FootPRINT Fund
Application must be complete and submitted to Allegra no later than 5 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2012, along with requested documents to be eligible for a 2013 FootPRINT Fund award. Please include: - Copy of most recent brochure or annual report Return applications to Allegra Marketing, Print, Mail, 4149 120th St., Urbandale, IA 50323 Questions? Call Amy at 515-244-1414.
Organization _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________ State ______________Zip ________________ Primary Contact __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________ Mission _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Value of services requested (Max. $1,000) ___________________________________________________________________ How would these services benefit your organization? (Use additional sheet if needed) ___ Create a new communications piece. Please describe. ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Support existing project. Please describe. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What portion of your annual budget is used for marketing? ______% What are your organization’s major funding sources? Source ______%________________________________________ Source ______% __________________________________ I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have the authority to request funds for the organization named above.
Name (Please print)________________________________________________ Title _______________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________Date_________________________ * Organizations do not need to be a current customer of Allegra to apply. All awarded services must be used between Jan. 2, 2013 and Dec. 30, 2013. Awards may only be used for projects detailed in this application and originating during these dates. Awards may not be used to offset any existing balances due to Allegra. 4149 120th Street | Urbandale, IA 50323 | P: 515-244-1414 | F: 515-244-4275 |


Popular diabetes drug does not improve survival rates after cancer: study TORONTO, ON, May 9, 2013 — Despite previous scientific studies that suggest diabetes drug metformin has anti-cancer properties, a new, first-of-its-kind study from Women’s College Hospital has found the drug may not actually improve survival rates after breast cancer in certain patients. The study, published in

Optima preferred and standard drugs july 2000

OPTIMA HEALTH Preferred Drugs List October-December 2012 Dear Doctor: Please refer to this list when prescribing for your patient. Your patient will have lower drug costs if you prescribe generic drugs and allow brand substitution for dual-branded products. PA= prior authorization required Qty= quantity limit SE= step edit required Small Case Letters= tier 1 Uppercase First Let

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