Microsoft word - minutes 7-08-04.doc

1. Call to Order - Meeting was called to order by JAC 2nd Vice-Chair Gilbert Martinez at 12:00 PM.

A. Attendance/Introductions
33 voting members
16 members present
Paul Isenstadt, Stephen Barr, Debbie Davidson, Robert MacDonald, Judith Horose, Barney Iuppa
(for Sylvia Manzaneres), Kathy Moore, Terry Klopfenstein, Richard Marr (for Jerry Gasko), Gilbert
Martinez, John Morse, Roni Spaulding, Robert Briggle, Larry Kastner, Carl Tracer, David Felice
(for Luis Velez), Wayne Williams.
12 members absent
Bobby Brown, Mike Leslie, John Loomis, Mike Milar, Rick Tudor, Terrie Burke, Sharon Raggio,
Jorge Sierra, Scott Hente, and members requesting excused absences: Tom Rosazza, Jeanne
5 representatives not yet assigned
Cities of Calhan, Green Mountain Falls, Palmer Lake, and Ramah, Teller County Board of
Guests and Non-Voting Members in Attendance
Jan Barkley, Heidi Stringham, Rick Booth, Mike Gardner, Scott Lemon, Edgardo Menjivar,
Tim Feuhrer

Staff in Attendance
Theresa Chambers, Henry Sontheimer, Jane Headley, Jay Lauer
B. Minutes June, 2004 – It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes.
2. Educating Ourselves – Medication-Assisted Addiction Treatment
Western Clinical Health Services is the only methadone maintenance provider in El Paso County. Methadone is a proven mdeical means of treating persons addicted to heroin and other opiates. Clients obtain methadone through a prescription and take their daily dose at the clinic 6 days a week (on Saturday they are given Sunday’s dose to take home with them). Methadone keeps patients from craving heroin, but does not produce a high. Side effects are minimal. The clinic employs certified addiction treatment counselors and offers counseling along with the methadone treatment. Most of their clients are not court-ordered, but many are involved with the justice system. When methadone maintenance was originally conceived, it was expected that patients would take the drug forever to control their addiction. It is possible for patients to stop taking methadone and go through a detox regime. However, there is a risk that they will return to using illegal opiates. The clinic also treats patients with Disulfiram (the generic equivalent of Antabuse) to control alcohol dependence. This drug is much more affordable than Antabuse at about $50 to $75 per month.
Old Business

4. New Business

A. HEADS UP! What current events or considerations in your
Henry Sontheimer noted that the 3rd area Domestic Violence Summit conference will be held in Colorado Springs on September 23-24, 2004. Registration materials were available at the meeting. Roni Spaulding announced that the Fountain Valley Senior Center, which is currently under the auspices of the County Department of Human Services, will being transitioned to non-profit status over the next year. Paul Isenstadt announced that ComCor, Inc. has some new contracts. They will be operating two programs for female Community Corrections clients who initially failed, but are being given another chance before facing a return to prison. One is a “return to custody” program and the other is a “remediation” program. Unlike regular Community Corrections clients, these women will have little or no community contact. ComCor also was awarded a contract to provide Day Treatment services in four judicial districts, including the Fourth. B. Committee Reports

a. Special Populations – John Morse
The Committee did not meet in June
b. Jail Alternatives – Henry Sontheimer (for Tom Rosazza) The Committee has finalized its work on the jail plan. The Committee will present the plan to the Council in August for their consideration and possible adoption. If adopted by the JAC, the plan will be presented to the BoCC, initially at a worksession on September 16, at 2 PM. It would then be scheduled as an agenda item for BoCC action at a later meeting. c. Data – Robert Briggle The Committee is developing a Request-for-Proposals (RFP) to identify a vendor for the next phase of the integration project. A draft is being circulated among the Committee and will then be submitted to the County Procurements Department for final revisions before it is released. D. Populations
1. Jail – Larry Kastner
Today’s jail count is 1,216, including 194 females and 31 DOC backlog. The population by facility
is Metro: 351, CJC: 725, MSU: 128. The Daily Population Summary has been revised due to the
changeover to a new Jail Management System (JMS). The form will be modified to make it more
2. DOC (institutional and community-based) – Robert MacDonald
The written report was reviewed. The DOC population is essentially unchanged from last month.
3. Pre-Trial – Jane Headley
There are 436 clients on active PR bonds as of today. The monthly report for June could not be
completed because some of the reports used to generate it have not yet been programmed into
the new JMS.
E. Legislative Review Roundtable
Several new laws went into effect on July 1, 2004. The blood alcohol limit (BAC) threshold for DUI was reduced from .10 to .08. Judge Iuppa predicted that the change will not have a great effect on the court caseload for DUI. Another new law allows the Sheriff to charge a $30 booking fee at the jail. Twenty percent of the monies collected will go towards community-based mental health services, twenty percent is for training of Sheriffs, deputies, and other local law enforcement officers, and the remaining 60% is for law-enforcement related expenditures to help defray the costs of booking. 6. Next Meeting

The next Council meeting will be August 12, 2004. Confirmed.
7. Adjourn

A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 12:50 p.m.
Approved by Council at the August 12, 2004 meeting.
Jeanne Smith, Chair____________________________


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