Dear Nicole, Austin Immediate Care is sponsoring the fourth-annual Benefit Horse Show on June 5 at Hays County Civic Center in San Marcos. LOPE, the LoneStar Outreach to Place Ex-Racers, helps provide Texas race horses with new opportunities when their careers are over. LOPE features a ranch adoption facility as well as a racehorse listing service. The show is a great event for young riders and horse enthusiasts alike. Last year over 100 horses participated in the show. continues to show its support for special causes in the Austin community. Treating the Stomach Flu
An attack of the stomach flu has landed on Austin! Fortunately there are
many resources for prevention and treatment.
Avoid Dehydration: Drink plenty of fluids like juice, water or rehydration
solutions like Pedialyte. Ice chips are also a good choice. Avoid alcohol,
Follow the BRAT diet: Slowly reintroduce foods like bananas, rice, applesauce and dry toast
when you feel well enough. A bland diet is easily digested and is unlikely to irritate your sensitive
gastrointestinal system.
Over the counter: Avoid taking substances like Pepto-Bismol or Immodium. The virus needs to
work it’s way out of your system. To help with pangs of nausea try Dramamine or Bonine. These
will also help you to sleep.
Get plenty of rest: Stay home to avoid infecting others.
Contact Austin Immediate Care or your primary care physician if you experience extreme
dehydration, blood in vomit or stool, a fever higher than 101 degrees, vomiting that lasts longer
than 48 hours or pain in the right lower area of the abdomen.
Allergy treatment tips for patients on a budget
Yes, it’s al ergy season again — but what can you do to make
yourself more comfortable without emptying your wallet?
1. Avoidance. Close the windows. Make someone else cut the
grass. Stay inside and take a break from the outdoors for a bit.
2. Neti pot or other nasal saline rinsing. 85 percent of allergens
get in through your nasal passages. The rest gets in through the
eyes and mouth. Why not just rinse the stuff out of your nose before
it gets a chance to stimulate your immune response and make you
miserable? A neti pot with salt packets costs about $12-20 and lasts
for months.
3. Antihistamines. Helps with sneezing and itching and eye-tearing.
Claritin (loratadine) or Zyrtec (cetirizine) are both over the counter medications, also available in
generic form, and one tablet lasts all day. If neither of those meds works for you or makes you too
sleepy – there is also generic Allegra (fexofenadine). The other available over the counter
antihistamines work just fine, but are so short-acting and sedating it is hard to recommend them as
a daily allergy treatment strategy.
4. Decongestants. Sudafed (pseudoephedrine), for those of you that can tolerate it, (makes some
people feel speedy and light-headed) helps quite a bit with congestion. Fun fact: most medicines
that end in a ―D‖ (Al egra-D, Zyrtec-D, Claritin-D) simply an antihistamine with the addition of
pseudoephedrine 120 mg. Experts advise to purchase and use these medicines separately. This
way you can take only as much as you need, and it is usually cheaper.
5. Nasal steroids and nasal antihistamine sprays. These can help with the nasal symptoms of
allergy. Nice because they don’t real y cause much in the way of systemic side effects, although
they can cause irritation of the nose in 10-20% of users. All require a prescription from your doc.
Nasal steroids prices vary from $15 to $136. Nasal antihistamines, such as generic Astelin, vary in
price from $69 to $131.
6. Antihistamine eye drops. To treat itchy and watery eyes. These are available over the counter
for about $7. Since Visine A also has an ingredient that takes out redness, in addition to the
antihistamine, this should be for occasional use only.
5. Other. The leukotriene esterase inhibitors, such as Singulair, work like magic for some people
but not at all for others. One thing for sure- they are very expensive ($122- 165 for a month’s
supply) and require a prescription. If you are looking to save money, buy as a last resort only.
Source: Leslie Ramirez, M
Golf injuries: Why it pays to play it safe
Golf injuries are common. Protect yourself by understanding
the mechanics behind your golf swing and the importance of
overall conditioning.
Warm up. Before you practice your golf swing or play a round
of golf, warm up with a brisk walk or set of jumping jacks.
Stretch your hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, spine
and pelvis. Swing your golf club a few times, gradually
increasing your range of motion.
Start slowly. You might practice your swing for hours,
believing it's helping your game — but if your body isn't
conditioned for the strain, practicing your golf swing may do more harm than good. Work up to your desired level of activity.
Strengthen your muscles. You don't need bulging muscles to hit a long drive — but the stronger
your muscles, the greater your club speed. Do strength training exercises year-round.
Choose proper footwear. Wear golf shoes with short cleats. Long cleats dig into the sod and hold
your feet planted as you swing, which may strain your knees or ankles.
Limit your sun exposure. Watch for signs and symptoms of dehydration, heat exhaustion and
heatstroke. Red flags might include a headache, dizziness, nausea, a rapid heartbeat or
confusion. Drink plenty of water.
Use proper posture. Think about your posture before and during your swing. Stand with your feet
shoulder-width apart and distribute your weight equally on both feet. Avoid hunching over the ball,
which may contribute to neck and back strain.
Stay smooth. The power of a golf swing comes from force transferred smoothly through all the
muscle groups, from your ankles to your wrists. If you depend on one part of your body for your
hitting power, you may be more prone to golf injuries.
Don't overswing. If you swing the club too hard or too fast, you may stress your joints. Relax and
take a nice, easy swing at the ball. The best golfers have consistent — not necessarily fast —
swing tempos.
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ˆ p Strategaeth Meddyginiaethau Cymru Gyfan Prescribing Dilemmas: A Guide for Prescribers The resources for this guide have been taken from various Welsh & English policies, including Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, Conwy & Denbighshire, Anglesey & Gwynedd, Neath Port Talbot and Carmarthenshire All Wales Medicines Strategy Group Contents Introduction Clinical responsibility


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