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We commenced the year with a large increase of numbers,and there are now 112 boys on the books. This number quitelills our ])resent accommodation.
By an unfortunate oversight, in our last number, we forgot to congratulate Mr. P. C'oetsee on liis marriage to MissDavidtz, which happy event took place at Potohefstroom lastJuly. We take this opportunity of offering a most cordial,it somewhat late, welcome to Mrs. ('oetsec to Michaelhouseand of wishing them botli all happiness.
We were very grieved to hear of the unfortunate break-down in health of Mr. .1. 11. Besant, the Headmaster ofCordwalles. lie was taken ill last Christmas holidays, andwas ordered to take a rest for a'quarter. We are glad to hearthat he is now very much better, and hopes to resume his workby the middle of this month.
We were most extremely fortunate, under the circum-stances, in getting Mr. TO. A. Thompson, M.A., late Headmasterof Weenen County College, to take Mr. Besant's place atCordwalles.
We are glad to welcome Mr. Adair back again to Michael-house after his twelve months' holiday. Mr. Adair went toEngland last February, in the hopes of being accepted formilitary service. After being twice turned down by the doctorsfor defective eyesight, he decided that lie could be more usefullyemployed by returning to Michaelhouse. He reached Nataltowards the end of last year, and rejoined the staff inFebruary.
That he has lost none of his keenness by his trip is amplyproved by the energy he is putting into his work in connectionwith the Cadet Corps, and it is largely due to him and to Mr.
Bishop that the Cadet camp was so thoroughly enjoyed by ourboys. During his absence in England Mr. Bishop took over,with most gratifying results, the miniature shooting. Theyare now collaborating in this work, and the smooth runningand complete success of the camp,' as far as our Corps wasconcerned, was largely due to the self-sacrificing and untiringenergy of both of them.
Mr. Hall, after being with us for six months as a tem-porary master, was, just before Christmas, offered and accepteda permanent position on the staff.
The large increase in number this year has made anextension of the music rooms necessary. With Mr Adair asArchitect and Clerk of the Works, a new room has been addedof the same size as the old practising room. This will cer-tainly prove a great boon to the Rector, and obviate the presentunpleasant necessity of boys practising in his drawing room.
We are very glad to hear that at the last meeting of theGovernors a scheme for lighting the School by electricity wasdiscussed, and that it was decided to proceed with the matteras soon as possible. We do not know when we may hope tosee it completed, but when it does come it will certainly be agreat boon to all. The present Stygian darkness of quadrangleand passages is at times a danger both to shins and temper.
Mrs. Henry Strapp, of Woodlands, Howick, has generouslygiven a sum of £50 for the erection of a stained-glass windowin the Chapel in memory of her only son, Eric Henry Strapp,who tell in action in East Africa. The erection of the windowwill be deferred till the times are more favourable for carryingout the work.
On February 2.-Senior Prefect: Hart-Davis ii. NewPrefects: Dyer ii., Borland, Calder, Adams; later, Cox, Order reads: TTart-Davis ii., Hart-Davis i., Koe, Dyer, Borland,Calder, Adams, Cox.
Cap? Matriculation.-Second Class: D. Hooper, A. K.
MacConnel. Third ('lass: B. X. Adams, A. F. Borland, AV.
R. Evans.
Senior Certificate.-Second Class: D. B. Evans.
Cambridge Local Examinations.-Junior (Passed): J. D.
Allison, H. AV. Beardall A. AV. Benson, A. H. Borland, B. A.
Caney, R. B. Cox, B. L. Crompton, .1. AV. Cross, G. A. E. H.
Dyer, A. J. T. Goldby, J. G. A. Greig, H. AV. Harris, E. H. L.
Year, J. H. AA^ard. Preliminary (Passed): R. B. Archibald,E. B. Bentley, R. II. Blackmore, R. R. Butcher, G. H. Cooper,A. Ellis, R. L. Harris, *1. A. Moultrie, X. M. Quinn, G. II.
Solomon, L. T. II. Trotter, I). G. Truscott, J. C. Young.
December, 1917.-Form VI.: AAT. IT. Evans (Prefect, 2nd XI., 2nd XV.), T. C. Lloyd, M. E. Pennington (Senior Prefect,Captain 1st XI., Captain 1st XV.). Form A".: R. G. Carter, D. B. Evans (Prefect, 2nd XV.), \V. R. Evans (1st XV.), I).
Hooper, A. K. MacConnel. Remove: L. Jager, C. J. Mar-tens (Prefect, 2nd W.). Form TA\: A. Benson. Form April, 1918.-Form VI.: A. F. Borland (Prefect, 1st XI.,1st XV.). Remove: C. Maling (1st- XV.).
February, 1918.-M. L. Arbuthnot, R. G. Armstrong, II.
M. Campbell (C), E. J. Clemmans (A), J. A. Cottrell (C), C. J. J. Crowe, II. J. I). Elliot, .1. P. Fleming (A), A. A. Gibson,R. II. M. Gray, A. .1. Hawthorn, E. F. Hull, A. 1 . Cl. Jones(C), M. A. Lade, .1. II. Lenthall (A), \V. E. Lade, AV.
McKenzie ((*), J. 0. B. Mattinson, 0. M. Melville (D), K. C.
Miller, AV. M. Nisbet, V. II. Xorthard, Q. R. Northard, .1. T.
L. Rose, R. M. Smyth (C), M. A. Tniselton. C. K. II. Trotter,R. E. Verney (('), E. *1. \ ine-Jory (C), I). R. AA iekins, R. B.
L. Wingfield, A. P. Woods (C).
Easter, 1918.-J. H. Hayward (C), G. T. Ross, G. B. Webb.
C=from Cordwalles.
George Miller Brown, M.C.,Lieutenant, 12th Lancers, Second Son of W. G. Brown, of Durban.
Killed in Action in France, November 27, 1017.
Entered Michaelhouse February, 1902, and left June, 1907.
After leaving Michaelhouse George Brown proceeded to JesusCollege, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1910. Returning tothe Colony soon after, he entered his father's firm. Not long-after he joined the Reserve of Officers, being attached to the12tn Lancers. As' soon as the War broke out he sailed forEngland to rejoin his regiment, and was in France by theautumn of 1914. For his good work there he received theMilitary Cross. After over two years' almost continuousfighting he applied for and obtained leave of absence for fivemonths to return to his home. He arrived out here early inFebruary, 1917, and left again to return to duty in April.
During his short visit he found time to come and pay his oldSchool a visit, where we found him the same cheery, happy-dispositioned man, apparently little altered by the terribleexperiences he had gone through. Shortly after his return toPrance he was killed while gallantly leading his men at theBattle of Cambrai. During the five and a half years that hespent at Michaelhouse he always showed great keenness andenthusiasm, particularly at Rugby. A fair scholar, he passedthe Matriculation in 1906, and subsequently graduated atCambridge. Tlis keenness and love for the School were alwaysconspicuous, both as boy and Old Boy, and that he had by nomeans outgrown this affection for his School in the strenuousand terrible surroundings in which his last few years werepassed was amply shown by his munificent bequest of £500 tothe School. To this he added the request that his medals anddecorations might be suitably mounted and placed in theSchool Chapel. When they are placed there we trust theywill serve to remind us of one who all through his short lifeplayed his part as a man should-working hard, playing hard,and, when the time came, fighting hard, leaving a splendidtradition behind him of a life well spent and of a gloriousdeath.
Entered Michaelhouse February, 1903; left Christmas,1901. For the last eight years he had been employed at Messrs.
Handles Bros. & Hudson, in Durban. At the outbreak of theWar he served as a Trooper in the N.M.R. through theRebellion and South-West campaign. He soon after joinedthe 6th S.A.I. for German East. 11 is ability and keennesssoon obtained recognition, and he received a commission asSecond Lieutenant in July, 191(5, and his second star inOctober. After having to return to Durban on sick leave soonafter, he transferred to the 10th S.A.II., and returned toGerman East in July, 1917, where he met his death some months afterwards. Of his time here we can say little, as he left very young, but we have distinct recollections of hisunvarying cheeriness and kindliness, traits which the testimonyof his comrades in the field shows he did not lose in after life.
- ------------------------------------------ Died of Injuries received in France, April 7, 1918.
Entered Michaelhouse, August, 1904; left Christmas, 1909.
On leaving School lu* held positions as clerk and interpreterin the Magistrates' offices at Camperdown, Dundee, Weenen,and Xongoma. While at Weenen he joined the Estcourt Troop of the Xatal Carbineers. Soon after War was declared liewent to German South-West as a Trooper in that Regiment.
During the campaign lit* was promoted to the rank of Corporaland a fortnight later t<» that of Sergeant. At the conclusion of that campaign he returned to his civilian duties at Non-goma, where he was Assistant Clerk of the Court, Interpreter,and Postmaster. In August, 1917, he was accepted for theFlying Corps. The same month he married Miss Munro,and with his bride paid a short visit to Michaelhouse.
After only a fortnight of married life he sailed for England,leaving his wife behind in Estcourt. He spent three monthsin the historic buildings of Christ Church, Oxford, where liereceived his first training as an airman. At the conclusion ofthat period he received his commission as a Second Lieutenantin the Royal Flying Corps, and was then sent out to Egyptto complete his training. After a few months there he wassent to France. No particulars of his death there are yet tohand, except the cable from the War Office, which stated that"he died of accidental injuries received to his skull in the64th Casualty Clearing Station." During the five and a halfyears that he spent at Michaelhouse he endeared himself toall. A fine horseman, a good shot with rifle and gun, a very useful half-back at Rugby, a member of the Second XI. at cricket, he was thus a good all-round sportsman. One of three' brothers, all of whom have been educated at Michaelhouse, healways showed a keen interest in the welfare of the School, and it is a source of pleasure to us to remember that one of his last visits before sailing for England was to his old School.
Only Son of the late Ilenry A lured and Mrs. Terry, Killed in Action in France, March 22, 1918.
Entered Michaelhouse, February, 1906, and left Christmas,1900. After leaving Michaelhouse he entered the Bank ofAfrica in Harrisinith, and remained there till the outbreak ofWar. In September, 1914, he enlisted for the German South-West Campaign. He returned to Harrismith the followingJuly, and in October signed on in the South African Infantryfor service overseas. He went to Potchefstroom for a month'straining, and sailed for England in November, 1915. He wasin training at Borden Camp for six months, and went over to France 111 July, 1915. He received liis Commission on thefield in September, 1915, and gained his second star at theend of 1917. He was killed in action in France, at GaucheWood, 011 the 22nd March, 19J8. Although only a short timeat Michaelhouse, he was yet here long enough for us to realisemany of his fine qualities. His father's death while he wasquite young put him in a responsible position very early. Hisdevotion to his mother and sisters and his hard-working, brightdisposition endeared him to all who knew him. All throughhis short life he devoted himself to his duty, and there couldhardly be a more fitting ending to sueli a life than his gloriousdeath while trying to stem the German advance.
Private, 2nd South African Infantry,Son of A. H. Quin, of Harrisinith.
Killed in Action in France. April 3, 1918.
Entered Michaelhouse, February, 1913, and left June,]914. Fr\nk Quin is so far the youngest Michaelhouse boyto lay down his life in the Great War. But, although so young,he had already been for some timn ie France. Last year hewas slightly wounded, but soon returned to duty. On April3rd, in tin* magnificent fight put up by the Springboks in theireffort to stem the great German advance, he fell covered withwounds, and died after the amputation of one of his legs. Hisfather writes: "lie loved his School, and took the late Rectoras his model of what a man should be." And how splendidlyhe followed in the footsteps of his model, gladly, like thelxector, giving up his life that others might live in freedom.
During his time here he ever showed great keenness, both inhis work and in his gani2fl. Many who are still here willremember him-modest, unassuming, yet full of life andenergy.
Son of X. M. McKeclmie, Harrisinith.
Died at Sea on his way to England, April, 1918.
Entered Michaelhouse, August, 1912, and left December,1915. Soon after he left School he enlisted in the 4th SouthAfrican Horse for service in German Fast. There he con-tracted malarial fever. Soon after his return home he gotaccepted for the Flying Corps. His departure for Englandwas, however, delayed for |omc time until the doctors thoughthim sufficiently free of fever to go. He only sailed a fewweeks ago, and now conies by cable the sad news that he diedat sea, and was accorded a full military funeral. During thethree and a half years lit1 spent at Michaelhouse he made manyfriends-no enemies. Cheerful and hard-working, he leaves abright memory behind him here. Though not quite 18 whenhe left School, he almost immediately enlisted, and it seemsdoubly hard that a young life, so full of promise, after goingthrough the German East Campaign, should thus be cut offbefore he even reached his training ground.
Died on Duty in Central Africa, May 9, 1918.
Brian Waller, the news of whose death has just reachedus, was the son of Mr. II. W. P. Waller, of Umzinto. He wasat Michaelhouse February, 1914, to December, 1910. InDecember last he joined the Mechanical Transport, and diedof enteric fever whilst on duty in Central Africa. Xo furtherparticulars have come to hand. At the time of his leavingSchool he was in Form IV. and was a useful forward in theSecond XV. pack. We extend our sincere sympathy to hi>family.
In our last issue we recorded the death of Frank Brandon,as the result of an accident while flying-. We are now able tofurnish particulars of his career and of the circumstances ofhis death.
After serving in the late Rebellion and in German South-West Africa as a Corporal in the 3rd Xatal Mounted Rilies,he proceeded to England in Ocotber, 1915, joined the R.N.A.S.,and obtained his aeroplane pilot certificate in August, 1910.
In the following October he was appointed Flight Sub-Lieutenant of II.M.S. Ark Royal, and moved to Tliasos,Salonica front. There lie had many exciting experiences, asample of which we published in a letter from him in our Maynumber, 1917. In July, 1917. lie was invalided home toEngland, and was appointed Flying Instructor at ManstonR.N.A.S. Camp, where Ik* had to turn out eleven men everyfortnight as efficient pilots.
On August 22, 1917, he brought down the first Gotha tobe accounted for in England, and was awarded the Distin-guished Service Cross. The following extract from the LondonTimes gives the particulars of this brilliant feat:- "Flight Lieutenant Arthur Frank Brandon, R.N.A.S.
(since killed).-For services on August 22, li>17, when heattacked, single-handed, an enemy formation returning froma raid on England, and brought down one <>f them in flames.
As his aeroplane had been hit several times, Ik* landed tochange machines, and proceeded to attack again with a nowone, making repeated attacks on individual machines, andpursuing the enemy formation over the North Sea to theBelgian Coast, where he made a final attack.' After this he continued as Flying Instructor. \\ liilstliving on the level on October 2<5. 1917, liis machine was acci-dentally struck by one of our own aeroplanes, which collidedwith it from aljove. It crumpled up and fell to earth, liisend was instantaneous. Thus ended a brief, but brilliant,career. No one who knew Frank as a boy at Michaelhouse,with all his breezy optimism, good fellowship, and indomitablepluck, could ever marvel at any deed of daring or endurancerecorded of him. His was the true British spirit, on whichdanger has no effect beyond an added thrill bf excitement.
A few extracts from his own account of the "Gotha'incident, will be of interest:- The best bit of sport I have ever had. ] went up at 9.30on a 'Camel7 to do a local patrol. I got to 15,000 feet, andfound it cold up there, so I decided to come down. When at10,000 feet I saw a ground signal put out: 'Readiness; keeplook-out/ So I climbed like mad to 15,000 feet, and saw therest of my llight coming up to me, keeping a good look-out.
I saw things that looked like ships in the distance, and onsecond thoughts I decided they were the Hun bombing squad-ron. so I went well out to sea, so as to get between them andthe sun. I was 2,000 feet above them. When the time cameI dived on a big twin-engined Hun, and was sorely temptedto open tire when a long way off, but managed to control myself,so decided not to open fire until they did. . I got to200 feet, and let her go. When I had fired about 18 roundsI saw the stern gunner drop, and the forward gunner fumblingliis gun, and all the machines round opened on me. 1 gotright to about five yards from the 'bus' and 'cartwheeled'away. I did this three times, and the third I nearly ran intoit. I missed it by about four feet. As I did this I saw herheel over and burst into flames. It came down, and crashedabout a mile from our aerodrome-the first Hun to land onEnglish soil. When T got hit, and came down, I landed andclaimed my 'Ilun,' and rushed off in another 'Camel' andwent after them. When over Ramsgate I saw them coininghome, so 1 followed them up, and took quite a while to catchthem up. Eventually I met them, about half-way betweenhere and the Scheldt. One was away from the formation, so1 attacked him, and put about 300 rounds into him, but hadno luck. My guns went 'dud,' so T came home with a strongwind against me, all alone over the sea.
In our last issue we recorded the death of RaymondFitzgerald Murphy while on military duties, but could offerno particulars at the time. Through the kindness of hismother, Mrs. Fitzgerald Murphy, of Soy, British East Africa,to whom we tender our deepest sympathy in the loss of heronly son, wo are able to furnish a fuller account. It is therecord of a gallant patriot who allowed no obstacle to standbetween him and neivice for his country.
In 1012, after a serious breakdown in health, lie went toBritish East Africa. Compelled to abandon for a time liisambition of qualifying as a mechanical and civil engineer, hetook up surveying, as affording him the open-air life declaredto be necessary for him. At the same time he joined the Legionof Frontiersmen. At the outbreak of War he was among thefirst to volunteer for service, but illness again attacked him.
At Nairobi an operation was necessary, and for a time his lifehung by a thread. Before his convalescence was really com-plete he was back on duty again. Then came fever, and thediscovery of what he himself, in liis eagerness not to be absentfrom duty, had concealed-that the wound caused by hisoperation had never completely healed. Thereupon the doctorsabsolutely forbade any further active service; but, game andgallant to the last, he found occupation in driving the woundedfrom the station to the hospital. The report of his death statesthat there was a high wind blowing, and he was so engrossedin navigating the difficulties of the road, to avoid jolting thewounded, that he did not hear the whistle from an advancingtrain till too late, and so received mortal injuries. He wascarried the two miles into town, where he died, attended b%his mother to the last. One of his intimate friends said ofhim: "He was the whitest man 1 ever knew and the truestfriend a man could ever have.' Of such stuff are heroes made! THEY LOVED NOT TFIETR LIVES I NTO THE DEATH.
We publish herewith for the first time a complete list, asfar as we know it, of all members of Michaelhouse who havelaid down their live* in the Great War. If anyone who readsthis knows of any other Mi chad house boys who have fallen,the Editor would b< mm h obliged if he would communicatewith him, a< lie is very anxious to get the Roll complete.
Reginald Gordon Hindson . Sept. 13, 1914.
James Walker Hutchinson. Sept. 25-26,1915.
William Dering Stainbank. AprilS, 1916.
Raymond Fitzgerald Murphy. April 1916.
Wiliam Inglis Tatham. July 15, 1916.
Errol Victor Tatham . July 18, 1916.
Lionel Collingwood Nedham . July 18, 1916.
Frank Trembath Janion . July 19, 1916.
Samuel Wilfred Pleydell-Bouverie . July, 1916.
Charles Thomas Kenneth Letchford July, 1916.
Howard Leopold Davis . Aug. 12, 1916.
Charles Frederick Forder . Sept. 7, 1916.
Basil John Ingleby Flack. Oct. 12, 1916.
John Norman Victor Middleton . April 12, 1917.
John Reginald Erampton .July 3. 1917.
William George Symons Forder . Sept. 22, 1917.
Arthur Frank Brandon . Oct. 26, 1917.
Henry Walter S'eymer Terry. March 22, 1918.
Francis Augustus Quin . April 3, 1918.
Herbert Aidan Walters. April 7, 1918.
Donald Holmes McKechnie . April, 1918.
There has recently been erected, on the nominal south wall(actually the oast wall) of the Chapel, a striking and dignifiedmemorial to Errol Victor Tatham and William Inglis Tatham,two sons of the lion. Mr. Justice Tatham and Mrs. Tatham, of Maritzburg. The memorial, which is the work of an Englishsculptress of repute, is in tinted plaster, supported by a plinthof tile-work.
At mid-day on Wednesday, March 20th, a brief service ofdedication was conducted in Chapel by the Lord Bishop of theDiocese, and was attended by the family, the School in Cadetuniform, and the staff. The service opened with the hymn"The Voice of God's Creation," followed by a short readingfrom Revelation, Chap. xii., Verses T to 12, and the chantingcf the Psalm "The Lord is my Shepherd." Then, at therequest of the Rector, the Bishop dedicated the memorial, afterwhich the Hymn "Soldiers who are Christ's Below" was sung,whilst the Bishop returned to the Sanctuary, where he delivereda brief and inspiring address. Prayers followed for the soulsof the departed and for the donors of the memorial. Afterthe singing of the hymn "Fight the Good Fight," the serviceconcluded with the Collect for St. Michael and All Angels,the Blessing, and the National Anthem.
We append a "Key" to the memorial, as read to thecongregation by the Bishop prior to pronouncing the words ofdedication:- At tho top of the memorial is to be seen the School Crest.
The oak leaves and the acorns by which it. is surrounded aretaken from tin* Crest of Marlborough College, to which ErrolTatham went on leaving Michaelhouse. Saint Michael withthe Dragon, that old Serpent, the Devil, at his feet, is repre-sented standing in the attitude of one who keeps back the foe.
Outside the framework in which is the figure of St. Michael,on the left is the Naval Crown, and on the right is the badgeof the South African Brigade with the head of the Springbok.
Below the figure of St. Michael on the base are two panels.
Tn the one on the left our Lord Jesus Christ is representedgiving directions to a sailor boy in regard to his duty as hestands on the edge of the sea of life. Beneath this panel arethe words: "Launch out into tho deep." In the panel on theright Christ is represented holding with IIis right hand thehand of a dying soldier. The soldier's feet, are crossed tosignify that he has been in the Crusades. The hare trunks oftrees speak of tho desolation which war has made of Delvilh*Wood. The lines at the back of the panel represent rain, andfigure the vision of cool refreshing granted to the dying soldierin his passing. In the extreme right of this panel the Sun of Hope is seen rising. Beneath the panel are the words: Even Between the two panels are the words: "They loved nottheir lives unto the death." In the inscription which forms the lower part of the baseare introduced again the Naval Crown and the badge of theSouth African Infantry, and also a rose from the MarlboroughCollege Crest.
"To the Glory of God and in proud and loving memoryof Sub-Lieut. William Inglis Tatham, killed in action withall on board in H.M. Submarine H.3, while patrolling in theSouth Adriatic Sea, 15th July, 1016, aged 10; and of SecondLieut. Errol Victor Tatham, 2nd South African Infantry,killed in action in the gallant defence of Delville Wood onthe Somme, France, 18th July, 101G, aged 24." And theinscription ends with the words: "Who dies if England lives?" The following is a verbatim report of the Bishop'saddress:- This is Passion Week, and once more our thoughts areturned to Him, our elder Brother, the Captain of our salvation,our Lord and Saviour .Jesus Christ, as lie went up to thebattlefield of the Cross on Calvary. We think of Him Who leftthe glory that He had with His Father and took our natureupon Him-though He knew what was before Him of unutter-able suffering, shame, and horror of great darkness-going upwillingly to die that death by which He would redeem theworld from the power of the great enemy of our race, andgain pardon for the guilt of the wrong that we have done againstGod's holiness and purity and love, and win grace for us thatwe may be like Him, and follow where He leads. Boys, youare going to spend your Good Friday in camp this year. Youwill lot the thought of Him Who so loved you that He laiddown liis life for your sake solemnise the day, and kindle inyour heart a true devotion to Him and longing for His service.
Brothers, as we think of those gallant lads-the memory ofwhom will be kept fresh in our minds by that monument whichwe have just now dedicated to the glory of God-and of tenthousands of others not less brave than they who at the call ofduty, because their country needed them, because there was agreat wrong to be righted, knowing in a measure at least whatwas before them, left the happiest of earthly homes and futures stored full, as far as this world goes, of good things; as wethink of their patient endurance of hardships, the calmnesswith which they have faced dangers, their thought of othersin the hour when they themselves were in great peril, of theway in which they have laid down their lives for others-weare filled with amazement, our hearts are full of pride: "Clear came the call; they leap't to arms and died, "As in old days the heroes prayed to do; "Great though our sorrow, greater yet our pride, But whence came the spirit, by which they did these things?Came it. not, do you not think, from Him Whose name theybore, from Him in Whom they believedConsciously in somecases, unconsciously perhaps in the case of others, younger andmore light-hearted and more filled with the spirit of adventure,came it not from Him Who left all for our sakes and died thatwe might live and follow Him. We dare hope so. At least, ina few moments we shall venture to pray together that thesacrifice which they have made may be accepted for the sakeof that perfect sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
And then, what of ourselves? Shall we follow in theirtrain? Alas! alas! for some of us the day is far spent; manyof its hours are already past; but happily it is still the day,and there is yet time to work. Xot on the battlefields of Franceor Flanders, but on other fields nearer home and more peaceful,there is work to l>e done at the call of duty, service to be ren-dered to God in the persons of our fellows who need our help,sacrifices to be made which it will be hard to flesh and blood tomake. May God give u< grace to do the work and make thesacrifice! But, boys, what of you for whom this service is beingheld to-day,- for whom this monument has been erected, towhom specially we speak? What of you who have nearly alllife before you, with the power which God has given you ofchoosing how you will use it? What of you with the giftswhich God has given to each of you, and the grace aboundingwhich all of you may have if you will seek it diligently whereit may be found, the grace by which you may be and do whatGod would have you be and do? What of you with the exampleever before your eyes of heroic deeds which others have done?What of you with an ever-growing number of Old Boys from this School, now in Paradise, but present with us in spirit inour service to-day, calling to you: "Onward and Upward"? You cannot-it would be unworthy-set your hearts to useyour lives for selfish ease, for selfish pleasure, for selfish gain.
You cannot do that. No; to-day, inspired by the example ofthose who have gone before, and of what they have done, andof the spirit in which they have done it, you will resolve to-daythat by liis help you will use your life for God, you willfulfil liis purpose for you, you will do His work, serving HisChurch, serving your country, serving your fellows as He willsyou to do. "Faithful is Tie that calleth you. Who also willdo it." On your part, "Be thou faithful unto death, and Iwill give thee a crown of life." It has been decided to honour the memory of those membersof the School who fall in the War by the erection of a. newSchool Hall. Our numbers have reached a stage at which alarger Hall is becoming necessary. The new building, whichwill be called the u Memorial Hall," will be a striking anddistincitve addition to the School buildings, occupying a siteat the north-west corner of the front, and balancing the Chapelat the other corner. The cost will be borne by contributionsfrom relatives and friends of those who stand upon our Poll ofHonour, and from the many others who will desire to join inpaying tribute to their memory, or give thank-offering for thoseof their own kindred who have been spared to survive thestruggle. It will be a great opportunity for us to combine ina visible and lasting expression of our reverence for the fallenand our gratitude for the survival of the living. A substantialsum has already been given or promised. Building will not bebegun at present, but contributions may be paid in to theRector, and will be duly acknowledged. The names of allcontributors will also appear in the "Chronicle," though theactual amount of their contributions will not be published.
We much regret to note that the following are Prisonersof War in Germany:- Captain B. H. L. Dougherty, South African Contingent.
Captain H. A. Nicholson, Royal Fusiliers.
And that the following are "Missing ":- Captain B. W. Goodwin, South African Contingent.
Lieutenant E. A. Goodwin, South African Contingent.
R. Iv. Anderson, South African Contingent.
Of L. T. Nunn, who was reported missing in our lastnumber, no quite definite news has been heard. We fear,however, from the information supplied to us by his father,that little hope can now be entertained ol' any good newsconcerning him.
The following have been returned as Wounded:- Lieutenant Guy Middleton (third time), South AfricanContingent.
G. E. Carte, South African Contingent.
I). Chamberlain, South African Contingent.
Aubrey Otto, after a short holiday in Xatal, has returnedto Salonika.
II. S. Brown has been discharged as medically unfit.
1. E. Turner has joined the South African Artillery, andis now in England training.
A. O. Welch is making good progress in a London hospitalafter a third operation to his back.
N. A. Jansen has been discharged as unfit for active A. C. Thornton has joined the Royal Flying Corps and W. M. Austen is joining the Royal Naval Reserve.
Norman Tatham has been awarded the Military Cross.
Harold Smart is a Probationary Flight Officer in theR.N.A.S.
George Matterson, Lieutenant, King Edward's Horse, iivFlanders.
Walter Short is a Second Lieutenant in the Artillery.
H. Winder, J. E. Owens, Eric Bell, R. G. Carter, andLeslie Jager have been accepted for the Royal Flying Corps,and have sailed for England.
A. C. Wallbridge, on Active Service, unit unknown.
Archibald Young has joined his brother Leslie in England,and they are both now in the Heavy Artillery.
C. H. Ralfe has joined the Mounted Police in East Africa.
Bertrand J. W. Pearce to Annie Louisa Mollan, at Durban,on December 5th, 1917.
Lieutenant Cyril Baylis to Eleanor Margaret Keith, atDurban, on January 15th, 1918.
As we go to press we are glad to hear that the two Good-wins have rejoined, uninjured.
In my last article I described the various difficulties thatbesot us in finding a site and getting the buildings erected. Jnow purpose to give some brief description of the actual moveand the difficulties we had during the first few months here.
Tt. must be remembered that, as I pointed out in the last num-ber, we were exceedingly unfortunate in that the date of theerection of these buildings and of the move itself coincidedwith the Boer War. By the time the migration itself tookplace it is true that the war had moved out of Natal and wasconfined to the Free State and Transvaal, but none the lessthe difficulties of transport were immense. Durban was oneof the principal bases for the Army, and the congestion on therailway was appalling. The line had nothing like the carryingcapacity that it has to-day. The engines were much smaller,the grades steeper, and the curves sharper. Nearly all theavailable space was commandeered for military requirements.
So impossible was it to obtain trucks to carry civilian goods that the Rector engaged four ox-wagons to move our furnitureand school equipment from the old School to the new. Asevents turned out, it would have been far better had we engagedox-wagons to bring all our new furniture and fittings fromDurban. Early in the Christmas holidays it became apparentthat we were going to have great difficulty in opening here totime. Our greatest anxiety lay in the water supply. Beforethe end of January the dam was completed and the reservoirbuilt. Our pipes had arrived from England the previousSeptember, and were lying at the Point. Prayers and entreatieswere unavailing to get truck space for them, and eventuallyit was not till we had been here a month that we had anywater laid on to the School. Luckily it was the rainy season,and by cutting the down-pipes and putting tanks all roundthe quad we obtained sufficient water for cooking and washing.
To obtain a bath tho whole School had to go four days a weekto the bathing pool. The cricket grounds, of course, had tobe of a very rough and ready order. A small oval on the siteof the present Second (lame Ground was cleared for matches,while the Junior games had to be contented with pitches cut out from the veld. But the greatest difficulty of all was the absence of furniture. Luckily we managed to obtain all thebeds and bedding and kitchen utensils in time; but, apart fromthis, we only had the small amount of furniture that wcremoved from the old School. T"p to the day of opening wehad no furniture in tin' dining hall, except a trestle table anda few benches for the high table (for the first meal tho boyshad to sit 011 the floor); the Chapel had 110 furniture; onlytwo class rooms had desks or stools in them; there were noboot-lockers or drawers in the dormitories, and only two black-boards in the School. Various makeshifts helped us out and gradually we got the necessary equipment; but I shall never forget how, having occasion to speak to the Rector, I went intothe old play room, where he was teaching the 1 pper III.
geometry, lie was sitting on a chair in the middle of theroom, like Archimedes, drawing his figures with a stick in thedust 011 tho floor while the boys squatted 011 the floor aroundhim. We had only expected 70 boys, but, owing to some mis-understanding. on the night of the opening 77 turned up. Itwas only owing to the kindness of our friends at Annandalethat we were able to provide the extra boys with beds. 1 hearrangement at first made as a temporary one for one night-proved so satisfactory that the extra seven remained 011, andfor some years some six or seven boys slept at Mr. \\ altei Jaff ray's. To add to our difficulties, on the first morning ofthe term two cases of mumps broke out, but luckily it did notspread. The commisariat also gave us great anxiety. So badand untrustworthy was the railway that our meat as often astwice a week did not arrive. To overcome this, we kept thirtyor forty hamels in the paddock, and when the meat did notarrive two of these had to be hastily slaughtered. All thebread had to be baked on the premises, and, as far as possible,we had to be self-supporting in all perishables. That we wereable to do as well as we did was very largely the work of ourMatron (Mrs. Jackson). Nothing ruffled or excited her. Everydifficulty that cropped up in her department was met quietlyand efficiently. It was not till the two cases of mumps occurredthat we realised we had no sick rooms that could be isolatedefficiently. But, fortunately, her own bedroom was in theporter's lodge. She immediately moved into her sitting roomdownstairs, and put the boys in her bedroom, and thus stoppedits spreading. And so we gradually won through what mustundoubtedly have been the most trying quarter the School hasever passed through. It is difficult for those who have suc-ceeded us here to realise what a lot of discomfort we had toput up with in those days. The whole buildings consisted ofthe old block of brick buildings and the wood and iron kitchensand play rooms and the small iron room which is now thePrefects' room. This, by the way, is actually the oldest build-ing in the place. The contractor ran it up as soon as he cameup, so as to have somewhere to live in, and it has never beenmoved since. Thus we were very uncomfortablly crowded forthe first year. None of the masters had sitting rooms, but allshared the common room as such. There were no sick roomsand no spare bedroom. I remember that on the occasion ofthe Bishop coming to pay his first visit to Michaelhouse theHector had to give up his bedroom to him and take the sparebed in my room. Finance also was a terrible difficulty in thoseclays. The cost of living, I should think, was considerablygreater then than it is even in this War. At any rate, the costof local products was much greater, as I remember the Bursartelling me that he had to pay £2 for a bag of potatoes and 30/-for a bag of mealie meal. To adequately judge of the discom-fort of the early days, it must be remembered that at that timethere was not a tree three feet high on the place, with the resultthat the wind howled where and how it liked. But boysand staff took all the discomfort in good part, and graduallythe place become more habitable and things settled down. To a certain extent, our work undoubtedly suffered. Our Matricu-lation results in our first year at Balgowan were worse thanthey have ever been, and certainly they never can be worse,as for the only time in the history of Michaelhouse we failedto pass a single candidate; but, as some compensation, weentered three boys for the Intermediate and all three passed.
As one now looks back through the seventeen years that havepassed since that first quarter at Michaelhouse, several thingsstand out. First and foremost, the indomitable will and energyof our Founder that sow beyond all these passing difficultiesand refused to be daunted or dismayed. He was always con-fident that Michaelhouse would survive all its early trials anddisappointments, and was destined to play a large part in thefuture of education in South Africa; and, although, unfortu-nately, he has not lived to see the fulfilment of all his dreams,lie yet lived long enough to know that the seven years hedevoted to the foundation of Michaelhouse were far from wastedyears, and that at least it was destined to live as one of thefirst schools in Xatal; and, secondly, writing in some of thedarkest days of the great War, and looking through the Rollof Honour of the School, both the roll of those who have madethe supreme sacrifice and the roll of those who are still servingKing and Empire, one sees many names in both lists of those*who shared alike the difficulties and joys of that first quarter,seventeen years ago, at Balgowan, and one fully realises thatour labour was not in vain, and that, in spite of all the draw-backs and difficulties, it was a work well worth doing, and onethat has been amply repaid in the devotion both to the Schooland to Duty of the boys who have passed through Michaelhouse.
A Cadet Encampment was held at Easter of this year atMountain Rise, Maritzburg. Contrary to expectation, Michael-house attended, but only after the Government had underatkento provide facilities for ('adets to attend Easter services inMaritzburg. This, naturally, took some time to arrange, sothat we only heard definitely that we were attending about aweek before Easter. This left very little time to make smartCadets of the many new boys in the ranks, but by dint of hardwork and keenness a smart Corps was ready by the time ofdeparture.
The Corps, 90 strong, marched down to the station atabout 9.30 on Tuesday night, and there boarded two coacheswhich were in the siding. Everybody was in high spirits andconfident that we would do great things, and it was not longbefore the coaches were plentifully decorated with drawings ofthe School badge. The train left at 1.26 a.m., and, after await of a few hours at Hilton Road, moved on to Maritzburg,arriving there at about 10 a.m. Here we all fell in, and,headed by the Hilton Band, marched the three miles out toCamp.
We found there was plenty of work for Us here, for thetents had yet to be pitched. So, after an "al fresco" break-fast and, a little later, a similar dinner, we set to work, andbefore long the tents began to spring up in orderly rows.
Later in the afternoon the Maritzburg School Corps began toarrive, and Camp began in earnest on the next day.
The routine of the day was somewhat as follows:-At Go'clock "Reveille" was sounded, and from the tents arosevague grunts and curses as the Cadets exchanged their hard,but warm, beds for the cold outside air and wended their wayto the. troughs for the morning dip. Then coffee was servedat the kitchens, and was greatly welcomed by the shiveringcrowds. From 6.30 to 7.15 there was physical drill, and afterthis breakfast, which was the most appreciated time of the day.
The fresh bread, jam, and cheese were eagerly devoured bythe hungry Cadets, although on the first two mornings thecheese was scarcely quiet. No mess-tent was provided, so thatmeals were partaken at the tents, and this, although it meanta great deal more work for the Quartermasters and some delayin obtaining the meals, was very enjoyable.
After breakfast the real work of the day began. Most ofthe mornings were spent in parades under our Instructors.
Here fortune favoured us as regards Instructors, for we couldnot have been better off. They were Sergeant-Major Birehem,whose name belied his temperament, and Sergeant Oates, anold Michaelhouse boy. After a dinner of "skilly" there wereagain parades until 5 o'clock, when the orders for the next daywere read. After tea, at 6, we were free until "Lights Out,"at 9.45, and during this time the canteen was w^ell patronised,much to the disgust of the Camp Police, whose duty it was toregulate the traffic and keep the crowd back from the tent.
As the Camp fell in Easter week, the regular routine onseveral days was greatly altered to allow for church parades.
Thus, 011 Good Friday, the whole Camp, 1,500 strong, marchedin to the City, the Church of England Cadets going to theCathedral, where a special service was held for Cadets. Thenon Sunday the Communicants marched in early in the morn-ing, and, after Communion and a breakfast, which the Bishopof iSTatal very kindly provided at the Creamery, fell in againand proceeded to the Cathedral. After the service generalleave was granted until 5.30, and everybody managed to spendhis day at some private residence. On Monday again there'was a service at the Cathedral for Cadets. These services madea pleasant break in the hard work of the Camp, and wereenjoyed by everybody.
On Tuesday morning the much-talked-of field day tookplace. At about 9 o'clock close on 1,000 of us marched to avalley some miles distant, and, after ammunition had beenserved out, proceeded to attack. Michaelhouse formed part ofthe right flank, and, after rushing and crawling for what seemedseveral miles, a proceeding which was very detrimental toknees and uniforms, we charged the defenders' trenches andcarried them in a truly realistic fashion. Then we marchedback to Camp, dusty and tired, to clean up for a ceremonialparade which was to take place in the afternoon.
The parade opened with the general salute, and the Cadetswere then inspected by Major Stopford. Then, after a march-past, the parade was closed by the general salute, Major Stop-ford afterwards addressing a few words to the Cadets. Thesports, which were held after this, were but short, owing tolack of time. The Horse and Cart Race and the O'Grady DrillDown were two of the most popular events, and provoked muchmirth. The prizes were presented to the successful competitorsbv Mrs. P. Davis.
Two concerts, both of them heartily appreciated by theCadets, helped to while away some of the idle hours after teaon Monday and Tuesday. The first was given by Miss IvyTaylor's concert party, with the assistance of some of theinmates of Camp. Mr. Bishops song was well applauded amiencored, but, unhappily, no encores were granted, owing tx> thelength of the programme. The second concert was an im-promptu one, arranged by the Officers and Cadets of the ( amp,but that in no whit lessened its popularity. Many artists ofgreat talent were found among the Officers and Cadets, but themost popular item was the St Charles' club-swinging.
But, much to everybody's disappointment, Camp was now at an end, and the next morning, after an early breakfast, wemarched in to the station, and left at 9.20. AA e arrived atSchool at about 12 o'clock, all completely fagged out and feel-ing scarcely tit for the twelve weeks of hard work before us.
We are pleased to be able to record the holding of a CadetCamp this year, an account of which from the point of viewof a Cadet will be found above. The camp was held at MountainKise, near Maritzburg, during the week 28th March to 2ndApril. Major B. W. E. Stopford was Commandant, and Captain E. E. Svins Camp Staff Officer. Our Instructor, Sergeant-Major E. P. W. Barden, was Camp Quartermaster-Sergeant;hence, for the purposes of instruction in Camp, we were underthe able guidance of Sergeant-Major Birchem and Sergeant W.
S. C. Oates.
In spite of every endeavour on the part of the Commandantand Camp Staff Officer, who spared no pains to procure every-thing necessary, the equipment was not anything like sufficient.
It was only after great trouble that we were issued fortycarbines, on loan for a few days during Camp; these had tobe returned before leaving Camp. Tent accommodation wasnot sufficient, while the arrangement of the canteen left muchto be desired. For those who have attended many JSTatal CadetCamps the weather offered a kindly relief from the usual keenwinter's frost. Warm weather prevailed, with a little rail1., notsufficient to cause any real inconvenience. Our thanks are duc^to the Camp officials, to whose strenuous work we owe a usefuland enjoyable week at Mountain Rise.
The following promotions have been made, in addition to those mentioned in last October's issue:-u B. X. Adams, J. S. S. Martens, and B. G. Tialfe, to beCorporals.
Drumming enthusiasm has now reached a high pitch. R.
L. Harris has sportingly supplied himself with a side-drum,and enthusiastically adds to the martial music of our drumsand bugles on parade.
There has been an alteration made in the drill day.
Sergeant-Major F. P. W. Barden comes on Wednesday morn-ing, instead of Thursday afternoon, as formerly. The alterationdates from the 20th March last.
Our teams shot in this competition on 20th June, 1917.
Unfortunately, the weather conditions were very unfavourable,but the careful instruction given by Mr. Bishop throughoutthe year made it possible for our teams to make good scoresunder the circumstances. A Senior and Junior team wereentered, their scores being given below. Mr. G. Burgmannkindly consented to be Range Officer in charge of the daysshooting.
Corpl. J. V. Hart-Davis . . . . 30 1(5 4(5 Of 30 South African Senior Teams, came 15th.
Bull. Figure. Total.
Cadet A. II. Berend . . . . 35 QQ OO 08Cadet Iv. 11. Blackmore 28 31 59Cadet A. H. Borland . . . . 27 21 48Cadet G. II. Cooper . . . . 28 17 45Cadet J. W. Cross . . . 31 28 59Cadet R. D. Daly . . 29 27 50Cadet IT. W. Harris . . . . . 32 26 58Cadet J- A. Moultrie . . . . . 27 21 48Cadet J. E. Ward . . . . . . 31 30 01 Total 502 Average 55-7 Of 32 South African Junior Teams, Michaelhouse came 9th.
The following have won the Second Class MarkmanshipBadge for the year ending 30th June, 1917, the conditionsbeing: Distance 25 yards, -22 ammunition, 10 rounds at bull's-eye, 20 rounds at figure target.
Sergeant-Bugler W. N. Methley won the Gold Badge asSquadron Shot. His name is placed first on the list, and theothers are arranged in alphabetical order according to rank:- Sgt.-Bugler W. N. Methley. Cadet G. II. Cooper. S.-S'.-M. M. E. Pennington. yy II. Iv. Cooper.
Sergt. I). B. Evans. yy C. R. S. Cottrell.
"W. C. Hart-Davis. yy J. W. Cross.
C. J. Martens. yy D. Daly.
Corpl. A. F. Borland. yy B. I). Daly.
K. B. Cox. yy R. A. Dyer.
"W. R. Evans. y y W. H. Evans.
"J. V. Hart-Davis. yy W. V. Goldby.
"C. T. Maling. yy A. J. T. Goldby.
Cadet Iv. L. W. Abbot yy H. W. Harris.
,, B. N. Adams. yy B. C. I). C. Jeffries.
"J. E. Ayres. yy J. S. S. Martens.
"IT. W. Beardall. yy J. A. Moultrie.
"A. W. Benson. V B. G. Balfe.
A. II. Berend. yy IT. H. Simmons.
B. II. Blackmore. y y B. Smith.
A. TI. Borland. yy P. T. Stiebel.
"J. B. Calder. yy V. F. van Breda.
BuglerB. A. Caney. yy A. W. Walters.
Drummer B. G. Carter. Cadet B. J. Conradie. yy J. E. Ward.
The following are recent additions to the Library:- "St. Michael's Chronicle," Vol. III.
"A Naval Venture" (two copies), by T. T. Jeans. Pre-sented by Mr. Justice Tatham.
"Simon the Jester," by W.- J. Locke. Presented by W.
V. Goldby.
And the following, presented by T. J. Nunn, Esq.:- "Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack, 16 volumes, between thedates 1896 and 1915.
"The Complete Cricketer," by Albert E. Knight.
"Annals of Cricket," by \V. W. Read.
James Lillywhite's "Cricketers' Annual," 6 volumes, be-tween the dates ls9l and 1900.
On December 1st Mr. Ferrar got up a dramatic entertain-ment in honour of Mr. Hay's visit. I1 wo plays were staged,the first a sketch by L. Irving, entitled "The Phoenix." Mr.
Bishop took the part of Commander Medway, in which he wasquite in his happiest vein. Miss Jaffray, as Lady Prothero,acted well, and entirely suited the part of a young and attrac-tive widow. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrar also did very well in theirparts, and the whole piece went with a swing.
While the scenery was being changed we were well enter-tained by songs from Mrs. Hay and Mr. Sherlock.
The second piece was a comedy, entitled "A I" lying \ isit.
Mrs. Ferrar and Mrs. Rethman, who had the two ladies* parts,were quite excellent, while Mr. Coeteee, as an over-grownschoolboy, and Mr. Hall, his Tutor, convulsed the house. Thedifficult part of the old German father was really well done byMr. Ferrar.
The scenery was all made up bv Mr. Bishop, and was quiteup to his usual high standard.
On April 6th, the first Saturday of the quarter, Mr. Bishoparranged a. concert and a short play. The entertainment com-menced with a concert, at which the following performed:-Miss Jaffray,, Messrs. Johnson, Bishop, Coetsee, and the fol-lowing- boys:-Miller, Daly i., .Northard ii., and Young.
The star turn of the evening was undoubtedly the musicalcomedietta, entitled "Carrottina, or the Gardner's Daughter.''Walters made a most attractive girl in the title role, and hadonly his (or her) bashfulness allowed us to see a little moreof his (or her) face, he (or she) would 110 doubt have capturedmany susceptible hearts. Hart-Davis ii. and Greig made mostbloodthirsty-looking- brigands. Caney was delightful as thesomewhat flighty hostess of the hostel, while Mr. Bishop, asthe Duke, was most magnificently got up, and kept the housein roars of laughter. The chorus, consisting of three old men(played by Harris i., Thiselton, and Evennett) and threecharming little girls (Butcher, Hawthorn, and Lade mi.),added greatly to the attractiveness of a delightful little piece.
The scenery was entirely new for the occasion, and was perhapsMr. Bishop's happiest effort. All the characters, particularlythe girls, largely thanks to Mrs. Brown and Miss Jaffray, weremost beautifully got up, and the singing and dancing, con-sidering the smallness of the stage, were really excellent. Thearduous duties of the accompanist were well carried out byMr. Hall.
Wednesday, May 15th, will long be a red-letter day forall at Michaelhouse. An unfortunate breakdown 011 Mondayhad prevented Major Miller's arrival when we had expectedhim and made all arrangements for his coming. Just as wewere going into School after the break 011 Wednesday morninga message reached the Rector that Major Miller had leftTTmzinto for Balgowan and might be expected within a quarterof an hour. The boys, luckily, were already in uniform fortheir drill. The "Fall In" was quickly sounded, and we allmade hurried tracks for the chosen landing place, just overthe railway line, in Mr. J. L. Jaffray's paddock. At 12.20-only a few minutes after we reached the ground-he was sighted over the top of the flat-topped hill south-east of theSchool, flying at a great height, which he subsequently toldus was nearly 11,000 feet above sea-level. After once circlinground he made a beautiful landing, finally stopping liis machinejust alongside the Rector. Tie kindly allowed us all to makea thorough examination of the machine, while he was motoreddown to Annandale for a cup of tea. After a stay of aboutan hour, he started to the sound of hearty cheering, and withhis machine plentifully decorated with Michaelhouse ribbons,for Greytown. After circling round at a rapidly-increasingheight, with a wave of the hand he disappeared over the wattlesin the direction of Howick. We take this opportunity oftendering our most hearty thanks to Major Miller for thuscoming out of his way to give us such an interesting exhibition.
We can assure him that his visit gave the very keennest pleasureto all of us, and that none of us will ever forget the first visitof an aeroplane to Michaelhouse.
The season that has just finished has, like everything elsein this country, suffered severely from tho rain. No less thanfour matches had to be abandoned without a ball being bowled,while several others were entirely ruined by tho rain. More-over, particularly in the first half of the season, practice wasinterfered with to such an extent that on more than one occa-sion a whole week passed without a mat being put down. Whendue allowance is made for tin* altogether exceptionally abomin-able weather, we had a successful-in fart, we might almostsay brilliant-season. Except 011 one disastrous occasion-thelast match of the season-our form was very consistent. Ourfinal record of nine victories and only one defeat was excellent.
Unfortunately, however, several of our best matches againststrong teams had to be abandoned or were ruined by theweather. A cricket week was arranged for the first, week ofthe holidays in "Durban. Mr. W. J. Hay made all arrange-ments, and got together an excellent list of fixtures. We playeda very pleasant match under almost ideal weather conditionsin Maritzburg on our way down, but then the weather brokeup, and out of four days 011 which cricket had been arrangedfor us in Durban only one turned out fair. It was a thousand pities that what promised to be a thoroughly enjoyable weekshould have thus been almost, entirely ruined, particularly asthe faster wickets and better bowling that we would have metwith in these matches would have been of great educationalvalue to our side. Prom a social point of view the trip was avery great success, and to our many friends in Durban whowere so hospitable in taking us all in we take this opportunityof tendering our heartiest thanks. If it is not invidious tosingle out individuals, we would like to specially thank Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Hay and Mr. Benson, of the Boyal Hotel, fortheir much-appreciated hospitality. As far as School matcheswere concerned, we had little to regret. We met Hilton Collegetwice, and proved far too strong for them on both occasions.
We only met Maritzburg College once, in a game which was,unfortunately, brought to an untimely end-very much in ourfavour-by a thunderstorm. We all very much regretted theirdecision not to come up iiere to meet us in the return match.
We cannot help feeling that it was a very great pity that thisfixture, which has now been played regularly for nearly twentyyears, should be abandoned. The reason was that the abolitionof concessions had made the railway fares somewhat moreexpensive. It was certainly a very bad piece of luck for usthat this should have happened in a season when we were muchstronger than we had been for some years. At Christmas welost Pennington. For two years he had been Cricket Captain,and his keenness and good work during that time was un-doubtedly largely responsible for the great improvement thathas taken place in our team during the last two or three years.
His batting this season was better than ever, particularly inDurban. He quickly adapted himself to the new conditions,and showed splendid form in all the three innings that heplayed there. Koe, who succeeds him as Captain, had a splen-did all-round season, and heads both tables. A rather moreuncertain starter than Pennington, once set his cricket leaveslittle to be desired. His bowling was better than ever. Hedeveloped a considerable off-break, and if he can keep thiswithout loss of pace he should have a great future. Borlandalso had a good season. His bowling was better than ever, aslie is learning to use his head more, while his batting, with nobig score to help him, was most consistent. For the first halfof the season Berend was in splendid form, playing a particu-larly fine innings in Durban. After Christmas he had a badspell, and he must learn to use a little more discretion inpicking the right balls to hit when he first goes in. Walters, on tlie other hand, after a very bad start, came on very much,and was right at liis best when the season closed. He playedfar better cricket than we have seen from him before. C.
Hart-Davis, after being; away ill for the first half of the season,came back in February. He played a fine innings againstHilton, but for the rest was disappointing. He also is tooanxious to make 50 in the first half-dozen overs. In the restof the team we were frankly disappointed. J. Hart-Davis,Greig, Gibson, and Dyer did not come 011 as much as wasexpected. Just at the end of the season Scoble showed greatform, both with ball and ball, and, if he is here next year,should prove a valuable man. The weakness of the side waschange bowling. If Koe and Borland were once collared therewas little to fall back 011. -T. Hart-Davis was not the bowler he was the previous season. He seems to have lost his length,apparently in an effort to obtain more break. Our fieldingalso was not as good as it should be. This was chiefly due tolack of practice, owing to wet weather. To sum up the workof the season, we undoubtedly had the strongest side we havehad for some years, and if only the fielding, particularly thecatching, had been a little more certain, and we could havefound some more dependable change bowling, it would havebeen the best side we have ever had. No side can be considereda really good one that almost entirely depends, as we did, 011two bowlers. There is good hope that these defects may beremedied next year, and that we may then even excel ourexcellent record of this year.
Played. Won. Lost. Drawn*. Aranooned.
First XI.-Koe (Captain), Borland ('Vice-Captain'),Berend, C. Hart-Davis, Walters.
Second XI.-R. A. Dyer. J. Hart-Davis, Greig, E. Gibson.
Scoble, Coney, Cox, MICHAELHOUSE v. S'. O. H. HART-DAVIS' XI.
Played at Michaelhouse on October 20th, and won by 144runs.
J. Hart-Davis, c N. King, b Hall. . . . 2 0. M. R. w.
N. King o 36 2A. King . 11 0 48 1B. STiaw hr 0 33 1C. Moor . 8 1 20 9 LtA. Hall . 4.2 0 18 O O S. 0. H. HART-DAVIS' XI.-First Innings.
0. M. R. w.
D. Koe . 0 Q 6 0 5Borland . 0 i 21 5 S. O. IT. HART-DAVIS' XI.-Second Innings.
S. O. Hart-Davis, st Bishop, b Borland. 7 A. P. Hall, E. Gibson, and J. Martens did not bat.
0. M. R. W.
.1. Hart-Davis . . 0 34 2Hannah 1 38 1Pennington . . . G 1 17 2Greig 4 0 23 1Borland . . . 1.2 0 i 1 MICTIAELIIOrSE v. MARITZBURG COLLEGE.
Played at Maritzburg College on November 10th, andresulted in a draw. The College batted first, but made a poorshow against Koe, who, breaking back at a great pace, had allthe batsmen in difficulties. By tlie time we went in a thunder-storm was imminent, and soon the light got very bad. Theattempt to hit off the runs in time just failed, and in a fewminutes the ground was under water. Berend played a reallyfine innings.
0. M. R. w.
Borland 19 6 42 3Koe . 19 Q o 46 hr i J. Hart-Davis, c Turnbull, b HardingA. H. Berend, c Turnbull, b Woods . .
Greig, Walters, Dyer, Gibson, Evans, Cooper did not bat.
0. M. R. wW oods 9 2 27 2Harding . 9 1 33 1 Played at Michaelhouse on November 24th, and won onthe first innings by 191 runs. We batted first, but made a poorstart. A splendid stand by Koe and Pennington for the fourthwicket brought the score to nearly 200. AValters and Berendalso hit out well, and we were able to declare with six wicketsdown. Pennington played a really fine innings. He only gave one chance-a hard return to the bowler-when between 50and 00. TIilton made a very fair start, but their latter batsmencollapsed before Borland's leg-breaks. In tlie second inningsthey did better, and avoided an innings defeat. Buttery playedtwo nice innings.
J. Hart-Davis, st Goulding, b Herbert . . . . . . 10 R. Dyer, W. H. Evans, B. Caney, and R. Cox did not bat.
0. M. R. W.
Norman 14 1 M<) 1 o 2Herbert 10.2 Q O 70 3Sclanders 2 0 19 0King 9 0 49 0Buchan o O 0 24 0 i 0 30 1HILTON COLLEGE. -Firs it Inn ings. R. Goulding, c Pennington, b Hart-Davis . 0 0. M. R. w.
Hart-Davis . . 3 25 o oPennington . . . G 1 24 1Koe 0 10 0Borland . . . . 2 0 10 1 • MICHAELHOUSE v. W. HAY'S XI.
Played at Michaelhouse on December 1st, and resulted ina win for the School by 10 wickets and 18 runs. This match,which ought to have been one of the best fixtures of the year,was completely ruined by the weather. A drizzle Was fallingall day, making the ball wet and the foothold for the bowlersvery greasy. Koe bowled exceptionally well under the circum-stances. Wheatley and Hay both played nice innings. By the time our innings commenced the bowlers could hardly stand.
Hannah and Berend took advantage of this, and knocked offthe runs in half-an-hour, and a dismal game came to an end.
Scores:- 0. M. R. w.
Borland . 10 1 38 2Koe . 13.3 2 40 7Pennington . . . 4 0 16 1 Borland, Pennington, Rethman, Koe, Bishop, Hall, Hart-Davis, Walters, and Greig did not bat.
0. M. R. w.
Sherlock . 6 0 5 2 0Hay 9 0 21* 0Morris . 3 0 30 0 Played at Estcourt on December 8th. and resulted in awin by 59 runs. This was another match almost completelyruined by rain. Owing to a breakdown of the taxis which tookus up from Mooi River, it. was nearly 1 o'clock before the matchbegan. At lunch-time we had made about 70 for 3 wickets byconsistent batting. After lunch, with rain threatening, ordersto hit out. were given, and we were all dismissed for 124. Hallplayed the best innings for us. Shortly after their inningsbegan rain started to fall, and continued for the rest of theafternoon. Considering the conditions, Borland's bowling per-formance was a line one. P. Moor made a few good nits, whileNorton defended stubbornly.
0. M. r. w.
Gold . . . 15.1 2 45 5Winter . 8 1 37 • 2Beattie 2 0 11 0J. P. Moor . . 0 17 Q O Atcherley, c Hart-Davis, b Boiland. 0.
0. M. R. w.
Koe . 10 4 24 2Borland 9.1 2 25 i Played on the Oval, Maritzburg, on December 15th, andresulted in a win by 49 runs. This match was played on thefirst day of the Christmas holidays on our way to Durban. Itwas an almost perfect day and a thoroughly enjoyable game.
We batted first, but made an appalling start, losing 2 wicketsfor 0 and 4 for 13. Then came a really good stand by Koe andBerend, and later a most timely 20 not out from Bishop, andour score reached a respectable total after all. The Casualshad very bad luck, in that Eddie Morris slipped and strained amuscle in the first over and had to retire. Thanks, however,to a good innings by Maxwell, 50 went up with only one wicketdown, but then ensued a bad collapse, and we were left easywinners. It was one of our best wins during the season, ourwork in tlie field being particularly good.
Scores:-MICHAELHOUSE.-First Innings.
0. M. R. w.
Blake . . . 4 1 20 2Stalker . . . 9 0 45 o wFell . 6 0 27 1 0. M. R. wvBorland . . . 12 4 27 o OKoe 0 21 2Hart-Davis . . . 8 4 15 1Hannah . . . 3.5 0 9 3 M. E. Pennington, e Worthington, b Blake . 6 0. M. R. w.
Stalker . f> 1 12 1Blake 0 0 6 1Watkins . 0 o 14 oArbuckle O 0 20 0 Played at the Albert Park, Durban, on December 19th,and won by 115 runs. After rain had caused an abandonment the day before, Wednesday broke gloriously fine, and a per-fectly lovely day resulted. The Albert Park was looking atits very best, and altogether a most enjoyable game ensued.
The Officers entertained us to lunch in their mess at Congella.
Batting first, they made a capital start. McHardy played areally line innings, while Tinker defended doggedly, and 70went up before the first wicket fell. Then came a dreadfulcollapse, and 9 wickets were down for 89. Wilson and Mans-field then came to the rescue, and added 50 runs for the tenthwicket. After a poor start, Pennington and Berend settleddown to really good cricket, and looked like hitting off theruns, when Berend unluckily ran himself out. Bishop andPennington, however, soon settled the matter. Borland hithard at the end of his innings, and we eventually won by agood margin. Borland's bowling had a lot to do with oursuccess.
Capt. Emerton, c Hart-Davis, b Borland . 2 Hart-Davis 4 12 nHannah,) 1 •)■> 0Rethman •> 0 5 1 M. I >ennington, c Ward, b Mansfield. 72 0. M. R. w,Garner . 20 1 64 o oMansfield . . . . . 17 2 67 2Ward . . . . 6 0 38 0Morris . 5 0 15 1McHardy . 12.3 1 38 Q OITall well . 2 0 15 0 Played at Albert Park, Durban, on December 20th, andleft drawn. This match, which ought to have been the prin-cipal fixture of our week, was entirely ruined by rain. Raincommenced to fall about an hour after the game began, andthe game soon had to be abandoned. Rethman and Borlandboth hit hard, while Pennington defended stubbornly.
D. Koe, J. Hart-Davis, A. P. Hall, R. A. Dyer, W. H.
Evans, and B. Caney did not bat.
0. M. 11. w.
Brickhill 12 2 29 1Woods . 8 0 29 0Murray . 11 9. O f) i 2Dibbs 0 0 14 0 Played at Michaelhouse 011 February 16th, and won by166 runs. The features of the game were Koe's magnificentinnings and X". King's fine bowling. Koe never gave a chanceand hit splendidly.
C. F. Moor, c C. Hart-Davis, b Borland. 0 R. A. King, c Gibson, b »T. Hart-Davis. 86 BOWLING. 0. M. R. w. Borland 5 0 30 2 J. Hart-Davis 7 0 49 2 Koe 4 0 19 2 Caney 1.1 0 i 1 MICHAELHOUSE. A. H. Berend, c Hall, b A. King . . IA. W. Walters, b X. King . . 0C. Hart-Davis, c Arbuthnot, b A. King 131). B. Koe, st Bishop, b Hannah . . 121A. F. Borland, b N. King 8J. Hart-Davis, b N. King . . . . 0J. Greig, b X. King 0R. A. Dyer, b X. King . T 0E. W. Gibson, b N. King iB. Caney, b X". King 0W. Harris, not out 20Extras 19Total 195BOWLING. 0. M. R. w. X. King 20 Q 6 G2 7 A. King 9 1 31 2 J. Rethman 4 1 9 0 Hart-Davis 3 () 2(> 0 0. Moor 2 0 10 0 Arbuthnot . . . . . . . . 4 0 17 0 Hannah 2 0 15 1 Played at Hilton on March 2nd, and resulted in an easywin by 197. Borland proved far too good for the Hilton boys,and gained a wonderful analysis. After we had lost one wicketin the first over, C. Hart-Davis and Walters settled down, andby really good cricket added 117. Koe made some splendidhits in his innings. All the others hit hard, with the resultthat we made 246 in a little over two hours.
I. H. Mitchell, c Borland, b Koe . .
T. . Boyd, c Cox, b Borland . .
BOWLING. 0. M. R. w.
Borland . . 9 12 8Koe 11 I IT oJ. Hart-Davis 4 0 9 0 !). B. Koe, <• Mitchell. b Smith.
0. M. R. w.
Boyd . 15 0 70 2Bekenn 9 0 30 0Chiazzari 9 0 54 4Mitchell Q 0 IS 0Hawkins 9 o 29 2 2 0 15 0 O «> 0 99 1 MICHAELHOUSE v. REV. C. D. ROBINSON'S XI.
Played at Michaelhouse on March 9th, and won by 47runs. Ladysmith batted first, but, except for Riddell andSparks, did little. Sparks in particular ployed good cricket.
Borland bowled very well, but with little luck. For us Valtersplayed a very fine innings, while Rethman and Borland hitwell. In their second innings Ladysmith did much better.
Sparks again played very well. It was a most glorious dayand a very enjoyable game. We were most grateful to Mr.
Robinson for the trouble lie took to bring a team from so farto play us.
REV. C. I). ROBINSON'S XI.-First Innings.
0. M. R. w.
14.3 K 0 44 49 5 16 45 0 24 9 .w REV. C. D. ROBINSON'S XI.-Second Innings.
0. M. R. w.
Hannah . 8 0 53 1Koe . 8 3 22 4Borland . 8 0 55 1Hall . 0 0 20 oRethman o 0 i 1 \V. C. Hart-Davis, l.b.w., b Farquhar. <> BOWLIXG. 0. M. R. w.
N. King . . . 11 1:»l 0Farquhar . . 17 4 47 Leathern . 3 0 11 iRiddell . . <■> 0 8 0A. King . . 4.3 o 20 4 MICHAELHOUSE: v. MARITZBURG CASUALS.
Played in Maritzburg- 011 March 23rd, and lost by 106runs. This was our one really bad match of the season. Ourfielding, both ground and catching, was dreadful, our bowlingwas poor, and our batting deplorable, with the result that wegot a thoroughly-deserved beating by a large margin.
Total (for 0 wickets, declared) . . . > . . . . 187 0. M. R. w.
Borland . 21 2 65 4-Koe . 13 2 30 0Hannah 0 25 1Scoble . 4 1 5 JRethman 0 18 0Hall . 3 0 17 2 C. W. Hannah, c Shippey, b Worthington . 0 0. M. R. w.
Arbuckle, . . . 9 Q 13 1Hair ., 18.2 1 39 5Worthington . . . . 10 v 12 3 Innin&s. Xc >t Out. Total. Tl.S. Avge.
D. B. Koe . 10 1 331 121 36-77M. E. Pennington 8 1 232 101 33-14W. C. Hart-Davis 4 0 84 60 21A. F. Borland . 11 1 195 45 19-5A. II. Berend . . . 13 1 225 54 18-75A. W. Walters 9 1 142 74 17-75J. G. Greig . 9 o o 51 18': 8-5R. A. Dyer . . 6 1 ' 37 12 7-4J. Hart-Davis 9 0 50 i 3 E. Gibson 4 0 9 i 2-5W. Harris, 20*; R Cox, 10; B Caney, 0, 9*; W. II. Evans, 0*; J. Scoble, 4*. - Also played for the School J. F Rethman . . 6 1 130 49 26F. S. Bishop . . . . 5 1 11 44 19-25C. W. Hannah 9 1 153 82 • 19-12A. P. Hall . . . 5 1 ('►4 26 16 Over*. Maidens. Runs. Wickets. A vise.
c c . 138 36 OO*' • i 45 7-46A. F. Borland . 165 1 41 475 60 7-91M. Pennington 16 0 57 4 14-25J. Hart-Davis . . 41 11 144 8 18 Scoble, 1 for 5; Caney, 1 for 7: Greig, 1 for 23.
Tlie Second XT. had a very disappointing' season. Onlyfive matches could ho arranged for them, and of these twowere ruined by rain. Tender these conditions there is littlecomment possible. Scoble, Cox, and Caney all got trials in the First XT. In the second half of the season Goldby i.
showed very good batting form, and should be heard of nextyear in the First XI. if only his injured hand is sufficientlyrecovered. Of the younger ones, Woods and Trotter show mostpromise. The former should make a most useful all-roundcricketer, though at present he is much too slow and elephantinein the field. Trotter has the makings of a really good bat, buta fatal tendency to draw away to leg in playing back is atpresent greatly hindering him. I1 he scores which follow mustspeak for the rest.
Flayed at Michaelhouse, and, owing to rain, resulted inan even draw.
0. M. R. W.
Martens . 14 6 24 4Scoble . . 4 21 1Cox . . 6 2 14 1Caney . 2 5 2G. Dyer . 0.1 0 0 1 MICHAELHOUSE. G. Dyer, W. Harris, B. Caney, J. Scoble, and J. Martens:did not bat.
0. M. R. w.
Geekie 12 (> 11 9 jUCollier 9 4 0 0Hurt 4 1 4 1 Played at Hilton on November 24th. and resulted in awin for Hilton by 26 runs.
H. Anderson, c Martens, b Cooper. •» 0. M. R. 13 4 81 24 1 15 013 9 12 37 4 12 o O3 1 ( 2 0. M. R. w.
Hawkins . . . 9 9 O 14 2G. Lund . . . 8.2 4 19 4 1 0 6 0Giles 6 4 2 2Macleod . . . . 7 4 8 0Chiazzari . . . . 2 1 1 1 MICHAELHOUSE v. WESTON TRADES' SCHOOL.
Played at Weston on December 8th, 1917, and resulted ina draw. Rain completely ruined this match. During tne shorttime it was in progress rain was falling, making the ball greasyand the foothold impossible.
0. M. R w.
Cooper 0 84 2Caney . 8 0 27 1Martens . 4 0 13 0Scoble 2 0 9 0 Played at Michaelhouse on March 2nd, and won on firstinnings by 10 runs. Hilton made a very bad start, losing (5wickets for 18, but some free hitting by Rogerson and Davis ii.
pulled the game round. Thanks to a good partnership byGoldby and Scoble, we had 50 up before the third wicket fell,but. in spite of this, eight wickets were down before the winninghit was made.
Scores:- HILTON COLLEGE.-First Innings.
BOWLING. 0. M. R. w. Woods 12 2 46 5 Scoble 13.4 1 36 4 Ayres 1 0 Q O 0 Martens 3 0 6 1 HILTON COLLEGE.-Second Macleod, c Trotter, b Dyer Innings. 9Giles i., c and b Dyer 1Lund iii., b Dyer 5Smith ii., not out *> OWilliamson, c Dyer, b Cooper . . . 0« Sanders, b Cooper 0Chiazzari, not out 4RogCrson, b Dyer 6Eustace, b Cooper 4Extras . . . 2Total (for 7 wickets) 34BOWLING. 0. M. R. w. Cooper 9 2 13 3 Dyer <S 3 21 4 MICHAELHOUSE. L. Trotter, b Giles 6H. Cooper, c Davis i., b Giles . . . • • 0W. Goldby, b Smith 27.1. Scoble, c EustaCe, b Smith . . . 20A. Woods, run out 13B. Adams, b Giles • • 6P. Stibel, run out 11J. Martens, l.b.w., b Giles 4G. Dyer, b Giles 0W. Harris, not out 11J. Ayres, b Giles 0Extras 6 104BOWLING. 0. M. R. w. Giles 10.5 0 40 6 Macleod 7 0 23 0 Williamson 5 1 14 0 Smith 0 0 18 2 Davis ii 2 1 3 0 This match, got up to replace the College Second XI.
match-which was, unfortunately, scratched by our opponents'-took place at Michaelhouse on March 16th, and resulted ina win for the Second XI. by 39 runs. Mr. Hall's XI. battedfirst, and, chiefly thanks to Greig (27) and Dyer ii. (26), made122. Scoble and Dyer shared the wickets. For the SecondXI., Trotter (33) played a nice innings, while Stiebel (29)and Cooper i. (28) also made useful scores.
The season just completed, although it did not produceany "stars." yet showed that there was a fair amount of cricketability in the Junior Games. Trotter i. and Woods, for instance,thoroughly earned promotion to Big Game, while others,receiving a trial, did sufficiently well to encourage them tofurther efforts.
Up to Christmas, Second Game showed a complete lackof interest in cricket and all things connected therewith. Ttis true they defeated their rivals, the Colts, with the utmostease, but the disparity between the sides was more apparentthan real.
After Christmas the keenness in Second Game was largelydue to outside influences-notably the revival of Colts. Twomatches were played against Colts, in which honours weredivided. The batting of Second Game (though Abbot andMontagu did well on occasion) was usually poor and thehowling erratic, but the fielding, if wo except the throwing-in.
was good.
A word of praise is due to Ayres and Simmons, whosekeenness managed to infuse itself in some degree all througljSecond Game.
Colts were fortunate in their Captains-Evans i. tillChristmas and Adams after. Both worked very hard for theGame. Colts were, on the whole, a very even lot. rather onthe small side. Even so, they did not come up to expectations;the batting in tlie matches already mentioned was of a very uncertain quality and the fielding deplorable. There is, per-haps, some excuse-or, rather, palliation-for this latter. Colts'ground, in its way the finest of all, is too small for accurateout-fielding; consequently, there was always present the ideathat the grass would do the work without undue effort on thepart of the fielder. The fallacy of this notion was exemplifiedi 1.1 the matches versus Second Game. Dyer iii. and Ward wereprobably the worst offenders, but others ran them very close.
Year was a shining exception.
(1olts' bowling was varied, and, with a little more deter-mination, the following ought to do well:-Dyer iii., Ward,Borland ii., Campbell ii. The first two are inclined to sacrificelength for pace, while the last two, in their different styles,bowl very short. At the very end of the season Cottrell i.
shone out as a lob-bowler. With the small ball he is mosteffective, but lie has not yet attained any command over thelarge ball. lie should persevere, however, as his length isexcellent and his break just sufficient. The batting throughoutthe season was uncertain, but Cottrell i., Peachey, Year, Taylor,-Tory, and Campbell ii. showed distinct promise. Dyer iii.
and Cooper ii. were frankly disappointing.
The crowning point of the season, as far as these twoGames wore concerned, was the defeat inflicted on "Host ofFirst Came." The margin was narrow-too narrow for com-fort-but the combined "Second and Colts" just got home by fiveruns. This satisfactory result was due partly to some admir-able bowling by Scoble and Woods, and partly to some steadybatting by Trotter i. and Ralfe. We must mention also Methleyand Allison's free hitting, which came immediately after abad collapse. The game was a good one, played in a mostdetermined manner by both side's: it was a pity that there wasno return fixture.
It is difficult to write anything complimentary of ThirdGame. Their interest in the railway so entirely consumedthem that their zeal for cricket suffered total eclipse. Beardalldid what he could for a poor Game, and Solomon strove to put-some life into matters. Third Game should note that cricketis not necessarily played in shorts and socks, nor is a jersey,tied skirt-wise round the waist, an indispensable article of attire.
Fourth Game became a necessity after Christmas. Tt wasundeniably keen. Its faults arose from that very virtue. Onemay be permitted to question the wisdom of more than oneCaptain to a side. Fourth Game seemed to be all Captains, and confusion frequently resulted. A word in season from theofficial Captain should in future he sufficient to quell theturmoil.
Most of the likely youngsters in Fourth Game receivedtrials in Colts during the quarter. Anderson and Dearlovcalone succeeded in holding their places-an achievement uponwhich they are to be congratulated.
On the whole, then, the Junior cricket may be written down as a success. This is the more gratifying as the weather made it impossible to do anything to the grounds and oppor- We have hopes that next year will see substantial improve-ments to the J unior grounds, especially to Colts' and that ofFourth Game.
By Balance in hand (>"By OiToi tories . . 28 s. a. £ S. d.
4 8 To Chapel Building 4 7 Fund 3 11 11 To British Bed Cross Fund. . i 10 u 99 Bishop's Mission Fund l () 4 99 («<>v. - General's Fund 3 10 i y j Natal Diocesan Society • 9 • ) 11 10 9 St. Cross Or plianage and St. Martin's Home. . l 12 0 99 s.i\<; l 3 4 99 S.P.C.K l (» 1 9 9 Clergy Pensions and Widows and • Orphans' Fund. . I 0 n Communion Wine 0 c» •> •) 9% Balance in hand 3 10 11!) 3 £28 o *> t> Prizes will be awarded for the best solutions of the two following Double Acrostics. Competitors must adopt noms-de-plume. Solutions should be sent in to the "Acrostic Editor"within one week from the issuing of the "Chronicle":- The first, twelve inches, often used for shinning; At second see the dancers whirling round.
The season for the whole is just beginning; The posts are now inserted in the ground.
4. Marksman Bill, in days gone past.
Our Easter leave was cancelled. Yes, I know.
The reason was a good one. See below.
1. A drum, forsooth! You'd hardly call it martial.
2. The river horse in shortened form we see.
3. Just turn him round: lie ought to be impartial.
4. Riddle-but not with bullets. Drum, go free.
5. He steers his vessel through the airy medium.
6. Lady of rank! Oh, leave me out, T beg.
7. What have we here?-another word for tedium.
8. It's rather large. A small one's called a keg.
9. Malignant tumour, or a constellation.
10. He's innocent! He wasn't there, m'lud! 11. A little dash-no, less-use observation.
12. A synonym for little pool of mud.
We acknowledge with thanks the following School Maga-zines:-"Jeppe High School Magazine," "Blue," "SouthAfrican College School Magazine," "Shirburnian," "TheDiocesan College Magazine" (Rondebosch), "St. Andrew'sGrahamstown Magazine," "Glenalmond Chronicle," "SeaPoint Magazine," "Marlburian." Owing to tlie unfortunate illness of our Headmaster duringthe Christmas holidays, we have had to be without him for aquarter. Fortunately, however, we managed to secure theservices of Mr. Thompson, late of Weenen County College,who has very ably filled the position.
The vacancy caused by Mr. Hall's departure to join thepermanent staff of Michaelhouse has been temporarily filled byMr. M. E. Pennington, late of Michaelhouse.
The whole School spent a most enjoyable afternoon 011Easter Tuesday at the Cadet Camp held at Mountain Pise.
All were keenly interested in the events, so much so, in fact,that daily camps have since been pitched, guard-rooms erected(which, needless to say, are always well patronised), whilsteverywhere can be seen troops under the command of Lieu-tenants, Sergeants, and Corporals, with occasional reviews bythe Field-Marshal. The chief authority, however, seems to liein the hands of the Camp Police, who appear to have half-a-dozen orderlies re-furnishing them every other minute withimplements of chastisement.
Valete.-Tory, Smith, Jones, Campbell, Cottrell, Macken-zie, Woods, Hayward, Yerney (all of whom have passed 011 toMichaelhouse), Sturgeon, Taylor, Glennie i. and ii., Clark i.
Salvete.-Bowyer, Griffin, Dunn, Butcher ii., Parker ii.,Rawlinson, Hallowes ii., Gordon, Lund ii. and iii., Midgley.
The past cricket season has been one of great disappoint-ment here, owing to the scarcity of matches. Throughout thewhole season only two matches have been played-the firstagainst a Military team and the second against Merchiston-both of which were won. Other matches, against St. Charles',Hilton, and Merchiston, had to be cancelled on account of therain, but, in spite of all this, the keenness of the First andSecond XI.'s was never lost, and they played wtih greatenthusiasm till the end of the season.
Of the First XL, Shaw i. is the best bat. lie has a veryfine style, hits hard, and can always be relied 011 for runs.
After him comes Stewart, who also has good style, but hiskeenness to "hit*' as soon as he comes in often proves fatal.
Clark, Dyer, and Reid bat in an orthodox style and often getruns. Stokes hits out, and once he is set is hard to move, whileBurdon i. and Mackenzie, with more practice, ought to be quiteuseful.
Of the bowlers, Stewart easily heads the list. He generallykeeps a good length, and has the advantage of being able tobreak both ways with a ball of the same pace. Stokes, whogenerally opens with him, bowls a fairly fast ball, but is tooerratic to be really dangerous, although lie does at times bowlsome very good balls. Of the others, Shaw i., Clark, and Dyerall keep a fairly good length and are all useful change bowlers.
Shaw ii., the only left-hander in the team, has a dangerousswerve with a new ball.
The fielding, on the whole, is very fair, but much moreattention could be paid to "backing up," both in fielding andbatting. Many runs were lost through this fault. Of thefielders. Shaw ii., Shaw i., Clark, Dyer, Stokes, Stewart, andReid can be relied on to hold most catches and pick up smartly.
Parker, behind the stumps, stopped most things that came hisway, but must be much quicker to become a good wicketkeeper.
Of the smaller lot, Gilson is the most promising as a goodall-rounder, while Mills and Chapman ought to be quite usefulwith the ball.
At Christmas the team lost two promising cricketers inWoods and -Tory, both of whom are doing well at Michaelhouse.
Cordwalles v. Camp.-Won by 14 runs. Cordwalles, 56.
Camp, 42. (Jory 12, Stokes 12; Stewart 6 for 8.) Cordwalles v. Merchiston.-March 16th, 1918. Won by 56runs. Cordwalles, 88. Merchiston, 32. (Sliaw i. 20, Stewart 13, Stokes 14, Reid 11, Burdon i. 12; Stewart 3 for 8, Stokes4 for 12.) (Second Innings: Stokes IT- not out.) The Second XI. only managed to get one match, againstMerchiston Second XL, in which, after an exciting finish, we-.just won by one run on the first innings. Cordwalles, first-innings. 3T (Walters 10, Lee 10). Merchiston, first innings,36 (Mackenzie 4 for 18, Mills 3 for 6). Cordwalles, secondinnings, 79 for T (Lawrence 32, Mackenzie 15, Smith ii. 12).
Merchiston, second innings, 44 (Mills 4 for 18, Gilson 2 for 5rMartens 2 for 4).


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