2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease Steve Iliffe
University College London, London, England
Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has
recently issued guidance that restricts the use of cholinesterase inhibitors andmemantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the National HealthService. This stance contains lessons for designers of trials, drug regulators, healtheconomists and those developing clinical guidelines for dementia care. Thedebates that took place around and within NICE were about identifying thebenefits of these medicines and the beneficiaries, clarifying the costs of themedication and whom bears them, the methods of weighing benefit against cost,and the consequences of using different approaches to cost-benefit analysis. Thisarticle discusses each of these themes and outlines the changes in research andclinical practice and policy making that might flow from NICE’s decisions onmedication use. Outcome measures that capture changes in dementia syndromesneed further development. Cost-benefit analysis needs refinement with bettertools than quality-adjusted life-years, and the policy implications of restrictingtreatments in a progressive neurodegenerative disorder need more careful consid-eration. 1. Background
drugs, particularly given the new generations ofanti-dementia drugs appearing on the horizon.
In 2001, NICE had recommended all four drugs
The attention given to the cholinesterase inhibi-
for use within the National Health Service (NHS) in
tors donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine, and to
patients who had mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s dis-
the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine, by
ease, but in a routine review of this decision in
Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical
February 2005 the Technology Appraisal Commit-
Excellence (NICE), working in conjunction with the
tee of NICE reversed the recommendation in a draft
Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE), has gen-
report that suggested that the drugs should no longer
erated great controversy amongst scientists, clini-
be made available because they were not cost effec-
cians, interested citizens’ organisations and drug
tive.[1] Subsequent negative feedback from stake-
manufacturers. There are lessons to be learned by
holders, and critical commentaries from clinicians
designers of trials, drug regulators, health econo-
who challenged NICE’s reliance on quality-adjusted
mists and clinical guideline developers from the
life-years (QALYs) as a measure of cost effective-
debates that occurred during the evaluation of these
ness in dementia, the use in the economic models of
old data about service costs from the US, questiona-
cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine supports
ble approaches to finding and analysing trials, and
the view that these drugs have a real, albeit modest,
treatment assumptions that did not correspond with
symptom-modifying effect in some people with
practice,[2] led to a revision of the recommendations.
Alzheimer’s disease.[3] For example, two multicen-
More trial data were obtained from pharmaceutical
tre studies have shown that donepezil slows disease
companies, particularly from subgroup analyses of
progression for up to a year, whether measured by a
responders, and this (with more up-to-date UK data
global rating scale[4] or an Alzheimer-specific mea-
on services) resulted in new economic analyses that
sure of changing function.[5] Taking a cautious view
were more favourable to the cholinesterase inhibi-
of the evidence, we should note that galantamine
tors, if not to memantine. The NICE guidance of
produces comparable slowing of the dementia pro-
2006 restricts the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to
cess, at least for 6 months, as measured by clinician
those with moderate-to-severe dementia, and limits
rating and cognitive performance, but has gastroin-
testinal adverse effects that intensify with increasing
The following four questions about developing,
dosage.[6] A systematic review of the effectiveness
testing and licensing medication for the treatment of
of rivastigmine showed that it could produce clini-
Alzheimer’s disease arose during the debate:
cally meaningful improvement across a range ofeveryday activities, from managing money through
• What are the benefits of using these medicines,
household chores to discussing politics.[7] Thesekinds of measures may be more meaningful than
• What are the costs of using these medicines, and
some of the standard scales for cognitive perform-ance and more useful in clinical practice, an issue
• How can we decide if the benefits of using these
that I will return to later (see section 2.2.1). Meman-
tine is intended for use in patients who have moder-
• What are the consequences of different approach-
ate-to-severe dementia and appears to reduce the
need for caregiver time and possibly postpone the
The attempt by NICE to answer the first three
questions for three cholinesterase inhibitors and oneNMDA receptor antagonist has a relevance beyond
the specific medicines, the clinical condition beingtreated and Britain’s NHS. The questions and their
answers are relevant to all complex or costly symp-
Alzheimer’s disease, we need to know who the
tom-modifying drugs, and a broad spectrum of de-
beneficiaries are before we can identify the potential
generative diseases, in any healthcare system in
and actual benefits of pharmacological therapies.
which a third-party payer needs to make rationing
There are three broad groups of beneficiaries from
I will attempt to answer all four questions, using
Alzheimer’s disease: people with dementia of
some of the ideas and arguments developed by
predominantly the Alzheimer type; their supporters,
NICE as well as a wider range of sources, and to
family and close associates (carers); and service
identify themes or topics for further research.
providers across a range of disciplines and agencies. 2. What are the Benefits and Who are
Clinicians, citizens’ organisations and the pharma-
the Beneficiaries?
ceutical industry tend to focus on the first twogroups, whilst health services emphasise the thirdpotential beneficiary and define the benefits as dis-
crete economic categories, such as deferment of
The comprehensive review by the NICE Tech-
transfer to residential care. However, both clinical
nology Appraisal Committee of the trials of the
and health service perspectives are problematic be-
2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
NICE and Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
cause of the difficulties in measuring outcomes ade-
abstract reasoning) and the memory needed to assess
quality of life, disease progression may render thismeasurement less and less reliable.[14] The best op-
2.2.1 People with Dementia
tion for researchers investigating treatment effects,
Treatment effects of anti-dementia drugs are dif-
and also for clinicians managing patients with de-
ficult to measure, whether subjectively or objective-
mentia syndromes, may be to use clinical global
ly. There have been few systematic attempts to
measures that combine cognition, behaviour and
collect personal experiences from users of agents for
functioning.[15] These have yet to become the norm
Alzheimer’ disease, which prompted NICE to initi-
in drug trials, particularly those mounted by indus-
ate a systematic review of the qualitative and narra-
try, but regulators are likely to require them for the
tive literature in an attempt to develop a robust
evaluation of future ‘anti-dementia’ drugs.
overview of patient experiences.[9] This review
Finally, we cannot yet predict who will benefit
found that there is little scientific literature on the
from treatment with anti-dementia drugs. Although
experiences of people with dementia using these
most patients with baseline Mini-Mental State Ex-
drugs, most evidence being anecdotal and mediated
amination (MMSE) scores of 10–20 who receive
either by professional providers or by voluntary
these drugs achieve greater benefit in terms of cog-
organisations representing carers. One immediate
nitive testing and activities of daily living scales
research objective should be to investigate the expe-
than when receiving placebo, there seems to be no
rience of treatment from the perspective of people
means of predicting such responsiveness. Therefore,
with dementia, with a view to permitting individual-
there is no definable subgroup of ‘drug responders’
ised outcome measures to be used in intervention
who, if pre-selected, would increase the benefits of
studies alongside standardised tools.
treatment and alter the cost-benefit analysis.
Objective outcome measures that are widely used
Characterising responders is another important re-
in trials may be limited in scope, may fail to capture
the impact of the disease process on the individual,may not measure responsiveness to treatment well,
2.2.2 Carers
or may produce results that are difficult to translate
The benefits of anti-dementia drugs to carers are
into clinical terms. For example, functional assess-
more widely investigated and are usually under-
ments may be crucially important in clinical terms,
stood as reduced caregiver burden and reduced eco-
but are not relevant in all cultures,[10] and are less
nomic losses (work given up).[16] In contrast with the
well developed as measures and do not seem to
experiences of people with dementia themselves, a
detect treatment changes well.[11] Cognitive function
great deal is known about caregiver burden, which
tests, whilst widely used, show small but statistically
spans the domains of psychological impairment,
significant changes in response to cholinesterase
physical damage (e.g. diminished immune response,
inhibitors that are difficult to translate into clinical
hypertension) and social isolation, whilst economic
gain,[12] and that may not be relevant in all cul-
losses include financial loss to the individual (work
tures.[13] The measurement of quality of life in de-
given up) and increased use of health services.[17]
mentia syndromes emphasises the individuality of
Measuring outcomes for carers is less problematic
patients, means more clinically than a cognitive
than it is for people with dementia, but two risks
function scale and allows the comparison of differ-
remain for those who want to include carer benefits
ent types of interventions (e.g. psychosocial and
as outcomes in intervention studies. One is that
medication). However, the subjective nature of
depending on caregiver burden as a proxy for patient
quality-of-life measurement means there is no vali-
views assumes that carers’ perspectives are necessa-
dating external gold standard, and group compari-
rily congruent with those of people with dementia,
sons are therefore difficult. Since the disease pro-
which may not always be true. The second is that
cess impairs awareness, executive functions (e.g.
measurements of economic losses to caregivers vary
2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
enormously depending on the assumptions made
3. What are the Costs, and Who
about opportunity costs (earned income foregone),
Bears Them?
the definition of caring tasks and the costs attributed
There are five identifiable types of cost when
to caring itself (as if it were a paid occupation), as
drugs are used for symptom modification in
well as the sources and datedness of service utilisa-
tion data. The initial economic evaluation of the
• prescribing costs (the cost of the drugs and the
cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine made by
NICE contained a sufficient number of challengea-
ble assumptions (e.g. about US cost data applying to
UK services) to undermine the whole judgement
• economic costs to carers through lost work op-
about the value of the medication, but it would be
equally possible to overstate the benefits of medica-
• costs to community services providing care in the
home when institutional transfer is delayed. A preoccupation with prescribing costs is under-
2.2.3 Service Providers
standable because they are the main drivers for the
Most of the concern with the benefits of treat-
rising costs of healthcare associated with population
ment with agents for Alzheimer’s disease has fo-
ageing. An analysis of trends in service utilisation
cused on the downstream economic gains that can
and healthcare costs in British Columbia, Canada,
be derived from the upstream use of symptom-
over 3 decades[23] suggests that the driving forces for
modifying drugs, particularly with delayed institu-
age-related rising costs are increased per capita
tionalisation. This is not surprising given the scale of
utilisation of medical services linked to perceived
the clinical problem. Between 1990 and 1998 the
changes in ‘capacity to benefit’, and three forms of
proportion of the EU population aged >65 years
increase in drug costs: (i) age-specific exposure
increased from 14.5% to 15.9%, and now numbers
rates or treatment patterns; (ii) changes in the vol-
around 60 million people.[18] A recent review of
ume and mix of drugs used by each patient; and (iii)
dementia prevalence studies in the EU estimated
price changes for given drug types. Medical technol-
that 3.8 million people (6.4% of this age group) had
ogies also ‘creep’ (expand beyond their original
dementia.[19] Dementia is the fourth most common
purpose), with the result that medication may be
cause of death in the ≥75-year age group[20] and is a
used beyond its range of demonstrated effective-
huge economic burden for the community.[21] In the
UK, the annual costs of Alzheimer’s disease were
Monitoring costs arise when practitioners add the
estimated in 1998 to lie between £5400 and £5800
work of re-assessing patients with dementia at regu-
million.[22] At this time, health and social services
lar intervals to evaluate the benefits of treatment,
were thought to meet 42% of this, with the remain-
and to make decisions about treatment continuation
der met by Department of Social Security funding
or modification. Although these costs may not be
quantified, they still influence policy and practice.
Given the scale of expenditure on dementia care,
For example, in the UK, the initiation of cholinester-
it is hardly surprising that regulators have a keen
ase inhibitors is a specialist function, but the review
interest in demonstrating that interventions not only
of treatment can be shared with the patient’s general
work, but also have economic benefits by reducing
practitioner, so reducing demand on outpatient clin-
the high costs of downstream expenditure on care
homes or high-intensity home support. This brings
Adverse effects can attract costs if they cause
us to consider the difficult problem of working out
hospital admission, or require a family member to
what the costs of treatment are, and how we would
take time off work to look after the person with
know that the drugs represent good value for money.
dementia at home. Although adverse effects associ-
2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
NICE and Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
ated with anti-dementia drugs are common and sig-
appropriate, particularly when appropriate data on
nificant enough to induce withdrawals from trials,
quality of life are not available,[25] as is the case with
there is no evidence of them causing costs to the
dementia syndromes. Much of the debate between
healthcare system or domestic economies.
old age psychiatrists and the NICE Technology Ap-praisal Committee centred on this issue.[26]
The opportunity costs borne by carers may be
difficult to estimate, and depend on whether the
Even if the quality-of-life data were readily avail-
economic perspective taken is that of services, or
able from trials, there are doubts about whether
societal. The boundary between ‘normal’ life and
QALYs are valid for dementia syndromes.[27] The
caring is imprecise, and the main carer (e.g. a retired
use of proxy measures of quality of life that have not
spouse) may not be engaged in paid work, but rather
been specifically developed for dementia is chal-
have a supportive role, say in the episodic care of
lenged, with recent studies demonstrating major in-
grandchildren. Opportunity costs in this scenario
consistencies and disagreements between different
will be low level, even if extra childcare has to be
proxies.[28,29] Alternative methods of assessing qual-
purchased. The opportunity costs will be much
ity of life in dementia are being developed and
higher if a son or daughter gives up paid work to be a
validated, e.g. DEMQOL.[24] An alternative measure
carer, but in doing so they will reduce the costs of
could be ‘costs per progression-free week’, as debat-ed by the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists,[26]
All the models used to predict cost and benefit of
which may provide a much more meaningful and
anti-dementia drugs focus on cognition as the main
realistic estimate of the true costs and benefits to
clinical measure in Alzheimer’s disease and institu-
patients, carers and society. It may be the case that
tionalisation as the main cost element. However, the
there is no satisfactory technical solution to the
potential benefits and risks in dementia are much
problem of rationing, and that we are always re-
wider, and cognition is not necessarily the most
turned to the value system of the society.
important aspect of the disease process. Data fromthe development of the DEMQOL instrument, a
5. Policy Issues in Technology
disease-specific measure of health-related quality of
Assessment in Dementia
life in dementia,[24] suggest that decreased quality of
If social values are the final arbiter of decisions
life is significantly correlated with higher levels of
about resource allocation, we need to think about the
behavioural and psychological disturbance, but not
development of the NICE/SCIE guidelines in such
with cognitive decline. Measuring quality of life in
terms. There are at least nine possible consequences
dementia is complex and modelling on a single
of a decision to discontinue the prescription of a
measure such as cognition is likely to miss impor-
group of effective symptom-modifying drugs for
tant factors shaping the illness experience, the im-
pact of the disease on carers and effects on service
Withholding treatment on cost grounds implies
that the health service cannot meet public expecta-tions about appropriate treatment, because it is de-
4. How do We Know if the Benefits are
nying vulnerable people with progressive neurologi-
Worth the Costs?
cal disorders treatments that can relieve their symp-
Health utility measures such as QALYs are based
on the values that people place on different health
Restricting the use of medication for Alzheimer’s
states, and are central to NICE’s judgements about
disease may contradict specific policies and service
the cost effectiveness of treatments. NICE uses a
developments in dementia care. For example, in
rule of thumb that treatments with QALYs costing
England, the National Service Framework for Older
<£30 000 are affordable for the NHS. This is not a
People and the Audit Commission have both called
fixed rule, as there are circumstances when it is not
for early identification and treatment of people with
2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
dementia. There is a real risk that policy will appear
flown principles, particularly commitments to anti-
discriminatory practices. Advocates of older peo-ples’ interests will join forces with the dementia
The proposal will shift costs of medication to
lobby to campaign against adverse decisions, per-
people with dementia and their families because
haps claiming violation of human rights by the gov-
people will buy the medication for themselves or
ernment if it accepts and adopts such recommenda-
their relative. This is inequitable, if personal income
tions. Legal action, launched by the pharmaceutical
or savings are used, and could also reduce people’s
industry and supported by a voluntary organisation,
ability to spend money on other important things,
was announced during the writing of this paper.
In the period between the decision to discontinue
Curtailing the prescription of these drugs may
medication availability and any curtailment of new
undermine current service development in dementia
prescribing, doctors may opt to offer these
care. For example, in the UK, old age psychiatry has
medicines to people whose diagnosis is suspected
become an important and dynamic discipline within
rather than confirmed, since they could continue
medicine, partly through its growing community
with medication begun before the curtailment dead-
role, but this role may now be diminished through
line. Perversely, prescribing costs could increase
loss of an effective form of treatment. The recruit-
temporarily, and individuals and families may chal-
ment and retention of clinicians specialising in old
lenge clinical decisions, during this window of op-
age psychiatry may be compromised in the longer
portunity, if the drugs are not prescribed.
term. The growth of dementia care services forpeople with early dementia may go into reverse, and
Decisions about using supposedly expensive
treatments inevitably prompt debates about publicexpenditure priorities. For example, why should the
Voluntary organisations may feel that their per-
public health service bear the costs of antifungal
spectives and concerns are being ignored in the
treatment for infected toenails (a form of cosmetic
policy development process. A huge amount of ef-
therapy) but not for reduction of dementia symp-
fort has been put into inclusiveness in policy makingin the UK, with stakeholder opinion being sought
toms? More invidiously, some will question why the
assiduously by the Department of Health and NICE
taxpayer should pay for immigrants’ healthcare but
itself. Whilst this apparent rejection of the strong
not for that of veterans of World War II? The
interest of organisations such as the Alzheimer’s
political arguments that flow from this kind of eco-
Society in the treatments for dementia may strength-
nomic logic are not likely to be ones welcomed by
en their campaigning role it does not strengthen the
any political party in government, particularly if it
idea of ‘partnership working’. In one move, an ad-
wants to emphasise improvements in healthcare and
verse decision about medication could propel the
voluntary sector from partnership with the health-
The irony of this proposal in England is that it
care system into conflict. The message to individu-
coincides with the establishment by the Department
als may be that the relief of symptoms is simply not
of Health of a national dementia research network to
worth attention from public services. It is difficult to
subsidise further studies (including large trials of
think of an easier way to trigger a sense of abandon-
new medicines) and to limit the drift of drug re-
ment amongst people with newly diagnosed demen-
search from the UK to cheaper countries of Eastern
Europe and Asia. Could a government send a clearer
Rightly or wrongly many will see the proposals
signal to inhibit pharmaceutical industry investment
to restrict access to cholinesterase inhibitors and
in the UK than allowing one of its agencies to curtail
memantine as evidence that older people are deval-
the use of medication of proven effectiveness, on
ued. Charges of ageism will be compared to high-
2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
NICE and Drug Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
6. Conclusion Acknowledgements
The author was a member of the NICE/SCIE Dementia
The outcome of much debate about the use of
Guidelines Development Group 2004–6, and in the past has
cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in England
received unrestricted research funding from Eisai/Pfizer. No
is that the former can be prescribed by NHS doctors
sources of funding were used in the preparation of this
for people with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s dis-
ease, and that memantine can only be prescribed aspart of a well designed trial. However, the definition
of ‘moderate’ is essentially a clinical one, based on
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Correspondence and offprints: Dr Steve Iliffe, University
health-related quality of life for people with dementia: devel-
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SEZGIN GALLEYSFINAL2 11/18/2011 10:01 AM WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN THE TRIANGLE OF STATE, LAW, AND RELIGION: A COMPARISON OF EGYPT AND INDIA A personal status system can be defined as a system in which members of various ethno-religious communities, which are judicially recognized as such by central authorities, are subject to jurisdiction of communal (rather than national or territorial) norm
AYUNTAMIENTO DE BEDIA ORDENANZA FISCAL MUNICIPAL REGULADORA . DEL IMPUESTO SOBRE EL INCREMENTO DEL VALOR . DE LOS TERRENOS DE NATURALEZA URBANA. I. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES. Artículo 1 . Este Ayuntamiento, de acuerdo con lo previsto en la Norma Foral reguladora de las Haciendas Locales del Territorio Histórico y en la Norma Foral particular del tributo, establece y exige el Impuesto sobre el