arasites in
ustainable P
Know your Anthelmintic Gr 2012
ench and inject
inject corr
must be given according to manufacturers instructions. Subcutaneous products should be given using a 1.6cm needle making sure it is under the skin of the neck 10-15cm below the ear.
Intramuscular injections go into the mid neck with a 2.5-4cm needle aiming inwards and upwards towards the head. Moxidectin 2% LA is given at injection gently after administration.
Storage W from dir ‘use b time shown on the pac before use, particularly the white (BZ) products.
don’t guess
2. Calibrate and maintain equipment
are no air bubbles. Adjust until correct. check for kinks and worn seals or springs. Use clean, sterile needles for injecting and manufacturers who are
Sustainable Contr
of NOAH, began to add
can also at
From 2011,
symbols to their packaging clearly
denoting which group the product
belongs to. This should help you
choose the most appropriate product
more easliy.
Of Parasites in Sheep
More information
on SCOPS be
getting it right
optimum sheep performance at least cost.
, it is not too late to slo
not only in the fight against anthelmintic resistance but also
velopment of anthelmintic
w and safe-guard the future of
Anthelmintics –
Administer anthelmintics effectively and orm contr
Choosing the right product and getting the most from it are key
in ensuring
information on the products available in the various chemical groups and the parasites they control. We want you to get the most out of an anthelmintic resistance on most f
Group 1 - 1 -B Z White
Group 3 - 3 -
Parasites Covered
Use Trace
Parasites Covered
Chemical name
Parasites Covered
elements Withdrawal
Period (days)
Period (days)
Period (days)
Roundworm, Lungworm, Nasal bots Oral drench Roundworm, Lungworm, Nasal bots Injection Combinations
Chemical name
Parasites Covered
Roundworm, Lungworm, Nasal bots Oral drench Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Nasal bots Oral drench Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Nasal bots Oral drench Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Nasal bots Oral drench Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Roundworm, Lungworm, Tapeworm Oral Co; Se Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Narrow Spectrum Products
Tramazole SC 2.5% Tulivin/Denimex Albendazole Roundworm, Lungworm, Sheep scab Injection Chemical name
Parasites Covered
Group 4 - 4 -A D Orange
2 -L V Yel ow
Parasites Covered
Use Trace
Period (days)
Parasites Covered
elements Withdrawal
Group 5 - 5 -S I Purple Derquantel (not available as a single active)
* Injections: I/M = intramuscular S/C = subcutaneous



file:///C:/Users/pascal/Documents/perso/an2009/fede09/site/BUL42.htm Bulletin d'Information de Pharmacovigilance N° 42 - Septembre 2009 RAPPEL "Tout professionnel de santé ayant constaté un effet indésirable grave (soit mettant en jeu la vie du patient ou entraînant le décès, soit entraînant ou prolongeant une hospitalisation, soit entraînant une incapacité ou des séqu

Core curriculum in nephrology: disorders of sodium and water

CORE CURRICULUM IN NEPHROLOGY Disorders of Sodium and Water ● Na intake controlled by Na appetite, dietary COMPOSITION OF BODY FLUIDS ● Typical Western diets contain 2 to 6 g of Na Total Body Water (TBW) ● Na elimination regulated by factors that● Two thirds of TBW is inside cells (intracel-● One third of TBW is outside cells (extracel- Mechanisms of Renal Na Excretion

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