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What Can You Bring Into Singapore?
Many travellers may wish to bring in food, animals, fish and plants into Singapore, but do you know that there are restrictions on what you can bring in from overseas? The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) is responsible for ensuring a resilient supply of safe food and safeguarding the health of animals and plants for the well-being of both Singaporeans and our visitors. You can help us by observing the guidelines on the types, quantities and sources of food, animals, fish and plants that you bring into Singapore. Bringing Food Into Singapore
No permit required for small amounts The types of food and amounts that can be brought into Singapore from approved sources without a permit from AVA are indicated in the table. These quantities are strictly for personal consumption and not for sale. Travellers must be aware of the risks associated with consuming such food items, which have not undergone checks by AVA. Approved sources may change due to health and safety reasons. For the latest listing, please visit the AVA website at Larger amounts require a permit You may bring in larger quantities of these products if you have an import permit from AVA. You must also comply with the various prevailing import conditions, for example, the submission of health certificates, and the requirement for the product to be inspected and sampled among others. Types of Food
Countries/regions from which the product
Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay
Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland,
The Netherlands, Uruguay, United Kingdom,
Countries/regions from which the product
Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, The
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Chile, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland,
New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, United ) Kingdom, USA
) seafood products )does not ) exceed 5 kg per )person
Zealand, The Netherlands, United Kingdom,
total quantity of al seafood products does not exceed 5 kg per person)
Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, USA
Al countries/regions. However, a phytosanitary Smal , reasonable
certificate is required for fresh fruits and
vegetables from the American tropics (which
includes Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Rep, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guyana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Virgin Islands)
Countries/regions from which the product
Bringing Animals, Fish And Plants Into Singapore
Travellers bringing in animals, fish and plants into Singapore require an import permit from AVA. If these animals, fish and plants are endangered species listed under CITES (, a CITES export or re-export permit from the exporting country is also needed. Other conditions like AVA’s veterinary and plant health requirements will also need to be complied with. If you bring in quantities in excess of your personal allowance, you will have to comply with additional prevailing import requirements which apply to commercial imports. For more information, please visit the AVA website at
1. CITES Export or Re-export Permits Al imports must comply
Clams – Not more than 5 pieces per person
(Live/Dried) – Not more than 5 pieces (Live)/5 kg (Dried) per person
1. CITES Export or Re-export Permits Al imports must comply
permit from the country of origin OR a Certificate of Artificial Propagation to certify that the plants are artificial y reproduced
country of export (for live plants, cuttings and bulbs only).
3. Import Permit from AVA. 4. Meet AVA’s plant health
requirements including inspection, quarantine and sampling.
check with the Ministry of Health (MOH) for import requirements.
No permits required for up to 30 pieces of
requires an import risk assessment prior to approval for import.
Not sure? Seek advice It is always advisable to check the list of personal allowances before travelling to Singapore. When in doubt, it is advisable to declare your items to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority officers. Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore Hotline: 1800 226 2250 Fax: 6220 6068 Email: Website:
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