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Microsoft word - emergency room skills checklist.doc
_________________________________ ________ ______________________________
_______________________________ _______________ ________________________ E-mail Last 4 digits SS# Date Instructions: Please check the appropriate column that best describes your experience level for each knowledge competency and skill. Please use the rating scale below to evaluate yourself based on experiences within the last two years.
1 = No Experience 2 = Minimal Experience 3 = Performs well/competent 4 = Supervise and Teach
Skills Continued: Cardiovascular 1. Assessment 4. Medications ACLS Drugs: 2. Equipment & Procedures Assist with Insertion and Setup: Cardioversion Interpretation of Waveforms and Values: Monitoring: 3. Care of the Patient with: Pulmonary Assessment: Skills continued: Skills Continued: 2. Interpretation of Lab Results: 5. Medications: 3. Equipment and Procedures: Airway Management Devices/ Suctioning Neurological: 1. Assessment Advanced Neuro Assessment: Care of the patient with a Chest Tube: 2. Equipment and Procedures: Obtaining Arterial Blood Gasses: 02 Therapy & Medication Delivery Systems: 3. Care of the Patient with: 4. Care of the Patient with: 4. Medications: Skills Continued: Skills Continued: Orthopedics 1. Assessment 4. Care of the Patient with: 2. Equipment and Procedures Endocrine/ Metabolic Support Devices: 1. Assessment 2. Equipment & Procedures Blood Glucose 3. Care of the Patient with Monitoring: 3. Care of the Patient with: Gastrointestinal 4. Medications 1. Assessment Wound Management/ Surgical 1. Equipment and Procedures 2. Interpretation of Blood Chemistry 3. Equipment and Procedures: 4. Care of the Patient with: 1. Assessment 5. Medications: 2. Equipment and Procedures: Renal/ Genitourinary (GU) 1. Assessment 2. Interpretation of Lab Trauma/ Shock 3. Equipment and Procedures: 1. Assessment Insertion and Care of Straight and Foley Catheter: Skills Continued: Skills Continued: 2. Equipment & Procedures Assist with Cutdown Starting IVs: 3. Care of the Patient with 2. Care of the Patient with: Central line/ Catheter/ Dressing: Pericardiocentesis Pain Management 1. Assist with Pain Level/ Dehydration Tolerance Electrocution 2. Care of the Patient with: Gunshot/ Stab wound Hazardous Material Exposure Heat Exhaustion/ Stroke Hypothermia Major Trauma Minor Trauma 1. Assessment Radiation Exposure 2. Equipment & Procedures 3. Care of the Patient with Traumatic Amputation Infectious Diseases 1. Interpretation of Lab Values – CBC, SMA 7 2. Equipment and Procedures Miscellaneous 3. Care of the Patient with Aids Phlebotomy/ IV Therapy/ Invasive Procedures 1. Equipment and Procedures Administration of Blood/ Blood Products: Autotransfusion Skills Continued: Age Specific Practice Criteria: Experience with Age Groups:
Certification: Please check the boxes below and indicate the expiration date for each certificate that you hold. If you do not know the exact date, please use the last date of the specific month (i.e. 1/31/2007). Certification: Expiration Date:
ACLS BCLS CEN CCRN TNCC Computerized charting System
Other: I hereby certify all statements and claims as true and that any misrepresentation of the facts on this checklist is sufficient cause for dismissal at any time without prior notice even if I have been already employed. _______________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature
________________________________________________________ Full Name (Print)
CHEMICAL AND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1. OVERVIEW Historical development Chemical industry is one of the oldest industries in India. The industry, including petrochemicals, and alcohol-based chemicals, has grown at a pace outperforming the overall growth of the industry. The Chemicals Industry comprises both small and large scale units. The fiscal concessions granted to small sector