Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life
Important Elements of Life
Water – the medium that life survives in
_______________ – the basis of nearly all chemicals in living organisms
Organic Chemistry: study of carbon compounds
– Atomic number = ____ – Valence electrons = _____ (tetravalent) – 4 _______________ bonds (unlikely to form ionic bonds) – Extremely versatile
Carbon makes small molecules (CO2, CH4)
Carbon also makes large complex molecules
Molecules containing only _______________ and _______________
Major components of petroleum – “fossil fuels”
– C-C and C-H bonds are _______________
Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life Variation in Architecture Structural Isomers
Structures that differ in _______________ of their atoms
Number of possible isomers increases as the carbon skeleton size increases
May also differ in the location of double bonds
Geometric Isomers
May occur when _______________ bonds present
Atoms cannot rotate freely about the axis of the bonds
Have same covalent partnerships, but…
Differ in their _______________ arrangement
Results in small differences in shape
Subtle, but affects biological activity
Isomers that are _______________ images
Left-handed and right-handed versions
Usually one form is biologically active and mirror image is not
One may be useful therapeutically while the other is inactive
– L-Dopa useful against Parkinson’s disease
Or one may be harmful, while the other is useful
Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life _______________ Groups
Typically bonded to carbon skeleton of organic molecules
Replace the bond with H in hydrocarbons
– Have specific _______________ and _______________ properties – Commonly are _______________ regions of organic molecule – Behave consistently from one organic molecule to another – Number and arrangement determine unique chemical properties of the molecules
Functional Groups
– Soluble in water, and increase solubility of organic molecule they are on
One _______________ – not listed in your text
Example: Estradiol and Testosterone
Result in differential sex expression
Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life The _______________ Group (– OH)
_______________ – organic compound with hydroxyl group
Hydrogen bonded to an oxygen, oxygen bonded to carbon
The _______________ Group (– CO)
Carbon atom _______________ _______________ to oxygen
_______________ if found on the end of skeleton
_______________ if found in the middle of skeleton
Polar group – oxygen can be involved in hydrogen bonding
The _______________ Group (– COOH)
_______________ acids – carbon atom with BOTH
– _______________ bond to _______________ AND – _______________ bond to the oxygen of a _______________ group
Polar group – hydrogen reversibly dissociates as H+
Donates a _______________, so it has _______________ properties
The _______________ Group (– NH2)
_______________ – organic molecules with _______________ atom bonded to two
_______________ and to the carbon skeleton
– Also has carboxyl group – Amino acid – both amine and carboxylic acid
Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life The _______________ Group (– SH)
_______________ – atom of sulfur bonded to atom of hydrogen
Sulfur has six valence electrons like oxygen
– Therefore _______________ covalent bonds possible
Helps stabilize the structure of proteins
The _______________ Group
Dissociated form of phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
Loss of two protons by dissociation leaves phosphate group w/ double negative
Attaches to carbon skeleton at one oxygen
Important in cellular energy transfer and storage
_______________ Group (– CH3)
Three hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a carbon atom
Important in nonpolar amino acids and tertiary structure of proteins
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Chapter 6 calculation of Oral Medications – Solids and Liquids 2. Quantity /strength of drug on hand 3. solid or liquid form of supply drug D = doctor’s order H = on hand or have S = supply form (e.g., tablets, mL) A = Answer Rules Formula Method Desire x Supply = Amount Have Ratio Method Supply: Have :: x : Desire Proportion Method Supply Proportions expressed as two fractions 1 tablet e