimentales de fondations à base de centres volantes de fraîcheproduction à Forest (Province de Brabant) MF58/86: Mode opératoire pour la caractérisation de la pouzzolanicité de matériaux pouzzolaniques fins MF59/86: Mode opératoire pour la détermination de la composition chimique des cendres volantes et autres matériauxsilico-alumineux MF66/93: Essais de contrôle pour mélanges à base de cendres volantes de charbon broyé
About slags:
MF67/93: Modes opératoires pour l’évaluation de la stabilité dimensionnelle des scories LD et de matériaux similaires Essai de gonflement accéléré Essai de délitement CR 9/78: Matériaux non traditionnels pour sous-fondations CR 22/84: Etude en laboratoire des possibilités de valorisation des scories d’aciéries et de laitiers de haut fourneau enconstruction routière CR 33/91: Sous-produits industriels pour la réalisation de mélanges liés de fondation: laitiers de haut fourneau concassés, scories LD et cendres volantes
About aggregates from demolition wastes:
CR 9/78: Matériaux non traditionnels pour sous-fondations CR 32/91: Le recyclage d’enrobés asphaltiques en centrale discontinue CR 34/91: Les granulats de béton concassé comme matériau pour fondation routière non liée
The reclamation of recycled and secondary materials
Geotechnics and the environment Cooperation - Ongoing projects - Completed projects
For some projects conducted under this topic cooperations are set up with other knowledge centres, both nationally (withBBRI, VITO, CTP, etc.) and internationally (e.g., through FEHRL for European research projects).
- VALDECHE (Valorisation des déchets et sous-produits pour l’infrastructure routière): a technical consulting in cooperation
with CTP («Centre Terre et Pierre») and with financial support from «DGTRE Wallonie», which deals with subjects in theareas of recycling, the environment and sustainable construction in general, as well as with problems raised be thereuse of locally available materials.
- Aggregates from demolition wastes used as gravel substitutes in high-performance applications for concrete road
construction, a project supported by the research committee («Onderzoekscomité») of the Flemish gravel fund(«Grindfonds») which aims at promoting alternatives to Flemish gravel from the river Meuse.
- The health impact of gravel substitutes in the production, construction and application stages, a study commissioned
by the research committee («Onderzoekscomité») of the Flemish gravel fund («Grindfonds»). The object is to developrecommendations for the safe use of alternative aggregates in construction.
- DIRECT-MAT (Dismantling and Recycling Techniques for Road Materials), a European end-of-life strategy project which
seeks to inventory existing knowledge in the field of so-called secondary materials that can be used in road construction, and to make them more readily available to interested persons.
- Research project ETEUSCE (Economical, Technical and Ecological Utilization of treated Steel slag in Civil Engineering of
- Research project Recycling and Valorisation of Steel Slags (EU): a study into the ecological quality of aggregates
reclaimed from road demolition waste, with to view to defining standards and an acceptance policy (commissioned byOVAM, the public waste agency of Flanders).
- Study into possible applications of incinerator refuse ash (IPALLE intermunicipal company) (commissioned by the
- The analysis of problems raised by the recycling of materials from demolition and industrial by-products that can be
used in construction, convention for a study commissioned by Recywall and the Walloon Region.
The reclamation of recycled and secondary materials
Geotechnics and the environment Documents - Links - Training
OVAM (Openbare Vlaamse Afvalstoffenmaatschappij):
OWD (Office wallon des déchets):
Leefmilieu Brussel (BIM - Brussels Instituut voor Milieubeheer):
Samenwerkingsverband Recywall:
Onderzoekscomité van het Grindfonds: De Bock Matériaux secondaires et recyclés dans le cahier des charges SB250
Cycle de formation 2008 «Lecture pratique des cahiers des charges types illustrée par quelques exemples», CRR,
Jour 2 «Terrassements, (sous-)fondations et égouttage», Sterrebeek, 31 janvier 2008
Luc De Bock: 02 766 03 57, BRRC, december 2009
Institution recognized by application of the decree-law of 30.01.1947
The reclamation of recycled and secondary materials
Geotechnics and the environment
JOBNAME: cno 25#1 2005 PAGE: 1 OUTPUT: Fri February 11 20:34:45 2005lww/cno/94412/WNO160361Prod #: WNO160361Howard D. Pomeranz, MD, PhD and Abdhish R. Bhavsar, MDAbstract: Seven patients, aged between 50 and 69 years,had typical features of nonarteritic anterior ischemic opticThe medical records of seven patients in whomneuropathy (NAION) within 36 hours after ingestion ofNAION developed sub
Unraveled the role of adipose tissue and adipocyte hormones There has been a paradigm shift regarding the role of adipose tissue, from one in which adipocytes play a passive role in storing triacylglycerol, to a current model where adipose tissue actively participates in metabolism and mediates the complications of obesity . Obesity is associated with histological and biochemical changes chara