Meeting called to order @ 8:30 PM by co-president Seth Saltzman; reviewed meeting rules Rabbi Tobin gave brief remarks Minutes approved from the 2011 meeting President’s report – Seth Saltzman Revamped Adult Education programming – Rabbi Tobin Engagement New Israel advocacy support committee Growth in the religious school Teen Torah Reading Academy and Weekly Talmud class Our successful “going green” initiative The Purim Spiel is back – stronger than ever Purim Baskets – raised over $15,000 and had over 50% membership $75,000 in Security enhancements including over 20 cameras and blast Proofing our windows @ zero cost to synagogue Partnering, which provides a source of income We had an equal number of new members as ones who left the Given the interest in Rabbi Tobin and other developments in the community, we expect a net gain in members in 2012-2013 The number of members overall has decreased over the past decade –led to declining dues and fundraising revenue Smaller pool of people to draw from for shul-related activities thereby limiting available manpower, expertise, leadership and donations Securing loan for renovating parsonage home 110 Woodland Ave – Update- Susan Friedman, Co-president 110 Woodland Ave. is the house that the synagogue owns on the adjacent property to the east Per contract, the intent is to renovate the house for use by the Rabbi and his There has been an in depth process looking at selling the property and purchasing another or renovating this property. – Plans have been completed – Environmental permit has been submitted – Variance application has been submitted – Building permit has been obtained – Asbestos abatement has been performed – Securing financing. – Finish obtaining bids – As the house will be used by the rabbi it is a parsonage house. The rabbi will ‘rent’ the house, this will make the mortgage cost neutral to the synagogue. – There is a large group of individuals who are helping make this a reality. Howard Coopersmith Matt Luftig Ivan Sobel Leah Shulman Al Spring Ari Wise BOT and EC members on the committee Long Range Planning Report- Seth Cohen, Executive VP – Engagement
• Involvement in synagogue activity by more members • Compelling programming • Expanded Religious School – Financial Stability
• Enhance the annual campaign • Successful fundraising events at regular intervals • Maximize income streams from building use – Growth
• Membership growth and retention efforts Increased participation of our membership… i.e. Active Volunteerism!

Roof Repairs – Susan Friedman – Co-President
TOTAL $25,575
* This number would be higher if the repairs to
the roof over the men's bathroom had not been
generously donated by a congregant.
• Roof over Maron Hall / Old Classrooms was not replaced during the renovations. • We have spent over $25,000 on maintenance repairs in the past 5 years.
• New roof will last many years and will be warranted
• Roof leaks lead to other damage / inconvenience / increased costs
• Costs to be spread over 3 years
• This is a burden to all members as was recommended to be weighted based on
• Don Legow • Al Spring • Bennett Schwartz
Nominations and Election of Officers and New Members of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Charles Kurtzer, Immediate Past President
• Co-Presidents: Susan Friedman, Seth Saltzman • Executive VP: Seth Cohen • Co-VP Administration: Roberta Knauer, Larry Gelber • Co-VP Finances: Noel Meltzer, Howard Knauer • VP Technology and Communications: Ed Bier • VP Membership: Tina Kaplan • Co-VP Education: Orit Kastner, Murray Fryd • Treasurer: Karen Aaron • Recording Secretary: Bonnie Kessler • Gabbaim: Jerry Golub, Flora Musleah Yavelberg • Immediate Past President: Charles Kurtzer
Outgoing BOT Members
Three Years Term Ending 2012
• Janet Babbit • David Cimbol • Ilan Forster • Larry Gelber • Mark Goldman • Tina Kaplan
New Board of Trustees Slate
Three Years Term Ending 2015
• Mathi Fuchs • Gary Lillianthal • Matt Luftig • Alexander Mushkin • Jessica Wise • Ari Wise Slate approved for Officers and New BOT Members Budget – Noel Meltzer, Co- Finance VP Income & Expense Highlights: 2011-12 • No major fund raising event in 2011-12 • Purim Baskets netted $15,000 • Received a $50,000 estate bequest from a former member • 2011-12 Annual Campaign raised $156,000 which was about $24,000 below • Loss of rental income - $18000 • Additional transition costs • April 2012 - $80,000 outstanding in receivables • Income shortfall met by transferring monies from auction revenues
Income: $ 1,337,026
– To balance budget -2 fund raising events in 2012-13 with target of – Objective to bring money in from outside our membership – Includes additional donations of money and services of $100,000 for – Income shortfall to be covered by transfer from auction revenues Expenses - $1,336,605
– Includes 110 Woodland Ave. renovation costs of $257,500 Fund Raising (Includes new fund raising of 34,7800. 110,000) Hayenu Advertising • Annual Security Fee remains at $115 • Additional High Holiday seats remain at $225 • Religious School Tuition increased by 5% • Membership Fees for 2012-2013 will be increased as follows: Membership Type
Budget approved as presented TD Bank Affinity Program and Dues Payment Plan, Howard Knauer Co-VP for Finance • B’nai Shalom has become a participant in TD Bank’s Affinity Program • Members with personal or corporate accounts at TD Bank should: • Identify themselves to TD as B’nai Shalom members • Ask that their accounts be linked to “B’nai Shalom” in TD’s Affinity • B’nai Shalom will then receive a yearly check for ¼ to ½ of a percent of all linked • We need 50 members to trigger payments. • All privacy is respected. • See handouts and ongoing Hayenu for more information. • Prompt payment of dues and pledges are what allows B’nai Shalom to meet its • As of May 1st when all dues payments should have been already made, we were • We are asking the congregation’s support to successfully implement these • The changes are in line with prior payment schedules • They will ease our collective “collections” burden • Payments may be by Check or Credit Card • There are 3 payment options • Full payment prior to, or at, seat selection • Three payment plan with first payment (33 1/3 percent) prior to, or at, seat • Six payment plan with first payment (25%) prior to, or at, seat selection • Three and Six payment plans require that post-dated checks or valid credit card information be on file at B’nai Shalom at, or before, seat selection. • Additional fees (credit card, multi payment, overdraft) remain unchanged. High Holiday Seating – Ed Bier, VP for Technology and Communications – Rabbi Tobin would like a closer warmer experience during the High Holidays similar to our Shabbat services, i.e., in the round. – Rabbi Tobin developed the new plan and presented it to the Board in – Plan was revised based on comments received from the Board. – Plan was presented to, and approved by, the West Orange Fire – Final tweaking was performed based on Paul Kurland’s comments. • How does it work / what does it mean? – Everyone has a new seat! Make new friends! – Seating request forms will be distributed with the registration forms by – Seating requests will be based on seniority and being current on your – The seating selection process will begin in July with registration forms – Section number – Part of section (front/rear) – Sitting near friends – Aisle seat – Handicap needs – Sitting near Bima – Sitting near an exit Thank you in advance to
Paul Kurland and Abby Ruder
for your hard work and diligence
with this monumental task.

Respectfully submitted Bonnie Kesssler Recording Secretary



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