AAUK DoP Briefing
As of 1st July, there is a change in the legislation governing CE Marking. The Construction Product Directive (CPD) becomes the Construction Product Regulation (CPR). The principle change relates to the information we must supply with our CE Marked products. As manufacturer or distributor, we are now obliged to provide additional information to our customers concerning the performance of the product. This takes the form of a Declaration of Performance (DoP) which can be made available online provided there is a weblink and reference There has been much discussion by certification agencies, trade bodies and manufacturers in recent months regarding DoP’s which means there is a high level of general awareness in our customer base but there may still be uncertainties which could result in customers contacting us Below are some of the FAQ’s we anticipate receiving.
I’ve bought a CE Marked product but there isn’t any information relating to a DoP, can I still fit the

Yes you can. The change in law from CPD to CPR is effective on products manufactured from 1st July 2013 onwards. If the product you have bought was manufactured before that date then it does not need to have a DoP to be legal y usable. There is no requirement to apply DoP’s retrospectively to products in the supply chain (our warehouse, at distributors, customer’s stock etc). As stock already in the system before 1st July is consumed and replaced with fresh stock manufactured from 1st July onwards, you will see DoP references appear on packaging, product
I’ve looked at your DoP website and can’t see a link for the CE Marked product I have bought, can I
still use the product?
Yes you can. The change in law from CPD to CPR is effective on products manufactured from 1st July 2013 onwards. If the product you have bought was manufactured before that date then it does not need to have a DoP to be legal y usable. There is no requirement to apply DoP’s retrospectively to products in the supply chain (our warehouse, at distributors, customer’s stock etc). As DoP’s are finished and approved, we wil post them to our website. We will ensure that DoP’s are in place before replenishing our stocks from 1st July.
I’ve bought a competitor’s product and the DoP is supplied with the product, why isn’t there one
with your product?
There is a Trading Standards scheme that al ows registered manufacturers or distributors to supply a DoP reference on the product and a weblink for you to access the latest DoP direct. You wil see this information appear on the product/packaging as stock is consumed though the supply chain. We have registered on this scheme as we feel it is the best solution for you, our customer. For example, should your original copy get lost or damaged you can print another copy and then you have access to the most up-to-date information.
Can I have a paper copy of your DoP please?
Yes as the CPR requires us to issue a paper copy of the DoP upon request. Please contact us with your address and product details so that Sales/Customer Services can arrange for a print out to be posted to you. We are not obliged to distribute paper copies to all customers but will provide
I’ve bought 2 different CE Marked products from you and the DoPs look different for each one, is this
Yes it is correct. Each product family has its own DoP describing its performance against the Essential Characteristics of CE Marking. Each product type and EN standard has different Essential Characteristics so DoPs will differ in content.
Why is the full EN classification not shown on the DoP?
The DoP template is a legal document that we cannot alter. The only performance information we can display in the DoP are the Essential Characteristics as described in Annex ZA of each EN Standard. This is NOT the full EN classification box, just certain key features. For the ful EN
classification, please see the CE Mark information supplied on or with the product.
I’ve bought a product that is NOT CE Marked, can I have a DoP for it?
No you cannot. DoP’s are part of the CE Mark certification scheme. It is illegal to create a DoP for a
Do all products have to be CE Marked now?

No, CE Marking applies to the same hardware items and door applications as before 1st July. Please see Annex ZA of the relevant EN standard and your local Building Regulations for more details of which hardware can be CE Marked and which door applications/building types require CE Marked



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