
immediate medical (ophthalmologic) attention. 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION
Speed in treatment can prevent serious eye damage. Clumps of moist material may lodge CALCIUM HYDROXIDE
deeply in cul-de-sacs inferiorly and superiorly, and may be difficult to remove by normal irrigation. Ensure adequate flushing by opening eyelids and removing clumps of material. Skin Contact
Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Flush affected areas immediately with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes or 2 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS
neutralize alkali effects. Then wash thoroughly with soap and water. If burns are suspected or irritation persist, seek immediate medical attention. If burns are suspected or irritation persists, seek immediate medical attention. 3 HAZARDS
Ingestion DO
Main Hazards
Adverse Health
Greyish / white non-flammable thick liquid Give person water or milk to drink. Rinse suspension in water. Highly irritating and residual material from the mouth and throat. corrosive to the eyes, mucous membranes and DO NOT give neutralizing agents or activated respiratory system. Ingestion or skin and eye charcoal. Never give anything by mouth to an contact may cause severe burns. Inhalation of unconscious person. If spontaneous vomiting mists or dusts from dried product may cause occurs, ensure that the airway is clear and rinse severe respiratory irritation, burns and Inhalation
Inhalation of dust may be severely irritating and MANDATORY IN ALL CASES OF OVER-
cause burns to the nose and throat. Repeated or EXPOSURE!
prolonged inhalation may inflame respiratory Quick removal from the contaminated area is most important. Persons should be assisted to perforation of the nasal septum. Stridor, an uncontaminated area and inhale fresh air. tightness of the chest, and pulmonary oedema Further treatment should be symptomatic and may occur following excessive inhalation of NOTE TO PHYSICIAN:
Eye Contact
Contact with eyes will cause irritation or Ingestion
Oesophaguscopy should be performed within characteristic alkaline burns. Very irritating to 12 to 24 hours after ingestion. Second and third degree burns have been reported in 9 to 22% of anaesthetic for several days after the injury, circumferential burn for fear of perforation. nerves. Clumps of moist material may form and Antibiotics should be used only for specific be difficult to remove by normal irrigation. indications of infection. Pharmacological does Clumps tend to lodge deep in the cul-de-sacs and act as reservoirs for liberation of calcium hydroxide over long periods of time. Blindness circumferential oesophageal burns are detected. Inhalation
Administer oxygen, determine blood gases, and Skin Contact
May be severely irritating to the skin and moist obtain a chest x-ray. If Pulmonary oedema is tissue. Contact can cause corrosive burns. present, consider positive and expiratory Calcium hydroxide penetrates the skin slowly, so that the extend of damage depends on the duration of contact. 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES
Ingestion usually results in burns to the lips, Extinguishing
Use extinguishing media suitable for the tongue, and mucous membranes of the mouth combustible materials involved in the fire. and throat, followed by severe abdominal pain. Use water in flooding quantities as a fog, and Burns may appear in the throat without being apply from as far a distance as possible. Do present in the mouth. Spontaneous vomiting, abdominal pain, dysphasia, an d drooling may be noted. In severe cases, if death does not occur in the first 24 hours, the person may improve in 2 to 4 days, followed by the onset of severe abdominal pain and rapid fall of blood pressure. These conditions indicate delayed Specific Hazards
1076°F (580°C ), calcium hydroxide can Oesophageal stricture can occur within weeks decompose to produce calcium oxide (CaO) to months later, making swallowing difficult. and water vapour. Calcium oxide is irritating Medical conditions Pre-existing eye, skin, and
aggravated by
organic materials. Calcium oxide also reacts Exposure:
with water to form calcium hydroxide, which liberates heat during formation. 4 FIRST AID MEASURES
Emergency Actions
Eye Contact
In case of eye contact, immediately flush with Protective Clothing
low pressure, cool water for at least 30 minutes, protection (SCBA) and full turnout or Bunker Environmental
Evacuate all personnel from affected area. Precautions
when responding to spill. Contain leak/spill if Oil/water partition coefficient Not available Small spills
Carefully scoop or shovel into clean, dry 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
containers for disposal or recovery. For lime Stability
that has dried, avoid creating dust. Recovered Conditions
flushed to sewer if appropriate approvals are Incompatible
decomposition of maleic anhydride. Forms Large spills
explosive products with nitro ethane and water. hazard area. Stay upwind from dried material Phosphorus boiled alkaline oxides yield mixed present, and uphill in the event of a slurry phosphines which may ignite spontaneously in spill. Dike well ahead of slurry for later disposal or recovery. Protective clothing and Hazardous
Liberates ammonia (NH3) from ammonium
salts. When heated above 1076°F (580°C), exposure to lime. Personnel responding to Products
large spills should have training in lime characteristics and spill response. Avoid creating dust if material has dried. Keep 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION
material away from waterways and sewers. Skin & eye contact
Corrosive to skin and eyes. Can cause characteristic alkaline burns and tissue 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE
equipment. Do not inhale dusts or mists. Do Ingestion
not get on the skin or in the eyes. Immediately Mutagenicity
flush contaminated skin with large quantities of water. Consumption of food or beverages in the work area should be prohibited. Use good 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Acute and long-term Toxicity to Fish and Invertebrates. TLm Store in a clean ventilated area. Isolate Mosquito Fish: 240ppm/24 hr; 220ppm/48 hr; 160ppm/96 hr @ 21- 8 EXPOSURE
An emergency eye-wash station, and safety Disposal Methods
Dispose in accordance with federal, state, and Exposure
shower should be available in the immediate guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Engineering
Use local exhaust and general ventilation 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION
to reduce dust concentrations, if any, to ROAD TRANSPORTATION
Long-sleeve shirts or another skin covering SEA TRANSPORTATION
Use long protective gloves of any material to AIR TRANSPORTATION
prevent contact of dried material with the skin. Use long rubber gloves, apron, boots, etc. as 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION
necessary to prevent contact with slurry. Eyes / Face
Safety glasses with side-shields, goggles, or full-face shield as necessary, to prevent contact. Respiratory
Respiratory protection is normally not necessary with adequate ventilation. A NIOSH/MSHA – approved respirator with HEPA cartridge may immediately with plenty of water and seek 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
Information contained in this publication is accurate at the date of publication. The company does not accept liability arising from the use of this information, or the use, application, adaptation or process The Stripe Symbol and the word AFROX are AFROX Group Trademarks. For product and safety enquiries please phone EMERGENCY N°: 0860020202 (24 hr)


Microsoft word - post op instr

Post-Operative Instructions for Dental Surgery Prescribed medications: Take as directed. Most patients will have a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, Motrin, Lodine, or Anaprox prescribed to decrease swelling and lessen discomfort. Please take all of this medication as directed. The most common side effect some anti-inflammatories is an upset stomach. A narc

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