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Travel Medicine - Part II
seat of a car) and limiting head movements are
are risk factors. Good physical conditioning is
headache, irritability, insomnia, fatigue,
nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, and edema.
meclizine, and dimenhydrinate, which can be
Several specific syndromes exist, with cerebral
gotten without a prescription; all have the
and pulmonary edema representing the most
potential to produce drowsiness (not a bad
thing under most circumstances). Scopolamine
alcohol and sleeping pills or tranquilizers, and
RADM Peter L. Andrus, MC, USNR
patches are available by prescription, but
disease likelihood and severity increases at
National VP for Health Programs
altitudes of 7,000 feet and higher. Slow ascent,
the elderly, or those with certain medical
good hydration, a high carbohydrate diet, and
In the first installment of this two-part article conditions. You should check with your doctor acetazolamide (Diamox) taken in advance are
on travel medicine, we reviewed necessary
protective. In the event of symptom onset,
immunizations, health records, and a travel
Montezuma and Other Woes
reducing altitude or slowing rate of ascent is
first aid kit. This month, we will review some
essential; it may be life saving in the face of
specific travel-related health problems and the
ailment affecting international travelers of all
severe pulmonary or cerebral symptoms, which
sorts and is characterized by any or all of the
would also require treatment with oxygen and
Getting There
following symptoms: multiple loose or watery
steroids. Other symptomatic measures would
With jet travel through multiple time zones
stools, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea,
include simple pain medications for headache
characterizing leisure, business, and military
vomiting, and blood in the stools. About one
travel, the jet lag syndrome is well recognized
quarter short term travelers will experience
Compazine). The traveler should consult with
by all and has been experienced by most of us.
traveler’s diarrhea, while approximately three
his/her physician for further guidance.
Primary symptoms include fatigue, diminished
quarters of longer term sojourners will be
concentration, daytime drowsiness, insomnia,
afflicted. A wide variety of “bugs” can produce
when in travel status to that while at home.
and alterations in gastrointestinal functions. All
the syndrome. Bacterial causes (e.g., E.coli,
They cause most of the accidental deaths that
result from the interruption of sleep-wake
Shigella, and Salmonella), parasites (e.g.
occur during travel. Current experience of our
cycles and circadian rhythm and will impact
Giardia), and viruses (e.g., rotavirus) all
forces in Iraq confirms this emphatically.
effective functioning for about one day for each
contribute to the burden of disease. Attack
Motor vehicle accident rates abroad are much
time zone crossed in transit. A good night’s
rates are lowest in North America, Europe,
higher than those in the United States, and
sleep prior to departure is essential. Since air
Australia, and Japan and much higher in the
trauma centers are generally nonexistent in
travel tends to dehydrate, good fluid intake and
Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
the event of injury. Lack of seat belts, poor
Avoidance of uncooked fruits and vegetables
essential. Setting watches to the destination
and local water sources are essential for
passenger areas of vehicles, and poor road
time zone and relaxation materials (books,
prevention. Taking preventive antibiotics is
conditions all contribute as well. Safety
music) are helpful. If a long distance flight is in
usually inadvisable, due to the risk of allergic
measures include use of native drivers or public
the offing, use of earplugs and eyeshades to
reactions or side effects. In the event that
train or bus transportation where available,
support sleep while en route can be useful.
insistence on seat belts and properly working
hydration (fluid replacement) is essential.
safety equipment in rental vehicles, avoidance
Promethazine (Phenergan) suppositories will
of night driving, and absolute avoidance of
followed scrupulously for best effect.
aid against nausea and vomiting; loperamide
driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(Imodium) will reduce frequency and improve
Infectious disease entities of concern vary by
malaise, which is brought on by disruption of
consistency of stools. If symptoms persist, an
travel destination. Detailed discussions of these
the normal relationship between inner ear and
oral antibiotic such as a sulfonamide (e.g.,
are beyond the scope of this article, but a few
Septra) or a quinolone (e.g., Cipro) may be
comments are in order. Malaria represents the
started. Peptobismol has also proven effective –
single most important infectious disease entity
discomfort, sweating, dizziness, and vomiting.
tablets are lighter to transport than liquid. The
for travelers on a worldwide basis in terms of
Preventive and palliative measures include
risk of mortality. Protective measures are
avoiding travel on an empty or overly full
medications to carry for these problems with
effective and essential; failure to exercise
stomach, visual fixation on a distant horizon,
appropriate precautions can be critical, as
adequate ventilation, and avoiding visual
Acute mountain sickness (altitude illness) is
witnessed by the recent experience of the
stimuli (reading or watching a movie). In
addition, seeking a central position in one’s
holidays and those deployed to operational
including permethrin-coated clothing, use of
mode of conveyance (over the wings, aisle seat
commitments at altitude. Youth, rapid ascent to
DEET containing insect repellant, bed netting,
in a plane; in the middle of a ship or boat; front
altitude, and a past history of mountain sickness
and oral chemoprophylactic medicines may be
Health Affairs – Cont’d. from page 22
life saving. Medical providers can offer specific recommendationsthat are pertinent to the area of travel and provide necessaryprescription medications that must be started in advance of travel,continued while in travel status, and upon return. Specific detailsof side effects of each medicine and the exact dosing schedule varywith the medication chosen. Sexually transmitted diseases,including most notably HIV, are a considerable risk in many areasof international travel. Prudence would dictate abstinenceor appropriate protective measures. Other emerging infectiousdisease threats, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),are of concern to travelers. Your primary physician or other healthcare provider should be able to provide updates. Pretravel healthadvice, travel alerts and health advisories can also be obtainedfrom the CDCs Web site at <>.
I hope this brief, two-part synopsis on travel medicine has been
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